Upgrade guide

    Compound Registration relies on the underlying database schema and it is crucial to upgrade it before deploying a new version of Compound Registration.

    {info} In case you need assistance when migrating from MySQL to PostgreSQL please contact the Chemaxon support.

    Before the upgrade:

    {info} Compound Registration uses flyway, an open-source database-migration tool. Up through version 22.6.0, the application was using version 3.0 of flyway, but this was changed in recent releases in Compound Registration. LTS versions: 22.17, 23.6, 23.15 and frequent versions between 22.11.0-23.14.0 are all using flyway 4.2.0.

    {info} Flyway was upgraded to 7.15.0 in the frequent release 23.16.0. This unfortunately means, that if you are upgrading from an older version with flyway 3.0 to a newer version you will need to run an intermediate database migration with an application version that includes flyway 4.2.0.

    As an example, If you are planning to upgrade from 21.9.0 to 23.16.0, you will have to run the database migration from any of the intermediate versions - for example 22.11.0, before upgrading to 23.16.0. An other example, If you are on version 23.6.0, then you can directly upgrade to 23.16.0.

    1. Make sure to have a database backup.

    2. Download the new RegistryCxn-(version).war file. It must be a newer version of Compound Registration than the one previously installed.

    3. Download the corresponding migration tool RegistryCxn-(version)-migrate.zip.

    4. Verify that the REGISTRYCXN_HOME environment variable is valid.

    {info} When upgrading from a version before 17.06.12 you need to set up the REGISTRYCXN_HOME environment variable as the homedirectory (more details here).

    1. Verify that the registry.properties file exists under the $REGISTRYCXN_HOME/config folder.

    2. Make sure the properties: RegDBType, RegDBDriver, RegDBUrl, RegDBUser, RegDBPass are correct in the registry.properties file. Please find more information on the Database connections page.

    Upgrade Compound Registration:

    1. Shut down the Tomcat web container.
    2. Set the CHEMAXON_LICENSE_URL environment variable in the console (it works with HTTP urls and file URIs). Please find more information on the Compound Registration Installation requirements page and on Wikipedia - file URI scheme page.

    {warning} It is enough to have a valid license under REGISTRYCXN_HOME when hosting Compound Registration but when running the migration it is important to set the CHEMAXON_LICENSE_URL environment variable otherwise the migration tool will not be able to upgrade Markush structures.

    1. Unzip the RegistryCxn-(version)-migrate.zip file.
    2. Open a terminal window and navigate to the RegistryCxn/bin folder.
    3. Run the following on Linux:
    ./RegistryCxn install -migrateSchema

    Or the following on Windows:

    RegistryCxn.bat install -migrateSchema

    Please find more information about command line tools here.

    {info} For larger databases the migration could take more than an hour. You can temporary add the RegDBAbandonedTimeout=3600 (1 hour) property to the registry.properties file to increase the database connection timeout.

    1. Remove the previous installation from Tomcat.
    2. Deploy the new RegistryCxn-(version).war to Tomcat.