Marvin/JChem 24.3.2 used.
Marvin/JChem 24.3.0 used.
Marvin/JChem 24.1.3 used.
Marvin/JChem 24.1.0 used.
Marvin/JChem 23.5.0 used.
Marvin/JChem 21.15.7 used.
Marvin/JChem 21.13.0 used.
HELM related
A new conversion action has been implemented in JChem for Excel to convert HELM representation to structure and vice versa the peptide structure to the HELM representations. This is provided for users who have access to the Biomolecule Toolkit. The new action can be made accessible for the users with the customization of the ribbon.
JChem for Excel File Converter Tool related
HELM related
JChem for Excel File Converter Tool related
JChemExcel Functions Handling
Windows and Office updates related
Copy-Paste related
Import (from Database and File)
Structure Drawing related
The recognition of the path of JCFunctions.xla has been improved in those cases when the file has been created previously with an Excel having different bit-versions from the one currently launched by the user (32-bit vs 64-bit versions of Microsoft Excel/Office).
New parameters for the " HELM to Structure " conversions has been introduced in JChem/Options. " Enable Explicit Hydrogens ", " Expand Branching Amino Acids " and " Expand Non-natural Amino Acids " options can be set to True or False."
The Biomolecule Toolkit webservice now gives a more user friendly error when the connection fails.
The conversion action introduced in 20.10 version of JChem for Excel (to convert HELM representation to peptide structure and vice versa) is now able to handle the Biomolecule Toolkit with secure https connections.
The functionality of the " Restore Defaults " button has been improved: the user can select to restore all options to default or only options on the currently used page.
When importing only structure and ID from an SDFile, with ID set to " Use as Identifier " with Transpose option gave an error.
When changing the structure display option in JChem for Excel/Options had no effect on structure display in Editor Pane.
"Confirmation on change" check-box was not working properly in Editor Pane.
After an Office update , editing a structure resulted in the increase of the structure size in JChem for Word, Powerpoint, and Outlook.
In JChem for Word and Outlook only 6 records and its multiples have been imported with default, "All in one table" layout.
A MarvinSketch .NET form resizing problem was fixed in Chemaxon .NET API. The issue has occurred in certain external applications.
A MarvinSketch .NET form resizing problem was fixed in Chemaxon .NET API. The issue has occurred in certain external applications.
It was not possible to add a reaction to a document using version 20.12 (it worked fine in 20.11 and before).
Now an error message informs the user when a component is missing for conversion of a file from " Insight for Excel " to " JChem for Excel "format.
Now a warning message appears when the user presses the Apply Display button on a structure, which has CDX, CDXML or SKC format and the selected " Molecule Structure Renderer " is not Marvin. The message informs the user that Marvin rendering will be used.
When the structure was present on the clipboard in only MDLCT format, pasting it into MarvinSketch and MarvinSketch .NET was not possible.
A MarvinSketch .NET form resizing problem was fixed in Chemaxon .NET API. The issue has occurred in certain external applications.
In JChem for Word and Outlook only 6 records and its multiples have been imported with default, "All in one table" layout.
In JChem for Word and Outlook, the number of imported structures was only 6 records or its multiples in case of default, "All in one table" layout.
When copying a structure from MarvinSketch java or .NET to JChem for Office (Word, Powerpoint or Outlook), those Display and Scale settings were loaded in JChem for Office during editing, which were specified in MarvinSketch even after pressing the "Display" and/or "Scale" JChem ribbon buttons.
The lightweight version of JChem for Office, called " JChem for Office Lite " has been released.
ChemDraw 19 is fully supported as structure editor with 32 and 64-bit versions of JChem for Office.
A new "Molecule Structure Renderer" option has been introduced in JChem for Word, Powerpoint, and Outlook to select which type of structure rendering should be used: "Marvin" or "ChemDraw". "Autodetect" option has also been introduced for cases when the user has no information about the structure rendering, if this option is selected structure format is recognized automatically and the matching type of rendering is used.
In JChem for Office a warning message appears during editing when the selected structure object is coming from another type of chemical drawing application (eg. ISISDraw or ChemDraw), informing the user that specific features may be lost. Now this message doesn't appear if the editor and the renderer are the same (eg. editing a structure with ChemDraw when the renderer has been set to ChemDraw).
Now when editing JCStructure type structure cells a message informs the user that this kind of structure cannot be edited (only JCSYSStructure type.)
Now it is possible with other types of structure cells (eg. JCStructure, JCIDSYSStructure, etc.) to copy and paste multiple structures (with data) as table from JChem for Excel to JChem for Word, Powerpoint or Outlook with Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.
Now when copying a structure from ChemDraw and then editing in JChem for Word, Powerpoint or Outlook with Marvin .NET editor, a message informs the user that some information can be lost, if currently selected structure editor settings will be used.
Now it is possible to convert Insight for Excel files and worksheets to JChem for Excel files and worksheets with the standalone File Converter Tool and right-click menu item. (The "DotNetPPChemSDK_GAC.dll" needs to be available on the computer where the Insight for Excel conversion will be running.)
OLE related bug fixes
If Marvin OLE Server was not running as service, it could not start upon OLE edit/open/convert action.
The conversion of ISIS OLE objects to editable JChem for Office structure objects were not possible in case of special type of old, legacy objects in Word, Powerpoint, and Outlook.
Formatted tables related bug fixes
There was a structure handling error in formatted Excel tables.
Structure Filter with substructure search gave wrong results when running on a formatted table.
JChemExcelFunctions related bug fixes
In some rare cases, solubility at pH 7.4 was calculated instead of Intrinsic Solubility when using the LogS function.
If a workbook containing JChem for Excel functions was loaded, then closed, the VBA project explorer still listed it as an open workbook, and a new item appeared in the list for each open/close instance.
When doing structure filtering in Import from Database dialog, some functionalities eg. "Return Non-Hits" option have been working only when doing filtering the second time.
Import by IDs related bug fixes
When using "ID -> Structure" button, the result of a conversion was a wrong cell format and the switch between IDs and structures within the same cell was not possible.
The selected IDs could not be converted with "ID to Structure" ribbon button, if the referenced database table contained the "No structures" and/or corrupted structures in BLOB type fields in Oracle Cartridge, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
MarvinSketch related bug fixes
After an Office update editing a structure resulted in the increase of the structure size in JChem for Word, Powerpoint and Outlook.
The Marvin editor opened up multiple times when double-clicking on a structure object in PowerPoint/Word.
In some environments Marvin Sketch crashed in JChem for Office/Excel applications because of incorrect memory handling.
Error message appeared when changing from an editor which is not installed on the computer back to an installed one and double-clicking on an exiting structure object.
Structure Display related bug fixes
Structure display settings were not set back to default when user.config file was deleted from the user's home folder.
Structures without appropriate alternate information were not possible to edit.
In JChem for Word and Outlook "Display" and "Scale" buttons didn't work properly on structures with IDs.
In case of some display properties (eg. margin size) the value defined in the file has been read not the one from JChem for Office/Options.
Valence errors were not displayed on the structures.
Copy-Paste related bug fixes
When paste action with Ctrl+V was repeated accidentally, eg. by keeping Ctrl button pressed, at the second, third time not the structure but only its MRV content has been pasted in text format.
Copy-paste by Ctrl+C - Ctrl+V didn't work properly between JChem for Excel and JChem for Office when the selected range on the sheet was not continuous or the selected range contained hidden rows.
The first paste of a text containing MRV content inserted both the structure object and the MRV in text format in JChem for Outlook.
Ribbon Copy-Paste and Ctrl+C-Ctrl+V handled decimals different when copying tables from JChem for Excel to JChem for Office.
An error message appeared when non-chemical text has been pasted with ribbon Paste in JChem for Excel.
Removed Option
If Marvin OLE Server was not running as service, it could not start upon OLE edit/open/convert action.
There was a structure handling error in formatted Excel tables.
Structure Filter with substructure search gave wrong results when running on a formatted table.
If Marvin OLE Server was not running as service, it could not start upon OLE edit/open/convert action.
There was a structure handling error in formatted Excel tables.
When doing structure filtering in Import from Database dialog, some functionalities eg. "Return Non-Hits" option have been working only when doing filtering the second time.
In some rare cases, solubility at pH 7.4 was calculated instead of Intrinsic Solubilty when using the LogS function.
The Marvin editor opened up multiple times when double-clicking on a structure object in PowerPoint/Word.
If a workbook containing JChem for Excel functions was loaded, then closed, the VBA project explorer still listed it as an open workbook, and a new item appeared in the list for each open/close instance.
In some environments Marvin Sketch crashed in JChem for Office/Excel applications because of incorrect memory handling.
The lightweight version of JChem for Office, called " JChem for Office Lite " has been released.
ChemDraw 19 is fully supported as structure editor with 32 and 64-bit versions of JChem for Office.
In some environments Marvin Sketch crashed in JChem for Office/Excel applications because of incorrect memory handling.
When using "ID -> Structure" button, the result of a conversion was a wrong cell format and the swith between IDs and structures within the same cell was not possible.
If a workbook containing JChem for Excel functions was loaded, then closed, the VBA project explorer still listed it as an open workbook, and a new item appeared in the list for each open/close instance.
Error message appeared when changing from an editor which is not installed on the computer back to an installed one and double-clicking on an exiting structure object.
Structure display settings were not set back to default when user.config file was deleted from the user's home folder.
When paste action with Ctrl+V was repeated accidentally, eg. by keeping Ctrl button pressed, at the second, third time not the structure but only its MRV content has been pasted in text format.
Copy-paste by Ctrl+C - Ctrl+V didn't work properly between JChem for Excel and JChem for Office when the selected range on the sheet was not continuous or the selected range contained hidden rows.
The Marvin editor opened up multiple times when double-clicking on a structure object in PowerPoint/Word.
The selected IDs could not be converted with "ID to Structure" ribbon button, if the referenced database table contained the "No structures" and/or corrupted structures in BLOB type fields in Oracle Cartridge, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
The first paste of a text containing MRV content inserted both the structure object and the MRV in text format in JChem for Outlook.
Ribbon Copy-Paste and Ctrl+C-Ctrl+V handled decimals different when copying tables from JChem for Excel to JChem for Office.
Error message appeared when non-chemical text has been pasted with ribbon Paste in JChem for Excel.
Now when editing JCStructure type structure cells a message informs the user that this kind of structure cannot be edited (only JCSYSStructure type.)
Now it is possible with other types of structure cells (eg. JCStructure, JCIDSYSStructure, etc.) to copy and paste multiple structures (with data) as table from JChem for Excel to JChem for Word, Powerpoint or Outlook with Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.
Now when copying a structure from ChemDraw and then editing in JChem for Word, Powerpoint or Outlook with Marvin .NET editor, a message informs the user that some information can be lost, if currently selected structure editor settings will be used.
