Restricted compounds

    A role based restriction can be used on order to hide restricted structures from the user.

    For users who belong to a group which lacks the "VIEW_RESTRICTED_STRUCTURE" role, all structures that have a non-zero positive integer value set for the Restriction field will be hidden. More details on the Groups and roles can be found here.


    In order to set a structure to be restricted a non-zero positive integer value has to be set for the structure during the registration from the Staging area/Submission page or during bulk upload.

    Setting the Restriction value on the Submission page

    {primary} Currently this value can be set only from the Staging area/Submission page or during bulk upload, it cannot be set from the Registration page

    {primary} The restricted structures are still visible for the users who have no privilege for this in the Staging area (Submission page). Once restricted structures are registered, the restriction is applied.

    During a bulk upload process a field from the uploaded file can be mapped to the "Restricted" field and as a consequence all those structures will be registered as restricted.

    Mapping or appending the "Restricted" field during bulk upload

    Browse page

    The restriction can be set even after registration.

    The users who cannot view restricted structures will be able to see the compound tree on the Browse page with all the Ids, Molweight, Molecular formula, first data group (e.g. Created on), second data group (Created by) and all the additional data, but not the structure itself.

    Compound tree (lot level) for a user who has the privilege to see restricted structures
    Compound tree (lot level) for a user who has not the privilege to see restricted structures

    Search page

    The restricted structures are not visible on the Search page for those who do not the privilege.

    Search page (lot level) for a user who do not have privilege to see restricted structures

    {info} In case of a match the restricted and the non-restricted compounds are stored within the same compound tree, new compound Id is not automatically assigned.