Collecting Usage Data was further detailed when using MarvinSketch for free (Section 1.3).
Disclosing of results generated using any CHEMAXON SOFTWARE was further restricted (last bullet of Chapter "YOU MAY NOT" in Section 1).
The free usage of MarvinSketch, MarvinView and Molconvert was extended for primary, secondary and high schools or a school network (Section 1.2).
Free downloaders of MarvinSketch, MarvinView and Molconvert were notified that their data of usage will be collected (Section 1.3).
Disclaimer for license purchase through distributors was added (bottom of Section 1).
Support limitations for releases that were made available beyond one year (Section 2).
Your consent was added that Chemaxon has the right to forward your support request to third parties if it relates to their products (Section 2).
Termination of the EULA was completed with the case when you are acquired (Section 3).
An audit clause was added to Section 6.
Arbitration was cancelled as dispute resolution (Section 6).
The way of termination on your part and modification of the EULA on Chemaxon's part were clarified (Section 6).
Details are in the document.