Structure Filter with substructure search gave wrong results when running on a formatted table.
Structures without appropriate alternate information were not possible to edit.
In JChem for Word and Outlook "Display" and "Scale" buttons didn't work properly on structures with IDs.
The conversion of ISIS OLE objects to editable JChem for Office structure objects were not possible in case of special type of old, legacy objects in Word, Powerpoint and Outlook.
The full feature set of JChem for Excel and Office is now supported in Microsoft Office 2019.
Now Ctrl+C-Ctrl+V supports the same workflows as ribbon Copy-Paste in case of standard JChem for Office structures (JCSYSStructure type in JChem for Excel).
A new button ( CompReg ID->Str ) has been introduced in the JChem for Excel ribbon to import structures by IDs directly from CompReg database. Parallel to this the Associate ID button has been renamed to ID->Structure to be more consistent with the new button.
File import process has been improved in cases when the chemical file format, for example, SMILES does not contain coordinates for the atoms, bonds, and so on, and 2D cleaning is necessary during the import process. The user can decide on the 2D Cleaning Confirmation dialog one by one or in bulk mode if the cleaning algorithm can eliminate special stereo information.
IKVM, the 3rd party tool that converts the java-based codebase to .NET to create .NET APIs (for example, JChem.NET) and .NET applications (for example, MarvinSketch.NET) has been upgraded to version
The Delete button has been removed from the JChem ribbon in Word, Powerpoint, and Outlook. Use the Delete key instead.
When a structure, which was added to the document in CDX format was edited with ChemDraw, the modified image was a bit smaller than the original one.
JChemExcel add-in now starts loading in cases when there are no JCSYSStructure functions yet in the workbook, only other types of structure functions, for example, JCStructure, JCIDSYSStructure.
It was not possible to convert a special type of ChemDraw for Excel file format to JChem for Excel format.
There was a small issue in OLE object editing after pasting the object to JChem for PowerPoint.
Cartridge search was enabled on a view, which was created from a tabled where cartridge search was not enabled.
Import Format options (General, Date, Currency, Number, Text) in Import from Database and Import by IDs dialogs had no effect on the imported structure format on the Excel sheet.
An incomplete warning message was displayed after converting structures to text and vice versa.
When importing formats, which need 2DClean, for example, SMILES, CXSMILES, or IUPAC name, 2DClean related error message appeared in some cases.
When an image was selected in Word, adding a new structure overwrote the image.
The structure filter gave an error if the target column contained the molecule structure in merged cells.
The structure was overwritten when Microsoft Excel's AutoFilter and JChem for Excel's Structure Filter functionality was used alternatively.
From Text was not working in formatted tables with the Insert Right option.
Content of an .mrv file in text format, which doesn't contain scale information could not be pasted correctly (not as text) into Marvin .NET canvas and all JChem for Office applications.
Content of a .mol file in text format, even if the first row is empty could not be pasted correctly (not as text) into Marvin .NET canvas and all JChem for Office applications.
SMILES could not be pasted correctly (not as text) into Marvin .NET canvas and all JChem for Office applications.
Text copy with Ctrl+C - Ctrl+V worked only with double button press if the Ctrl+C-Ctrl+V runs JChem for Office Copy/Paste option has been set to True
Double-clicking in a new email message in Outlook, the JChem for Office splash screen came up for a second, even if no JC4O functions/features have been used.
In some rare Windows 10 environments, JChem for Excel ribbon grayed out after installation.
When exporting a file that contained a cell with more than 32k characters the content of the cell itself did not export.
Numbers did not display with the same number of decimals when copying together structures with data from Excel to Word/Powerpoint/Outlook with Ctrl+C and pasting with Ctrl+V.
Unable to construct Marvin editor control message appeared when launching JChem for Outlook with Optimize for best appearance user interface option.
When a structure, which was added to the document in CDX format was edited with ChemDraw, the modified image was a bit smaller than the original one.
JChemExcel add-in now starts loading in cases when there are no JCSYSStructure functions yet in the workbook, only other types of structure functions: eg. JCStructure, JCIDSYSStructure.
It was not possible to convert a special type of ChemDraw for Excel file format to JChem for Excel format.
There was a small issue in OLE object editing after pasting the object to JChem for PowerPoint.
Cartridge search was enabled on a view, which was created from a tabled where cartridge search was not enabled.
Import Format options (General, Date, Currency, Number, Text) in Import from Database and Import by IDs dialogs had no effect on the imported structure format on the Excel sheet.
An incomplete warning message was displayed after converting structures to text and vice versa.
When importing formats, which need 2DClean, for example, SMILES, CXSMILES, or IUPAC name, 2DClean related error message appeared in some cases.
When an image was selected in Word, adding a new structure overwrote the image.
The structure filter gave an error if the target column contained the molecule structure in merged cells.
When an image was selected in Word, adding a new structure overwrote the selected image.
In some rare Windows 10 environments, JChem for Excel ribbon grayed out after installation.
Unable to construct Marvin editor control message appeared when launching JChem for Outlook with Optimize for best appearance user interface option.
In some rare Windows 10 environments, JChem for Excel ribbon grayed out after installation.
Unable to construct Marvin editor control message appeared when launching JChem for Outlook with Optimize for best appearance user interface option.
The full feature set of JChem for Excel and Office is supported in Microsoft Office 2019.
Now Ctrl+C - Ctrl+V supports the same workflows as ribbon Copy-Paste in case of standard JChem for Office structures (JCSYSStructure type in JChem for Excel).
A new button ( CompReg ID->Str ) has been introduced in the JChem for Excel ribbon to import structures by IDs directly from CompReg database. Parallel to this the Associate ID button has been renamed to ID->Structure to be more consistent with the new button.
IKVM, the 3rd party tool that converts the java-based codebase to .NET to create .NET APIs (for example, JChem.NET) and .NET applications (for example, MarvinSketch.NET) has been upgraded to version
The Delete button has been removed from the JChem ribbon in Word, Powerpoint, and Outlook. Use the Delete key instead.
From Text was not working in formatted tables with the Insert Right option.
Content of an .mrv file in text format, which doesn't contain scale information could not be pasted correctly (not as text) into Marvin .NET canvas and all JChem for Office applications.
Content of a .mol file in text format, even if the first row is empty could not be pasted correctly (not as text) into Marvin .NET canvas and all JChem for Office applications.
SMILES could not be pasted correctly (not as text) into Marvin .NET canvas and all JChem for Office applications.
Text copy with Ctrl+C - Ctrl+V worked only with double button press if the Ctrl+C-Ctrl+V runs JChem for Office Copy/Paste option has been set to True
Double-clicking in a new email message in Outlook, the JChem for Office splash screen came up for a second, even if no JC4O functions/features have been used.
In some rare Windows 10 environments, JChem for Excel ribbon grayed out after installation.
When exporting a file that contained a cell with more than 32k characters the content of the cell itself did not export.
Numbers did not display with the same number of decimals when copying together structures with data from Excel to Word/Powerpoint/Outlook with Ctrl+C and pasting with Ctrl+V.
Unable to construct Marvin editor control message appeared when launching JChem for Outlook with Optimize for best appearance user interface option.
The standalone Marvin .NET editor has two installers: 64- and 32-bit versions.
JChem for Office installation now goes smoothly on Microsoft Office 2019. (Please note, that the environment itself is not fully supported yet.)
Now the installer shows a warning message if there are more than one bit-version of Microsoft Office is installed on the same computer and if the user approves, the install process continues.
The method of identifying the bit-version of the installed Microsoft Office version has been extended, because in some cases the "Bitness" variable used for detection was missing on the user's computer.
The installer stops and informs the user if the KB2670838 Windows 7 platform update (which is essential for structure rendering in Microsoft Office 2013 and above) is missing from the computer (in case of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008).
Now a user-friendly warning message comes up when the selected structure editor is not installed on the computer or the selected structure editor does not support the 64-bit version of Microsoft Office.
ChemDraw 18 editor is fully supported in 32 and 64-bit versions of JChem for Office.
A new option has been introduced in JChem for Office to switching on/off the automatic plus-sign placement in case of editing single-step reactions.
Diagnostic Tool can also identify Microsoft Office 2019 installed on the computer.
Chemical search is now enabled on Oracle cartridge views even for users who are not the owner of the cartridge index of the original table.
Copy-paste did not work if the structure contained an enhanced stereo flag.
Sometimes the plus sign disappeared from single-step reactions at editing.
There was an error at structure filtering if the header row contained structures.
The cursor was placed before the text after the pasting text into Word/PowerPoint/Outlook if the JChem for Office keyboard event handling was activated.
Structure objects in documents, which does not handle alternate text correctly could not be edited with double-click on JChem for Office.
Double-clicking on objects, which were not chemical structures (for example, images, OLE objects) gave an error.
Hiding a structure column (except the A column) gave an error in JChem for Excel.
The CXN .NET API license was checked in some cases when there was no reason to do it.
The structure editor could not be opened from Excel right after installing the Chemaxon license, the application had to be restarted.
When there was no license installed, clicking on a simple Microsoft Office object (for example, shapes, SmartArt graphics, charts), which were non-chemical objects, incorrectly a JChem for Office license was required.
In Microsoft Office with French language when copying a structure with Ctrl+C from java version of desktop Marvin Sketch to Word, MRV format was pasted in text format instead of live structure.
Double-clicking on objects, which were not chemical structures (for example, images, OLE objects) gave an error.
When there was no license installed, clicking on a simple Microsoft Office object (for example, shapes, SmartArt graphics, charts), which were non-chemical objects, incorrectly a JChem for Office license was required.
ChemDraw 18 editor is fully supported in 32 and 64-bit versions of JChem for Office.
The installer stops and informs the user if the KB2670838 Windows 7 platform update (which is essential for structure rendering in Microsoft Office 2013 and above) is missing from the computer (in case of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008).
Informing message appears when the user tries to add a new structure and the selected editor is not available on the computer.
JChem for Office installation now goes smoothly on Microsoft Office 2019. (Please note, that the environment itself is not fully supported yet.)
Diagnostic Tool can also identify Microsoft Office 2019 installed on the computer.
Now the installer shows a warning message if there are more than one bit-version of Microsoft Office is installed on the same computer and if the user approves, the install process continues.
The method of identifying the bit-version of the installed Microsoft Office version has been extended, because in some cases the "Bitness" variable used for detection was missing on the user's computer.
Now a user-friendly warning message comes up when the selected structure editor is not installed on the computer or the selected structure editor does not support the 64-bit version of Microsoft Office.
A new option has been introduced in JChem for Office to switching on/off the automatic plus-sign placement in case of editing single-step reactions.
There was an error at structure filtering if the header row contained structures.
The cursor was placed before the text after the pasting text into Word/PowerPoint/Outlook if the JChem for Office keyboard event handling was activated.
The CXN .NET API license was checked in some cases when there was no reason to do it.
Structure objects in documents, which does not handle alternate text correctly could not be edited with double-click on JChem for Office.
The cursor was placed before the text after the pasting text into Word/PowerPoint/Outlook if the JChem for Office keyboard event handling was activated.
The structure editor could not be opened from Excel right after installing the Chemaxon license, the application had to be restarted.
The CXN .NET API license was checked in some cases when there was no reason to do it.
Structure objects in documents, which does not handle alternate text correctly could not be edited with double-click on JChem for Office.
Sometimes the plus sign disappeared from single-step reactions at editing.
There was an error at structure filtering if the header row contained structures.
The standalone Marvin .NET editor has two installers - 64- and 32-bit versions.
All registry modification-related questions appear in one message instead of five different messages.
The installer deletes the unnecessary Marvin OLE related "RunningMode" registry key if it is present in the registry.
Text could not be pasted from Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint into Marvin .NET editor.
The standalone Marvin .NET editor has two installers - 64- and 32-bit versions.
All registry modification-related questions appear in one message instead of five different messages.
The installer deletes the unnecessary Marvin OLE related "RunningMode" registry key if it is present in the registry.
Text could not be pasted from Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint into Marvin .NET editor.
ChemDraw 17 is now supported as a chemical editor inside JChem for Office.
Now it is possible to paste a structure from the clipboard into the Query Structure box of the R-Group Decomposition form by pressing the Ctlr+V.
Conditional formatting is copied by default at copying multiple structures with adjacent data in Excel.
Now it is possible to run queries by using IS NULL
search values in Import from Database functionality.
Drawing performance has been improved in Marvin .NET editor.
There is a significant performance improvement at conversion OLE object to JChem for Office object.
The Marvin OLE server can be run in resident mode, it is installed as a service and the uninstall process can kill it.
Display and scale settings of Marvin OLE object are retained at conversion to JChem for Office object.
The Replace OLE with JCO object upon editing option is TRUE
by default in JChem options.
The Ctrl+V action could not be revoked by Undo function in Excel if the Keyboard Events option was set to TRUE
in JChem for Excel.
The status of the Keyboard Event option in JChem for PowerPoint influenced the available Paste Options in Microsoft PowerPoint.
There was an error at double-clicking on a plain text in Outlook if JChem for Outlook was installed.
The table with structures was pasted from Excel into a new slide in PowerPoint instead of the selected one.
Sometimes the plus sign jumped away at editing broad reactions.
There was an error at structure copy-paste if the structure contained an enhanced stereo label.
In case of an extended display environment, when a MarvinSketch window opened from an Excel, Word, PowerPoint or Outlook instance started on the primary screen was dragged to the secondary screen, then menus and dialogs opened on the primary screen.
Empty .sd file was generated at exporting ID structures if the Show Structure option was set to FALSE
Sometimes an empty file was generated at exporting structures.
The status of the Keyboard Event option in Jchem for PowerPoint influenced the available Paste Options in PowerPoint.
The Ctrl+V action could not be revoked by Undo function in Excel if the Keyboard Events option was set to TRUE
in JChem for Excel.
Sometimes the OLE editor was opened at double-clicking on a Marvin OLE object even if the Replace OLE with JCO object upon editing option was set to TRUE
ChemDraw 17 is now supported as a chemical editor inside JChem for Office.
The installer is now able to check if a previous version of JChem for Office/Excel is installed or not and the new version cannot be installed before removing the previous one.
The installer is now able to kill the running MarvinOLEServer process at uninstalling the JChem for Office/Excel.
The default status of the Replace OLE with JCO object upon editing option has been changed to TRUE
in JChem for Office.
Marvin structure editor could not be opened in Excel by clicking on the Add or Edit buttons if the Options > General > When using multiple displays Excel option was set to Optimize for best appearance.
The XLA references had to be updated manually at opening a JChem for Excel workbook containing JChemExcel functions and calculated values if the workbook was created in another environment with different bit-version of MS Office.
Turning on/off the Show Only Favourites check-box repeatedly removed the selection from the currently selected connection on Import from Database form.
Ribbon paste from IJC did not set the correct cell size for a single structure in Excel.
Structure IDs could not be converted back to structures after printing in Excel.
The function GetStructuresByFormula of JChemExcel COM API did not work for JCIDSYSStructure formulas.
Changing the scale setting of a structure by double-clicking resulted in about 10 times bigger structure in JChem for Office.
In case of broad reactions in Word, the right edge was cut off.
The table with structures was pasted from Excel into a new slide in PowerPoint instead of the selected one.
The Content frame was deleted from the slide and the inserted structure was not editable in case of the Title and Content slide layout in JChem for PowerPoint.
A Windows 10 update (OS update version: 1803) caused an error at opening the embedded Marvin structure editor from Office applications.
A Windows 10 update caused an Excel frozen at inserting a structure into a cell.
A Microsoft Office update caused an error at double-clicking on a JChem for Office object in Word and in PowerPoint.
A blue square stuck to the mouse after editing JChem for Office structures in PowerPoint.
Cell borders were lost at copy-paste multiples structure between Excel sheets.
Structure copy-paste from IJC into Excel failed when the clipboard table contained only a single structure.
The JChem ribbon was grayed out in case of an outdated and invalid Settings.xml
The structure drawing was turned on by using Ctrl+V on the worksheet even if the structure drawing was turned off by Show/Hide function.
An unnecessary error log was generated at copying a single structure from an Excel sheet to the clipboard.
A blue square stuck to the mouse after editing JChem for Office structures in PowerPoint.
Structure drawing was a bit slow at scrolling up and down on the Excel worksheets.
A Windows 10 update (OS update version: 1803) caused an error at opening the embedded Marvin structure editor from MS Office applications.
Cell borders were lost at copy-paste multiples structure between Excel sheets.
Multiple structure copy-paste within Excel did not result in the same column width on the target sheet as it was on the source sheet.
The user-specified display name of the column was applied unintendedly in the left side pane of the column selector tab of the Import from Database form.
Structure copy-paste - from IJC into Excel - failed when the clipboard table contained only a single structure.
The JChem ribbon was grayed out in case of outdated and invalid Settings.xml
An unnecessary error log was generated at copying a single structure from an Excel sheet to the clipboard.
Structures now can be pasted from MarvinJS into Excel by using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V right after launching Excel.
Now it is possible to paste multiple structures with adjacent data to a worksheet by pressing the Paste button in the JChem ribbon even if they were copied by using Ctrl+C.
Now it is possible to paste a structure from the clipboard into the Query Structure box of the R-Group Decomposition form by pressing the Ctlr+V.
The structure drawing was turned on by using Ctrl+V on the worksheet even if the structure drawing was turned off by Show/Hide function.
A Windows 10 update caused an Excel frozen at inserting a structure into a cell.
A Microsoft Office update caused an error at double-clicking on a JChem for Office object in Word and in PowerPoint.
Import from file by ID dialog and field recognition has been improved.
Single structure paste by Ctrl-V now works immediately after launching Excel.
Now it is possible to use the Ctrl+V on the Query tab of the Import from Database form to paste query structure.
Most popular date formats are recognized by the system when importing from a database.
Now it is possible to apply chemical filtering on synonyms when importing from a database.
There was a Microsoft Word crash at opening structure editor if a non-64-bit Office compatible ChemDraw version was set as structure editor in case of 64-bit version of Microsoft Office.
There was an error at executing a structure search in case of a JChem Web Services type connection if there was a primary key on a non-number type database column.
Structure search was not available at synonyms in case of connecting to Oracle Cartridge via JChem Web Services.
The structure was saved not in the selected format by using the Save Structure context menu item.
Now it is possible to specify a date type search value by using a "date picker" at Import from Database function.
An informative message comes up in case of incorrect date format as search value at Import from Database function.
Structure drawing properties specified in the grid view of Import from Database function were not applied on mapped structures in Excel worksheet.
There was an error at connecting to a PostgreSQL database via JChem Webservices.
There was a backward compatibility issue at storing the bond hash spacing value since its unit has been changed from Angstrom to points.
After launching Microsoft Word typing was possible only after double-clicking in the document if JChem for Word was installed.
Excel froze at opening Import from Database dialog if Logging Level was set to ALL
Single structure copy-paste did not work from IJC into JChem for Office.
There was an Excel crash at using the JChem for Excel functions after Windows 10 update from version 1703 to 1709.
Columns were not listed in Import from Database by IDs dialog in case of Oracle Cartridge type connections.
Closing Microsoft Word took a long time if the JChem for Office was installed.
The Microsoft Word/PowerPoint froze for a while after starting the application if the JChem for Office was installed.
Copy-pasting a whole column with structures to an empty column with ribbon Copy-Paste button was very slow.
There was an error at copy-paste structures from Marvin sketch into Microsoft Word and PowerPoint.
Some operators (like, starts with, ends with) didn't work when a JChem Web Services connection was used for an Import from Database action.
Conditional formatting could not be transferred at copy-pasting multiple structures with data from Excel into other Office applications.
In case of an extended display environment, when a MarvinSketch window opened from an Excel, Word, PowerPoint or Outlook instance started on the primary screen was dragged to the secondary screen, then menus and dialogs opened on the primary screen.
It took a long time to import structures from an SD file by using the Import from File by IDs function.
Copy and paste multiple images including structures by using Ctrl+C did not work in PowerPoint.
The color of structures changed at converting structures to images in Excel.
Columns could not be listed when using the Import By ID dialog with Oracle Cartridge connections.
There was an Excel crash at opening the Import from Database dialog if the Logging Level was set to "All
" in the options.
After launching the JChem for Word typing was possible only after double-clicking in the document.
Accelerated load of MS Office applications (both Excel and Word/PowerPoint/Outlook) when JChem for Office is installed.
Accelerated copy/paste of tables from Excel to PowerPoint.
Decreased size of EMF images and JChem for Office objects (to about the third) and OLE object size (to about the half).
Java 8 support in the .NET API.
ChemDraw 16 support (only for 32-bit, since ChemDraw ActiveX does not support 64-bit).
Improved sustainability of JChem for Office object handling.
.NET 4 support (4.5 and above).
JChem for Office java API improvements:
A new type of JChem for Office objects is created during insert.
JChem for Office objects can be inserted into existing documents as well.
All JChem for Office objects can be extracted from an existing Word/PowerPoint document.
All JChem for Office objects in a Word or PowerPoint document can be converted at once to a specific set of display settings (for example, according to a Journal Style).
Ability to create JChem for Office objects with FixedScale (instead of image size).
ID, display settings and other properties can be specified for a JChem for Office object during its creation.
Multiple image formats are supported (EMF, JPG, PNG, SVG, and so on).
Empty slides were inserted between imported structures in case of One Structure per Page import layout in JChem for PowerPoint.
There was an error at specifying query structure on the Import for Database form if there was a specified Default Database Field Filtering in the options.
There was an error at closing Excel if there were more opened Excel workbooks with active Editor Panes.
The previous selection was not cleared automatically at selecting a new synonym in the treeview of the Import from Database form.
The structure column could not be recognized automatically for the first time in the case of views.
The Bond Hash Spacing value was changed at copy-paste structures from Marvin into Office applications.
Structures disappeared from the worksheet after freezing the top row of the worksheet.
condition could not be used on a simple VIEW in case of JChem Web Services type connection.
There was no warning dialog at importing from a database when the user entered a wrong password on the login dialog in case of an unsaved password.
CAS Registry Number did not work in the case of a 32-bit version of the Microsoft Windows operating system.
There was an error at converting Japanese chemical names to structures in Japanese environments.
There was a structure rendering problem in JChem for Office in case of the Ball and Stick display rendering option.
There was an error at importing structures from a database table in case of JChem Web Services type connections.
There was an error at converting CAS Registry Number to structure in JChem for Excel.
Login dialog appeared unnecessarily if authentication error occurred in case of using JChem Web Service type connection at Import from Database function.
There was an Excel crash upon creating a new worksheet after copying some structures to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+C if the Event Handling > Keyboard Events > Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V runs JChem for Office Copy-Paste option was set to FALSE
Chemical structure conversion to CAS Registry Number did not work by using chemical terms expression.
The CAS Registry Number conversion to structure did not work in JChem for Office/Excel because the underlying web service required Java 8.
Changes in structure display options had no effect on Import functions until the restart of Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint.
The non-favorite tables were not displayed after deselecting the Show Only Favourites check-box on the Select Entity form of the Import from Database by IDs function.
The error message was not informative in JChem for Excel in case of missing licenses.
The Integrated Authentication check-box remained selected and username/password fields remained disabled on the Manage Connections form at changing to another database type from Oracle where the Integrated Authentication is not supported.
The Import from Database form had to be closed and reopened to apply modifications of an existing connection.
There was an error at Import from Database by IDs function if a data was stored in NUMBER(12) format in the Oracle database table.
Modifications of some connection parameters of existing connections could not be saved at Import from Database function.
There was an error at structure search in case of BLOB type structure field if the length of the query structure was greater than 4000 characters.
The prototype of JChem for OneNote could not be installed in certain environments.
Attachments in the body of received emails could not be correctly opened with their own application if the JChem for Outlook was installed.
Structure conversion to Excel image shape and image conversion back to structure caused problems at structure drawing if there were cell comments in the workbook.
Sometimes structures disappeared from Excel after minimizing/maximizing the opened workbooks.
Needless, empty columns were inserted into the Excel worksheet in some cases by using the Associate IDs function.
Sometimes it caused error at importing structures from a database by IDs if there were invalid, integer type IDs in the list.
Anniversary update of Windows 10 caused Excel crash at using the JChem for Excel functions in cases of Microsoft Office 2013 and Microsoft Office 2016 (64-bit versions).
The Import By ID process is now possible for "cherry-pick"-ed IDs as well.
The Associate IDs process is now possible for "cherry-pick"-ed IDs as well.
Windows 10 is now fully supported (with MS Office 64-bit version too).
Office 2016 is now fully supported (64-bit version too).
New display properties are added to the options, and are handled during copy/paste from Marvin (reflecting document style settings in Marvin):
In the German Windows environment, it was not possible to edit a JChem for Outlook object using double-click.
There was an error at importing from a database by IDs if the worksheet contained an ID with an invalid type.
If the Structure Detection Type option was set to No Detect , then selecting a non-structure column as target on the Filter dialog resulted in the removal of all rows after the filter.
The selected target column was not retained on the Filter dialog after reopening it.
There was an error message during the Import by ID from Database when there also were structures in the ID column.
Incorrect hit number appeared on the status bar after the second filter action on the same excel sheet.
DB schema reading has been sped up when the Show only favorites option is used.
Associate IDs now support other user entities as well.
The Chemaxon .NET API now supports Windows authentication mode in the case of MS SQL Express databases.
The selected structure was deleted from the document when the user attempted to add calculated properties to a structure in Word, Outlook, or PowerPoint.
The selected table/view and connection was not retained in the Select Entity dialog for Other users' entities.
The current user was also listed under the other users' node on the Select Entity dialog.
Import by ID from Database now supports Oracle Other user objects.
If there is no structure type content on the clipboard, but there is a text that can be recognized as MOL or MRV, it will be automatically converted to Structure in JChem for PowerPoint, Word, Outlook, and Excel (although in the latter case only if the add-in is already loaded). This feature enables the copy/paste from Marvin JS to JChem for Office using Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V.
The Import by ID from Database dialog has been redesigned, and the tree-based object selector used in the normal DB import process has been implemented, so it supports displaying only the favorites.
The following field names are added to the already existing automatically recognized Structure fields during Import from Database (in this order): MOLECULE, MOL_STRUCTURE, MOLFILE, MOL_FILE, MOLCOLUMN, MOL_COLUMN, REACTION, RXNFILE, RXN_FILE.
If a structure containing an ID was added to a Word document, and then another structure with ID was added to the same document after inserting 1-2 empty lines, the ID of the second structure was placed above the structure.
If an Excel sheet containing structures was converted to a protected sheet, the structures were not displayed on that sheet after.
The single structure objects in Word and Outlook are not included in a 1x1 table anymore.
Windows 10 with the 32-bit version of MS Office 2010, 2013 and 2016 is now fully supported.
The 32-bit version of MS Office 2016 on Windows7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 is now fully supported.
The Actions > Convert To Structure > Placement > Insert Right option now affects the Import by ID process as well. (Until now it affected only the convert From SMILES, From 'any' Text and the Associate ID processes.)
The table and view names are now sorted on the Import by ID from Database dialog.
The status of the Selection only checkbox on the Import by ID dialog can now be controlled using the Options > Convert To Structure By Key From Database > Conversions > Convert Selection Only option. (The default value is still False
The table drop-down list was not refreshed on the Import from Database by IDs form at changing database.
Cancel button crashed the Import process if there were too many structures listed in the data grid (on the Rows window of the import wizard).
If a CLOB field contained a leading empty line (like sometimes in case of a MOLFile), and this field was not automatically recognized as structure field based on the field name, then the leading empty line was removed during the Database Import into Excel, and it could not be converted to structure after.
Import dialog crashed when all rows were selected above 2,000 structures.
The cd_structure column had been automatically added to the columns during Import from DB using Web Service, even if the selected table was a non-JChem table, and if it was selected, it resulted in a null pointer exception.
When a field having null value was selected among the other fields during Import from Database through Web Service, the values slipped.
Clicking on the Operator field on the Query tab of the Import from Database dialog automatically selected =
, but that disappeared when the value was entered.
Using special operators, like Starts with
or End with
, on the Query tab of the Database Import caused an error.
Technical columns of JChem tables (like fingerprint, timestamp, etc.) were not hidden during Import from Database.
It was not possible to import structures from CDXML format in JChem for Excel.
If JChem Web Services required authentication during Import from Database , the connection was unsuccessful.
Structure filtering threw an exception if the structure column included a cell containing text instead of structure.
file (for example, by entering its URL on the Save/Load tab of the Preferences dialog opened from a standalone MarvinSketch window) is loaded into JChem for Excel/Word/PowerPoint/Outlook as well, so, for example, IDs recognized by that service can be converted to structure using the From Text button on the JChem ribbon.
MarvinSketch windows opened from dialog windows where query structures can be entered load the structure display settings defined in the JChem > Options > Structure Display section.
The Fixed Scale parameter is displayed in percentage, and 100% is the default value.
If the Hit Coloring option was set to FALSE
, the structures were not displayed for the hits.
Editing a structure in a PowerPoint table copied from Excel resized the table cell.
Double-click on a structure object in Word did not open the structure editor in German language installation of MS Office.
Using the Apply Scale function or editing an object without structural change in PowerPoint doubled the size of the structure object if the Fixed Scale parameter was set to zero in the options.
Using the Apply Scale function in PowerPoint on a structure copy/pasted from Excel drastically increased the size of the image border if the FixedScale parameter was set to greater than zero in the options.
In versions higher than 15.10.12 it was not possible to edit the structures in tables copy/pasted from Excel to PowerPoint/Word/Outlook.
Structures defined by JCStructure functions referring to other cells remained as image above the cell after printing.
Using the Create No Structure option during SD file export saved the header row as the first record.
Import from File by ID can handle duplications, so it returns the data for all instances of an ID in an Excel column.
The current sheet is set to be the default for Import from File even if there is data on that sheet, positioning the import to start at the first empty line. Another sheet or a new sheet can still be selected during the import of course.
The Implicit Hydrogen and the R/S Stereo Labels display options are now loaded into MarvinSketch both from the structure objects (in case of editing a structure in Word/PowerPoint/Outlook) and from the local JChem options (when adding a new structure in Excel/Word/PowerPoint/Outlook).
Closing a MarvinSketch window opened by any of the actions of JChem for Office (for example, Add, Edit, Filter, and so on.) will not update the
files anymore, so changing the Display Settings in a such a MarvinSketch window will not affect the desktop MarvinSketch or other MarvinSketch windows in 3rd party applications.
If a structure was selected at the time of pasting another structure in Word, PowerPoint or Outlook copied from another application (for example. MarvinSketch or Excel), the original structure was deleted.
If a structure object was resized in PowerPoint by selecting only the internal image, after editing the structure it was resized to its original size or scale.
It was not possible to insert a structure into a Word table using the Add feature.
Trying to apply the Display and/or Scale settings on an image (containing no structure info) copied from Windows Explorer to PowerPoint displayed an incorrect warning message.
The Import IJC function in PowerPoint imported only the first 10 structures.
After pressing the Display button, the structure will not shrink and will keep the size of the outer object if the document was created without scale information.
The Scale button now resizes the image according to the size defined in Image Formatting options, previously it was resized always to 200x200.
After a file or database import in Word, the structure images were oversized and did not fit into the column in some cases.
The format of the molweight column imported from a JChem table during JChem Web Services was considered as integer instead of float.
Moving the mouse over a Paste Options icon crashed Excel if the JChem drawing was active.
After a file or database import in PowerPoint, the tables were placed on top of each other.
Copy/pasting a structure from Excel to PowerPoint/Word/Outlook did not reflect the Excel cell size.
The JChem for Office object in Word/PowerPoint/Outlook keeps the image size or scale after editing the structure: If the FixedScale parameter is different from 0, then the scale is kept, otherwise the image size.
Import from File/DB results in a single table in Word/Outlook by default, with repeating the first row of the table as header at each page in Word.
Rendering of structures in Excel slowed down in version 15.6.8 but has been sped up again.
If there was no JChem for Office action initiated during an MS Word session, the closing of MS Word took too much time.
One-click Scale action has been introduced in Word/PowerPoint/Outlook as a new ribbon button functionality, which reflects the Fixed Scale settings specified in options. The action works on a selected single structure.
One-click Display action has been introduced in Word/PowerPoint/Outlook as a new ribbon button functionality, which reflects the Structure Display settings specified in options. The action works on a selected single structure.
One-click solution is introduced for combined Display and Scale ribbon functionality in Word/PowerPoint/Outlook, which reflects both changes at the same time, working the same way on a single selected structure.
The molecule object in a Word/PowerPoint/Outlook document keeps the structure display settings after modifying the structure in MSketch.
When editing a structure object in Excel/Word/PowerPoint/Outlook the structure is displayed with the same display settings in MSketch as it is displayed in MS Office.
OLE copy did not work in MSketch.NET.
Ctrl+C then Ctrl+V did not copy a single structure object in Word.
JChem Web Services can be used in Import from Database.
Postgre SQL databases are supported in Import from Database.
Database import did not work on Oracle (non-cartridge) Views unless the Search option was set to No Structure Search on the Query tab. Now the structure search is automatically disabled on non-cartridge Oracle Views.
The Import from Database process displayed Fetching... on the Rows tab even if there was nothing to import (for example, there was no hit resulted by the query). Now it properly displays if there is no result.
All errors detected during a file import in Excel are now collected at the end of the import process, and the error report is now selectable and can be copied to the clipboard.
Structure filtering failed in Excel when one structure contained features that could not be handled by the JChem substructure search (e.g. a Markush structure with polymer features). Now the filtering skips these structures, hides them together with the non-hit structures, the hit count is properly displayed at the status bar, and the problematic structures are reported in an error message at the end of the filtering process.
Copying a SMILES from Word and pasting it into the canvas of a MarvinSketch.NET window opened from Excel/PowerPoint crashed Excel/PowerPoint.
It was not possible to run the License Manager in Word/Outlook/PowerPoint, and if it was the first action in Excel, the loading of the License Manager crashed Excel.
If additional text was selected together with a single structure object in Word, Ctrl+C recognized it as a single JChem for Office object, and therefore Ctrl+V pasted only the structure (the extra text was lost).
Shift+Click was not working in MarvinSketch.NET.
Save To Share converted only the first 1,000 structures to images in a few environments.
Selecting a single word in a text box then pushing Ctrl+C copied the whole textbox in PowerPoint.
Copy/pasting multiple structures to a different workbook, then saving the target workbook and reopening it resulted in the loss of those structures.
Converting a structure to ID (defined with IDSYSSTRUCTURE function) resized the row height to the height of the ID text, even if there was another cell that required more space.
If there was no header in the file, but the My data has header option was left True
during the R-group decomposition, the decomposition results were shifted one row upward.
Save to Share output files created from 97-2003 excel files (.xls) could not be opened.
Pasting JC structure functions over cells that already contained other JC structure functions threw an error message.
After converting a structure to OLE in excel, when editing it, the structure was not displayed in the OLE editor.
The My Data Has Headers option did not work properly in some cases during Filter and R-Group decomposition.
Structure header text disappeared after a clear filter if the My data has headers option was set to false during the filtering process.
The number of hits was not correct on the cloned worksheet after filtering.
Excel files saved in version 15.1.1900 or before containing a filter with a non-default stereo search option could not be opened in later versions.
The filter dialog did not open on files that were saved with filter results using a JChem for Excel version 14.x.y or before.
The hit count info on the status bar showed a higher processed number if structures were deleted from the bottom of the sheet before filtering.
Structure filtering did not work on excel files containing JC STRUCTURE functions including a different argument separator than that of the current regional setting. For example, structure filtering failed on a computer having English regional settings if the JCIDSYSSTRUCTURE functions used in the file were created on a Hungarian computer (and therefore included semicolon separators instead of commas).
Import by ID and Associate ID functions did not work if the chemical structures were stored on BLOB type fields.
The Clear Structure Filter action has been significantly sped up.
The pictures created from structures in Excel (for example, by To Image or Save To Share ) are linked to the excel cells using the Move and Size with cells option from now on (this option was Move but don't size with cells before), which caused issues in case of excel data filtering.
Hit count information was not removed when pressing Clear Filter or when starting a new filtering process.
The characters at the end of longer descriptions on the JChem for Office Options dialog were sometimes compressed.
The Fixed Scale parameter in the JChem for PowerPoint and Word Structure Display options ( Preferences > Display ) now overwrites the picture size settings, so if it is set to different from 0, a single structure will be created according to that (even in case of editing), ensuring that the bond length will be the same in all parts of the document. In addition, the aspect ratio of the image is the same as the structure.
The default setting in JChem for PowerPoint/Word/Outlook is now changed to have no border when adding a new structure.
Importing from databases by ID did not import the structures if in a previous import process from the same table a non-structure field was set to be used as a structure.
If an excel sheet had only one column, containing structures defined by the JCIDSYSStructure formula (including ID info as well), the Structures only checkbox was selected automatically, and it was not possible to unselect, so there was no way to set the ID info to be exported.
, and to Stereospecific
in any other Search Type (but can be changed manually to any other option).
values to Stereospecific/Exact/Ignore/Diastereomer/Enantiomer
values to better reflect the options available in JChemBase. At the same time, the Exact Stereo Matching option has been removed from the Chemistry Search Options , because it is not needed anymore; the Stereochemistry=Exact
option has to be used instead (for example, in case of duplicate search).
The Bond Lengths structure display option that controls the display of the bond lengths at each bond has been renamed to Bond Lengths Visible.
The Atom Symbols Visible structure display option that enables us to see the atom labels in 3D structures has been renamed to Atom Symbols Visible in 3D.
In the 64-bit version of JChem for Excel, if the Region of Windows was set to Hungarian, excel cells containing imported/generated structures picked up a custom 'gene/r/al' format instead of using the standard 'General' format. This caused issues when inserting a new cell to the right or to the bottom of the given structure cell because Excel automatically gives the same formatting to the new cell, which mixed up the display of, for example, numbers in these new cells.
After editing a JChem for Excel structure that was imported from a lower-level file format ( SMILES) and adding higher-level features (for example, adding a query property to an atom), the structure did not change, because JChem for Excel tried to keep the original format. Now in these cases, the format is automatically upgraded to the corresponding higher-level format (in case of MarvinSketch to MRV).
In case of molecule structures that contain a part including aromatic bonds that cannot be converted to Kekule form (for example, a query structure with aromatic bonds), the non-converted part is displayed in its original form (with aromatic bonds) even if the Aromatic Bonds as Discrete Double Bonds display option is set to True
. The structure rendering displayed an exception in these cases in the past.
The installer places an executable ( EnableJCXLAddins ) in the Program Files
folder that runs a PowerShell script after a remote install to enable the JChem for Excel functions.
The cell width and height in Excel are increased to the default size set in Options > Formatting > Default Cell Size , unless it was already at least 50% of it. It is applied during the following actions:
Add a new structure into the cell.
Insert a new structure from a file.
Paste a single structure.
The default value of the JChem for Excel Default Cell Size (that can be set in Options > Formatting ) has been changed from 100,100 to 210,150 (in Excel metrics: column width = 28.5, row height = 112.5). Note: Upgrading from previous versions of JChem for Excel requires to use the Restore Defaults button on the Options dialog to apply this change.
A new option has been introduced in the Structure Display settings: Bond Length globally sets the length of the bonds defined in points (similar to MarvinSketch).
A new value has been added to the Stereo > RS Labels option in the Structure Display settings: Show all possible R/S for any molecule , which—besides displaying the R or S labels for the specified stereocenters—displays a question mark at possible stereocenters.
The canvas of a new, empty instance of the MarvinSketch.NET editor became unresponsive at rendering atom labels (for example, during selection or heteroatom drawing).
The Open and Save As dialogs of MarvinSketch.NET responded very slowly for opening a folder on a remote drive, especially if it contained many items.
There was a license exception in Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook if the license file did not include Marvin Beans license.
The first time loading of Marvin editor has been sped up.
5 new properties have been added to Structure Display Options (available in .NET API as well):
Exporting formatted numbers from Excel to SDFile did not work properly if the decimal symbol was set to comma (e.g. in French local) in the Regional Settings of Windows.
Atom labels were too big compared to other parts of the molecules in very small images.
Marvin/JChem 14.10.27 used.
Bug Fixes
Double-clicking in an empty cell of a table in a Word document launched the structure editor.
When trying to insert a hyperlink into the mail body in outlook using the Insert > Hyperlink option, when pasting the copied link into the Address field of the Insert Hyperlink dialog, the link was pasted directly into the email body.
IDs in Accord for Excel files in the cells behind the structures were lost during the conversion to JChem for Excel file.
Copying a single cell in Excel containing a structure specified by the JCIDSysStructure function could not be copied using Ctrl+C.
Pasting a directory path into the File name field of the Open dialog landed the directory path text in the active cell of Excel.
IDs in Accord for Excel files in the cells behind the structures were lost during the conversion to JChem for Excel file.
Structure queries during DB import from Oracle cartridge using Devart connection did not proceed if the query structure was too big (more than 4,000 characters in the molecule source).
The Select All and Deselect All buttons have been replaced with a 3-state selector checkbox both on the column and on the rows selector tab of the Database import and File import dialogs. The number of selected columns/rows is also indicated next to it.
The HomologyNarrowTranslation option has been added to the search options both in JChem for Excel and in the dotNET API.
Sorting of spreadsheets having no excel functions on it did not automatically refresh the structure drawings in Excel 2010.
CD_SMILES was selected instead of CD_STRUCTURE as a target column by default in the case of the JChem Cartridge structure search method.
If JChem for Excel was not installed (only other JChem for Office components), the Import from Database could not find the Connection.xml
, therefore the import did not work from PowerPoint, Word or Outlook.
0 was accepted as Max number of imported structures on the Import File form.
The active sheet of the file resulted from the Save to share action was not the one from which the conversion was started. For example, if the Save to share was initiated on Sheet1, opening the resulted file showed Sheet2.
If a database search criteria were specified during the import from a database where the table or the view was a Synonym, the import failed.
Structure queries during DB import from Oracle cartridge did not proceed if the query structure was too big (more than 4,000 characters in the molecule source).
Save to share did not convert sheets if there was only a single structure on cell A1 and an additional OLE object below it (no more structures on the sheet).
If JChem for Excel was not installed (only other JChem for Office components), the Import from Database could not find the Connection.xml
, therefore the import did not work from PowerPoint, Word or Outlook.
JChem for Excel and Office supports querying and retrieving molecules from Oracle Synonyms.
Double click over JChem for Office images launches the editor from now by default.
Molecule import in JChem for Office and Excel has been accelerated.
DataBase import in JChem for Office now is better documented.
Tversky-metric used an incorrect default parameter, which resulted in the same values as Tanimoto-calculation.
There was a license exception in JChem for OneNote.
EMF exporter component was not synchronized with the MolExporter component.
Exception dialog accumulated errors and showed the first error on the top.
Molecules are now displayed and searchable on Database Views as well.
The changes in the options of JChem for Powerpoint/Word/Outlook are retained during the upgrade of JChem for Office.
Warnings for some JChem for Excel Ribbon items do not come anymore if the Show add-in user interface errors check-box is checked in Advanced Options.
The JCGhoseFilter function resulted in incorrect results because it used the heavy atom count instead of the all atom count.
The Help on this function links on the JChem function dialogs in Excel opened the index of the JChem for Excel Users Guide, not the specific function description pages.
The simplified Copy and Paste functions are now directly available in the root of the context menu of Excel.
Synonyms (of tables, views, etc.) are now supported during import and JChem cartridge search on Oracle databases.
Molecules are now displayed and searchable on Database Views as well.
All structure editors are available in JChem for OneNote as in all other JChem for Office products.
The Save Password and Encrypt Password options are selected by default on the Import from Database dialog.
The Restore Defaults option did not work in PowerPoint and OneNote.
The JCGhoseFilter function resulted in incorrect results because it used the heavy atom count instead of the all atom count.
The structures were not copied properly to the new sheet during Structure Filtering with the Copy Rows option, if the target structures were calculated (referenced) structures.
Having a structure copied from Excel, after pasting it as OLE in Word or in PowerPoint, the next pasting as image did not work until copying it again in Excel.
The Help on this function links on the JChem function dialogs in Excel opened the index of the JChem for Excel Users Guide, not the specific function description pages.
New simplified Copy and Paste released into prototype phase on /JChem for Office/ 14.8.1100 now replaced the old Copy/Copy OLE, Paste/Paste Table approach in the Ribbon. The user can do the copy and paste with 2 Ribbon buttons.
Listing database tables for database import modules both in JChem for Office and Excel happens in alphabetical order to get its usability more increased.
Database connection credentials (password) are stored in encrypted format as default from now.
Database import from View is possible now with setting selecting the Structure column on the columns tab. Searching for structures is still possible only with JChem Cartridge (JCC) search and retrieve.
JChem for OneNote can now be installed on the following environments: Windows 7 (64bit) - Office 2010 and Office 2013 (64bit) Windows 8.1 (64bit) - Office 2013 (32bit and 64bit).
Well known Help , About and License menu items in JChem for Office have been introduced also for JChem for OneNote.
A list of supported editor types is also available in JChem for OneNote from now (Marvin Sketch, ISIS Draw, MDL Draw, ChemDraw).
Double click editing over the structure images has been introduced for JChem for PowerPoint, Word, and Outlook as a demo version. OneNote solution is coming soon.
The vector graphical images representing the structures in JChem for Office kept the bond thickness even if the image is resized/enlarged. The issue appeared after copying and pasting the column of structures from JChem for Excel to any Office application.
Warning for some JChem for Excel ribbon items never occurred again if the Show add-in user interface errors check-box is checked in Advanced Options.
The maximum number of importable columns and rows from a database or file into Word, PowerPoint, or Outlook documents can now be configured in Options > General > Data Mapping Limitations.
The changes in the options of JChem for Powerpoint/Word/Outlook are retained during the upgrade of JChem for Office.
Demo version of simplified copy action introduced and can be customized for evaluation in both JChem for Office and Excel. In the upcoming version, this approach will replace the copy/copy ole and paste/paste table action with single Copy/Paste labels.
Filtering rows into a different worksheet user workflow has been fixed and extended with clone rows solution keeping all references of chemical functions/calculations synchronized.
Due to a change caused by a Windows upgrade (from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1), Excel was freezing at first JChem action on Win8.1/Excel2013-64-bit. Please use your Windows 8 with the latest updates!
Molecules in generic brackets with attached data to the bracket could not be copied in Excel.
The number of hits found on an Excel sheet is displayed on the left side of the status bar after the filtering action and kept displayed for 10 seconds. If the sheet becomes inactive (for example, navigating to another sheet or workbook), the hit count is redisplayed whenever the sheet becomes active again.
A progress bar has been added to the File import dialog to provide visual feedback on the status of the import process.
The last connection that was used during Import from Database is now automatically selected at the next import process inside the same MS Office program until the instance of that program is closed.
The default options can be restored using the Restore defaults button on the Options dialog in JChem for Excel.
Asian punctuation marks are now supported in names during converting them to structure.
A new class (WorkbookRecognizer) has been added to the JChem for Excel IO API that returns the format of the Workbook as ISIS, ChemDraw, Accord or JChemExcel.
Bug fixes
The order of the columns after the import from File , Database or InstantJChem did not retain the order of the columns set on the Rows tab of the import dialog window.
The Next button on the penultimate tab of the import dialog window in JChem for Word/PowerPoint/Outlook did not perform the Import.
The InstantJChem interface has been improved to enable importing data into office documents even without molecular structures included in it.
The file converter tool has been improved:
Copy and paste did not work into a cell which was referred to in another cell inside a chemical function.
When pasting a single structure copied from Excel into Word, the Color Scheme in the Structure Display setting was overwritten by the color scheme of the original structure source.
The Convert Accord to JC4XL item was not available in the context menu (in the Convert > Convert (from) Other Workbooks submenu ).
(including JChem for Excel 1806/1807)
Upgrading from Office 2007 to Office 2010 could make the buttons on the JChem for Excel ribbon disabled.
Having several Excel error tags (a green triangle in the upper-left corner of the cells) in the visible area caused antialiasing issues in the structure display until the first click.
After the automatic updates of Windows 7 and Windows 8 in the middle/end of May 2014 the 6.2.x and 6.3.0 installers could not load the COM add-ins automatically, therefore the JChem tab did not appear, and after manually enabling the add-ins, there was a crash in Excel.
The yellow star icon was not displayed when adding a table to favorites.
MySQL Views could not be imported if the user name was different from the DB name.
If the JChem4XL drawing was not activated in a newly created workbook yet, pasting cells from another workbook where only the IDs were visible resulted in #Value display instead of properly showing the IDs.
In 6.3.0 excel files, structures containing hit-highlight could not be indexed in Sharepoint.
On Windows with French regional setting and Swiss keyboard, exporting structures with properties in the molecule into SDFiles from Excel, then importing them back into Excel resulted in an HRESULT E_FAIL
error message.
The Return non-hits option was disabled in case of Import DB through JChem Cartridge, since this JChem for Office option has no appropriate counter option in JChem Cartridge.
Office 2013 support in JChem for Excel on Windows 8 as well.
Data fields can be merged during the opening of multiple files by selecting the Merge files onto a single worksheet option.
Accord for Excel files can now be converted by
the File converter tool
the Convert right-click menu and
upon customization, as a JChem for Excel ribbon action
It is now possible to import from a database in Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook.
Input/Output API is now available for JChem for Word and JChem for PowerPoint as well. Implementation examples.
The Chemaxon .NET API has been extended with a Database API (insert/update/delete). The new Chemaxon .NET API provides better usability; see how it can be leveraged through the implementation examples.
Aqueous solubility calculations (intrinsic and pH-dependent) are now available as JChem for Excel functions.
The number of structures to be imported is now displayed during the Import from DB and import from InstantJChem processes, as well as during the import from file in Word/PowerPoint/Outlook.
The hits can be optionally aligned during R-group decomposition.
Import by is now possible on database views as well.
The usability of the Import from Database and the Import from File dialogs has been improved:
The second import from file in Word/PowerPoint/Outlook using the One structure per page option displayed an error message (although the import itself was successful).
IUPAC numbering was not displayed for all structure format.
File import aborted in case of structure cleaning error of a molecule in the file.
Structures were not displayed in cells having comments added after choosing Hide then Show.
It was not possible to add a comment to a cell on an empty worksheet.
Cell comments were sometimes mixed after using the To OLE / From OLE conversions consecutively.
Opening some Excel files containing special images was not successful due to an error in a third-party .dll (SX.dll
Comment editing did not work properly in the case of the 64-bit version of Excel.
The text-based structure was not handled properly in case of import from a database.
Convert context menu items did not work in the case of Office 2013.
Lipinski functions got documented more and better.
JCStandardizeStructure can except more complicated expression containing special characters like : [O:2]=[N:1]=O>>[O-:2][N+:1]=O.
After copying structures and values from JChem for Excel to Word / PPT as OLE and opening them in Marvin, the structure now keeps the original drawing settings in terms of this workflow.
Converting structures to OLE and the range (non-structure cells) contained cell-related comments that are not lost after converting back the OLE images back to structures.
Opening up Cell format dialog or other Excel dialogs does not stop visualization of structures in Excel 2010 and 2007.
Filtering data in JChem for Office before the data import in the grid and after the filter copying data and pasting in other applications keep the Hit Colouring.
Import by ID from the database did not threw exception from now if the cells contained empty cells in the range.
Importing from a Database by IDs , not all selected properties (columns) are filled in the worksheets with data (remained empty).
JChem for Excel IO API failed if the worksheet already contained data inside the file (cell indexes are fixed).
64-bit Office support for JChem for Excel and Office.
Office 2013 support in JChem for Excel (Preview - Windows7 and Office 2013 works together - Windows8 with Office2013 is coming soon).
Office 2013 support in other Office products like JChem for Word, PowerPoint and Outlook.
New fast Open functionality with multiple file selection in JChem for Excel.
Most commonly used editors like ChemDraw, ISIS and Symyx Draw are available in JChem for Office.
IUPACNumbering (atom numbering) of structure visualization is available for both JChem for Excel and Office.
The default property set for structures is introduced in JChem for Office.
Faster SDF import and record processing in JChem for Excel.
Faster OLE and Image conversion in-place in JChem for Excel.
Realization of custom scale of drawing in OLE and Image conversions in JChem for Excel.
Realization of custom scale of drawing in Copy and Paste between JChem for Excel and Office applications.
Supporting CDX, SKC formats natively in JChem for Excel.
New AutoClear option/setting of local structure sheet cache after saving a workbook.
Supporting row and column grouping/outlining in structure visualization of JChem for Excel.
New cancellable progress bar for longer operations both in JChem for Excel and Office apps.
The Marvin View Control has been improved:
GetStructuresByFormula API method for VBA developers did not return molecule data from the local storage.
2D coordinates (orientation) applied for molecules (even if they are generated/converted from smiles).
Opening workbooks from remote, web store caused error 400.
JChem for Excel/Office installer accidentally allowed the add-ins to be installed on Office 2013 environment too early, we discard this for 6.1 release line and will be allowed again in 6.2 soon.
COM/VBA API of JChem for Excel for Import structures damaged in 6.1, in 6.1.4 it has been fixed.
Rendering caused crash with specific (not at 100%) zoom setting of the video driver and screen anymore in JChem for Excel.
Fixed scale settings (to unify smaller and bigger molecules) could not be applied in copy and paste in JChem for Office.
JChem for Office (supporting Excel, PowerPoint, Word, and Outlook).
SAR table generation in JChem for Excel.
OSRA integration in JChem for Excel.
IJC (live connection) dataset import for both JChem for Excel and JChem for Office.
Paste from IJC Dataset.
New Look & Feel (Ribbon facade) for both JChem for Excel and JChem for Office.
Copy Table to Word and PowerPoint functionality supports the fixed scale setting from now.
Quick filter introduced for Grid View control—on Database Import Rows tab.
Hit coloring in Grid View control—on Database Import Row s tab.
New .NET examples available to overview basic visualization tools/controls.
ChemDraw13 integration into JChem for Excel as an editor.
More reliable license handling.
More currencies supported in SD file export.
From Text (name, CAS Registry Number) reports the conversion problems better.
Inchi support on Windows 8.
Document to Structure improvements (better memory handling, more structure recognized).
After hit coloring and filtering the export is more reliable.
Copy-Paste did not work inside Task Pane.
Similarity Search did not work.
ISIS/Draw editor threw string data is null exception.
ChemAxon.NET.Windows.Forms controls could not be dropped from the toolbox to the form designer.
R-group decomposition after Filtering caused wrong highlighted results in the previous version.
New grouped chemical functions gave bad results if the function contained optional parameters, for example, JCReactionProductStructure.
After Filtering the Hit Highlighted structure could not be exported into a file (only in Structure only mode).
OSRA image recognition can be configured for File Import Process.
Two menu series introduced for Chemists (standard) and Modellers (advanced).
New, empty worksheet is default for Import for file and database and R-Group Decomposition.
More usable user interface for R-Group Decomposition workflow dialog.
More usable user interface for Filter and Database Search functionalities (dialogs).
New Excel add-in added to classify our chemical functions and give direct help (context) to our help file.
Moleculename/identifier appears as a new column from the SDF file/Mol file header section.
Corporate ID handling is introduced for JChem for Excel IO API (C# .NET).
Corporate ID handling is introduced for JChem for Excel Java API.
Corporate ID handling is introduced for Copy and Paste tables to Word and PowerPoint.
The largest fragment is displayed from a compound by a new chemical function.
Better and faster structure range detection in molecule filter workflow.
R-group decomposition improvements.
Dialogs are closed after the successful processing of data.
R-group decomposition form handles binary data formats like .skc, and .cdx.
Better copy and paste reliability between workbooks, structure sheet fixes.
Headers were converted in SMILE conversion workflow.
Copy table to Word and PowerPoint did fall back to the original working mechanism if there was no valid selection.
In Filter form, the target molecule is properly re-read from the active cell.
Copy and Paste between instances (ID and Structures) did not work.
Java API supports appending to existing files (workbooks).
The structure column index in the Java API ( Structure to JChemforExcel ) can be specified from now.
The converter tool broke the help file in the web help (Admin guide).
ChemDraw for Excel file created with version 13 could not be converted to JC4XL format.
Corporate ID support for java IO API.
Inchi library can be unloaded with a helper routine (not to break inchi functionality in customer codes and in Chemaxon products concurrently).
Better copy and paste even when Structure Sheet cannot be created (more reliable Structure Sheet handling, more stable structure storage).
JCFunctions will be automatically refreshed and give back valid values if the target structure arrives on the sheet later with copy and paste).
New IO.API requires a license only for generating JChem for Excel file format, reading will be free of charge.
Filtering is faster with processing only the target range in the spreadsheet.
C# demo projects are up-to-date again on the web site reflecting the current state also for COM API.
Opacity is eliminated when pasting Chemaxon format (structures and values) inside Excel regardless of the target structure shape types (OLE, EMF, JChemExcel).
JCxStructure conversion to editable JCSyStructure will ignore the irrelevant cells containing other data types and formats.
R-group Decomposition and Structure Filtering handle now properly binary chemical formats like CDX, SKC for molecule searching.
Molecule filter performs proper filtering work also in that case when the user drags the MOL file into the Molecule Panel.
Molecule Panel / View (.NET component) handles binary chemical formats from the clipboard properly (this component can be found on R-group and Filter dialog).
Associate ID (with Structures from Database ) can handle native IJC credentials (user name, and password).
Copy to Word/PowerPoint ignores the irrelevant rows => the code does not fall back to the original solution.
One-click solution added for ID association from database (Displays structures or IDs in the worksheet after a quick search).
New JChemExcel.IO.API service introduced.
Conversion from ChemDraw for Excel.
New Java and Dotnet API for JChem for Excel File format introduced.
Custom scale of molecules to achieve fixed bond length for bigger or smaller molecules Fixed Scale.
Merged cells can display structures in the center vertically and horizontally Merged Cells.
Document To Structure introduced as part of the File Import module Document To Structure.
JCxStructure (all calculated Structure functions) can be converted to an editable format by a customizable action.
Copy and paste structures and data values works from our grid control.
One-click copy solution for table (to Word and PowerPoint).
Filter and R-group Decomposition GUI are displayed faster.
Faster structure handling with our new Chemaxon.NET API.
A license check introduced for producing JChem for Excel file format.
Blank workbooks added automatically when certain actions are hit.
There were some conversion report inconsistencies.
The Geometry plugin license did not work properly (geometry plugin required for calculations as is in Marvin).
A new option has been introduced to make smiles conversion customizable to be done along with or without automatic 2D co-ordinate cleanup.
A new option has been introduced to scale down/up the molecules per user taste to display the smaller and bigger ones with common bond length (beta).
Enlarge structures in the case of a fixed scale can be done by the increase/decrease size action buttons.
To Marvin OLE shape action generated active structures get invisible border instead of the current strong black borders outlining the shapes.
To Marvin OLE shape conversion is faster now keeping the OLE component alive for frequent converters.
The frequency of hidden structures decreased in a multi-document workbook environment.
Batch conversion like CAS Registry Number, IUPAC, or Smiles contained less logging.
Conversion of ISIS files saved as macro supported workbooks (.xlsm) did not support the original file extension (.xlsm, .xlst).
Enlarging special structures with special scale caused Overflow exception in the case of specific structures.
MRV file header contained an incorrectly filled header (product version).
In addition to registry settings, the splash screen is configurable now from the Options dialog as well.
Copying structures and values into PowerPoint has been improved with keeping the aspect ratio for (corner-dragging) without distorting the molecules.
Filter hit highlighting works with alignment of the substructures only without losing the original heteroatom colors (no hit color)
Splash screen will not be frozen on any specific environment
JChem for Excel installer works now in advanced user mode as before
JCStandardizer function functionality was broken in 5.11.1 for multiple string parameters like tautomerize..aromatize. Fixed now.
JCStandardizeStructure reports more detailed exceptions from now
JCStandardizeStructure is able to accept the ruleset file (full path) as an action string from now
JCStandardizeStructure is able to accept the ruleset file name if the folder of ruleset files is specified in the option from now
Database import Query tab will provide an option for the user to load only the favorite tables
Database Import Rows tab the grid will provide copy - (paste) option
5.10 ID or Structure feature will be extended for Database and File import to select the ID column
JCChemical terms will be handling molecules and molecule arrays as return values
FromText action will be introduced to convert any recognizable text from cell to JChem for Excel structure
JCReactantStructure, JCProductStructure, JCReagentStructure: new functions will be able to extract component structures from a reaction molecule
New bridge from IJC (export flattened data from IJC, copy-paste IJC data into JChem for Excel)
New Java API module to create JChem for Excel documents (for Knime, Pipeline Pilot, other applications)
Cross-sheet limitation when editing function formulas is eliminated with a configurable option (Misc section)
Font colors are part of copy from structure and nonstructural data to other Office applications
Conditional formatting(back color, font color) will be part of copy from structure and nonstructural
Data to other Office applications
Time import and date information separation after import
More documentation about IJC connection
JCIDStructure function will accept not only true/false but 1 or 0 integer values.
Task pane fixes
CDX file can be opened after an export from a worksheet
Fix crash when Embedding in Smiles is done in the first row of the spreadsheet
Printing was not consistent for ID state of JCIDStructure (in ID state on print page both the structure and IDs could be seen)
Substructure search filter will be able to highlight the structures with customized color again
Fix crash when Embedding in Smiles is done in the first row of the spreadsheet
Printing was not consistent for ID state of JCIDStructure (in ID state on print page both the structure and IDs could be seen)
Allowing bridging R-group search in R-group decomposition works consistent with the User Interface from now
ISIS Excel conversion issue (Excel limitation: frozen panes are not handled properly in Excel xls->xlsx conversion)
Database Import handles Table Views better for Database Search
Copy structure and values action takes some formatting properties like background color, font alignment, and size and puts on the clipboard
Copy structure and values action takes the formatted text value from the cell instead of the pure value and puts on the clipboard
JCStructure has been introduced to allow direct source input and provide structure drawing from that (N2S functionality also included, #CAS, IUPAC, Inchi, SMILES)
JCIDSystructure function has been introduced to get a new editable function beside SysStructure and allow the user to flip-flop between ID text formula and drawn structure formula
Show/HideStructures actions went on the Ribbon to serve the new JCIDSystructure function by switching between the formulas
Embedding/UnEmbedding structures actions introduced to get in-place SMILES representations e.g. R-Group Decomposition
File and Database import contains a new field selector(save/load) to make handling of the huge number of properties much more comfortable
Import from Database got a new look and feel, row selector got introduced before the user maps the records on the spreadsheet
Marvin OLE has been reintroduced again to get a standalone Marvin based editor for JChem 4 Excel
Progress bar is displayed on time on Export and R-Group Decomposition form
R-Group Decomposition is much faster for more than 5000 structures
Installer gives clearer message for prerequisites (especially for 64 bit Office)
New API property [IsLoaded] will be introduced to give information about if the full JChem 4 Excel add-in is loaded or not
Reactor does not exclude the stored selectivity and reactivity values from the reaction schema/template
Instance-instance copy by invoking XML Spreadsheet format will not cause crash if it is launched from the Ribbon (Paste Special)
Only the structure column is selected for .cxsmiles file format
Marvin .NET Editor gets the keyboard focus when it is displayed from now
SharedAddin does not affect negatively closing of the Excel application anymore
Fixes in query syntax of MySQL and other vendors
R-Group decomposition works also in the last column of the Excel spreadsheet from now
String operators works now for both MySQL and Oracle (like, begin with, ...) in the database import module
Open XML API works fine for AddStructure functionality.
Pre-read of SDF on the Import File wizard ( to determine selectable columns works properly.
Pre-read of Excel worksheet column numbers for Export to File functionality does not have a 50-row limitation.
Smaller cosmetics happened on Structure column width detection (GetRange size exception has been eliminated).
JChem Base search in other owner's schema (Oracle-specific).
IUPAC name import fills the Name column (next to structure column) automatically again.
Filtered structure sheet and office image conversion does not throw exception.
Embedded excel functions like indirect/address/match work together with our drawing from now.
Database import and Devart client component works again without having license issues.
JCIUPAC and JCTraditional name functions work if they are combined on a worksheet.
OLE clipboard content can be pasted now if the clipboard contains only the pure OLE storage stream (Selecting Marvin OLE object and Copy from Office apps and paste into JChemExcel)
Pure OLE content can be pasted now into molecule panel controls on Filter and R-Group Decomposition form
The protein structure can be imported now much faster and managed much better if the cell size is over 100 pixels
ISIS to JchemExcel conversion works again
SDF file export works even when mol and .mrv are mixed/imported on structure sheet
SDF file export writes the Windows line endings again as normally
SDF file export works properly for binary (.skc, .cdx) formats
OLE conversion works well if the structure sheet contains pure binary formats (.skc, .cdx) or mixed formats
Image conversion works faster normally from JCXL drawing objects to Office shapes
Printing works faster when the printing is over and the worksheet gets back to the normal view from print preview
Reactivity, selectivity parameters from now works not only for JCReactProductStructure but FOR the JCReactReactionStructure. You can check reactor integration here.
Export functionality in JChemExcel API
ISIS/Symyx document conversion feature as a new action
Open XML API for JChemExcel document generation on Windows Servers
Drawing causes problems in opening workbooks and copy of sheets
RD/SD file export and import fixes
Currencies can be exported
Date time format is read without conversions
Currencies are read without conversions
Export with range selection does not throw error any longer
Overwrite import function works from current position without applying the overwrite option
Import considers Excel column and row limitations from Excel 2003-2010
Result from R-group decomposition can be exported
Column size specified by the user is kept after the second import by append option
Import functionality is more tolerant against invalid data
Fixes on the UI
Import from Database by key
Copy and paste between Excel instances (XML Spreadsheet format) works again
V3000 format is supported in the import process from SD files
Column size specified by the user is kept after the molecule conversions
Import File by key
Import from Database by key
Import from Database - Relational
Advanced copy-paste to Office applications (
R-Group Decomposition Functions
Structure editor in Task Pane
Import File by key - Beta
Import from Database by key - Beta
Import from Database - Relational - Beta
Samples for reading from / and writing JC4XL specific workbooks in OpenXML
Copy-paste issue between workbooks in Excel 2010
Error reading other users schema
Error specifying criteria for other users schema
Out of memory error in Export to File functionality
Image conversion affected the drawing negatively in special cases.
From Image, To Image fixes when the underlying worksheet is being changed.
Worksheet name validation caused exception for too long worksheet names.
Printing cannot be returned, the application got frozen in certain cases.
Excel application-application instance copy/pasted by using Paste Special and XML spreadsheet data type did not work for structures.
Memory leak when exporting a huge number of structures to file eliminated.
Installer listing domain users for adding activation is removed till the next release.
3rd party .NET data provider for Oracle
Marvin/JChem (patch) used.
Marvin/JChem (patch) used.
Initial Admin Guide included
Support for embedded functions inside JCxImage or JCxStructure functions
Support for special functions inside JCxImage or JCxStructure functions
Support No Structure rendering and editing
Display Valence Errors
Options for displaying aromatic bonds as discrete double bonds
Import from File - Option to import transposed - to columns instead of rows
Export to File - Export selection only
Export to File - Optionally create No Structure for empty cells
Export to File - Export a structure matrix - for example a reaction products
Export to File - Select which row to use as header, or optionally use column letters
Export to File - Optionally select column to set as structure name when exporting to SDF
Marvin/JChem (patch) used.
Office 2010 Support
Structure Checker and Fixer with Excel formulas
Most common substructure with Excel formulas
R-group definition display with Excel formulas
Markush Match with Excel formulas
Import from Oracle Views
Convert to aromatic, Kekule form
Add, remove explicit hydrogens
Default structure size can be set in options
New printing modes to make the printing process faster (workbook, worksheet, selection specific structure preparation for printing)
Some new JChem functions integrated (e.g. JCMCSStructure)
More ChemDraw® editor support
Better logging around start-up to get more informative log messages (e.g. incompatible dot net version, or other installation problems)
Import from the database can accept standard database tables without structures
Side-by-side workbook window view is supported in the scrolling of molecules
Refine the context menu to make distinction batch mode actions and single structure actions
The structure editor (Marvin) can be closed without closing the Structure Checker window.
Enable/disable context menu items based on selection change even if the multiple selection has been executed by using the Ctrl keyboard button.
Structure drawing problem at scrolling in side by side windows has been solved.
Installer Incompatibility issues with Marvin. From 5.3.7 mixed JChem and JChem for Excel version is also supported.
Marvin OLE shapes copy alone and along with cell values on Office 2003. From now OLE content is not lost using them in Excel and in other Office applications.
Copy to clipboard multiple images along with data.
The JChem for Excel specific context menu is available if rows or columns are selected or if the whole worksheet is selected.
Enable/disable context menu items based on selection change.
Paste a single structure from an external editor: Marvin Sketch, ChemDraw, ISIS/Draw and Symyx Draw are supported by this function.
JChem for Excel supports molecule string format correction in the databases.
The IUPAC names can be converted back to structures after converting the structures to IUPAC names.
Open and initialization at the same time problem has been eliminated. A recent XLS file containing sys structures can be opened right after a Microsoft Excel instance has been started.
The converted pictures (images and OLE objects) are not converted back to sys structures automatically after printing.
The structures remain selectable after printing.
Partitioning, Protonation, Conformation and some other plugins can be used with the Calculations Pack license.
Convert to structures from SMILES function can be used more times on the same workbook file.
R/S label stereochemistry display option has been corrected.
Not only the A column is available as a target column on the Filter form.
Structure visibility problem after importing an RD file has been solved.
New text conversion features (InChi, IUPAC name, SMARTS)
Convert and copy multiple structures to Marvin OLE/Image Shape
Spacing of bonds and atom label size in 2D cleaning is fixed and now corresponding with options/settings.
3D cleaning issue had an effect on the rendering of the original structure.
Distortion of molecules after Marvin OLE conversion has been eliminated.
ISIS Draw® and Symyx Draw® structure editor support
IDBS ChemXtra® cartridge support
Symyx Cartridge® 5.x support
Customizable UI
Marvin OLE support in Marvin .NET
Geometry Plug-In functions
The underlying JChem API has changed from 5.3.2 to 5.3.3.
R-Group Decomposition
Import from File
Convert to Structure
The underlying JChem API has changed from 5.3.1 to 5.3.2.
Marvin OLE .NET version is available from JChem for Excel.
Use ChemDraw® as editor
New API methods for turning on and off drawing, and getting version
JChem for Excel will be released along with Marvin and JChem releases.
Fixed calling API from VSTO Add-In
Fixed prompting from save, when the workbook was not changed
Fixed sub-menus not appearing in Marvin .NET in Windows Vista
New Installer
API Guide
Convert Structures to and from Excel images
Allows copy to other applications such as PowerPoint.
Allows viewing structures without JChem for Excel.
Added Alignment options to hit coloring
Marvin Applet editor removed, default editor is Marvin .NET
Convert to Structure changed to From SMILES
Fixed problems with Convert to Structure from SMILES
Fixed importing SDFile in V3000 format
Fixed Structure render strange when using JChem for Excel through Remote Desktop Protocol (Terminal Services)
Fixed Drawing Options: Color Scheme, Atom Label Size, Double Bond Width
Fixed Options load problem with French regional settings
Fixed using JChem for Excel with multiple users on the same computer
Fixed using JChem for Excel together with JChem .NET API
Fixed displaying IUPAC names containing Greek characters
Fixed Import from MySQL JChem Base databases having non-default JChem Properties table name
Fixed MYSQL query criteria
Fixed deleting a query criteria on Import from Database and running Search throwing exception
Fixed copy between Microsoft Excel instances
Fixed Slow quitting from Excel in certain cases
Fixed Resize problem of certain graphical objects (pictures in Excel 2003, embedded OLE objects)
Fixed Transparency problem (cell background color) in printing mode (print preview, print)
Structure Editing
Marvin .NET Beta included as the default structure editor.
Open single structure files (CDX,MOL,MRV,PDB).
Save single structure to file (CDX,MOL,MRV,PDB).
Structure Manipulation
Convert to Structure from SMILES.
Convert to SMILES from Structure.
Remove hit coloring from selected structures.
Structure Rendering
Copy-Paste :
Copy-paste between workbooks
Copy to external editors supporting MDL CT format.
Paste from external editors supporting MDL CT format.
New Unique Image and Structure functions :
Rendering: JCBallStickImage, JCSpaceFillImage
Display Options: JCAtomNumberImage, JCBondLengthImage
Plug-Ins: JCChargeImage, JCHBDAImage, JCHuckelAnalysisImage, JClogPImage, JCOrbitalElectroNegativityImage, JCpKaImage, JCPolarizabilityImage.
2D Clean: JC2DCleanStructure
Structural Framework: JCBemisMurckoStructure
Standardizer: JCStandardizeStructure
Added JCHeavyAtomCount
Extended JCAtomCount with an optional AtomicNumber parameter
Export to File
Import from File
Structure Filter
Filter is saved with workbooks.
Select the structure column to filter on, there are more structure columns on the sheet.
Filter could be reapplied. The previously drawn query structure is not lost.
Filter uses the new JCHitColorStructure function for hit coloring.
Structure Rendering
Import from Database
JChem Cartridge search on non-JChem Base generated tables.
JChem Cartridge search VARCHAR typed target structures.
Structure Rendering
Wrong structure placement if the workbook (child) window is not maximized.
Changed from resizing to clipping when splitters or panes are turned on.
Structures are invisible after sorting in Excel 2007.
Horizontal splitter or pane breaks the scrolling with selection in Excel 2003 .
The structure is invisible when the user closes the Function Arguments form by the Cancel button.
Adding a new window (clone) is not maximized mode get structures invisible.
The structures are disappeared from the sheet after saving the Excel workbook.
Horizontal splitter or pane breaks the scrolling with selection on Office 2003.