Plexus Connect - Business Flags

    Business flags make it possible to configure the feature set of Plexus Connect which you want to make available for your users. You have the possibility to turn on and off particular features

    The business flags are available in the ${HOME}/.chemaxon/plexus-suite/ file in UNIX systems (or in the %USERPROFILE%\chemaxon\plexus-suite\ file in Windows). Switching on and off features is possible by setting their business flag properties to "true" or "false" , respectively. The changes will take effect following the next log-in to Plexus Connect.

    If a business flag of a feature has been turned off, the menus or toolbar elements belonging to this feature will not appear in the graphical user interface, e.g. the "Charts" button will be missing from the action bar of the application if the "PLEXUS_CHARTS" property is set to false. As a consequence, the users will not be able to create any Charts. content

    Name Default value Function
    DASHBOARD_PROJECTS true Shows/hides Project column on the left-hand side of the Dashboard
    PLEXUS_CHARTS true Turns on/off embedded Plexus Charts
    EXPORT true Turns on/off exporting capability
    FORM_EDITOR true Turns on/off form editing capability
    TABLE_EDIT true Turns on/off table editing capability
    MOL_PANE_ADVANCED_DISPLAY_OPTIONS true Turns on/off different structure rendering capabilities
    DASHBOARD_SWITCH_TO_DATATREES false Shows/hides Data trees on the left-hand side of the Dashboard
    ADMIN_TOOLS true Shows/hides administrator capabilities like Messaging or Dashboard customization
    HELP_DIALOG false Shows/hides simple where to start help on landing page
    OPEN_FILTER_BY_URL_IS_DISABLED true Shows/hide a filter panel when web page is loaded or when URL is shared
    HTTP_WARNING_IS_DISABLED false Shows/hide a security warning, if the application is not running via HTTPS protocol, but just HTTP
    API_KEYS_LOGIN false Turns on/off the management of API keys, consists of UI and API for that
    CELL_EDITING true Enable/disable editing capability
    ROW_INSERTING true Turns on/off add new row action. Only for single entity.
    IJC_VISUAL_STYLE false Switches IJC and Connect appearance
    SCRIPTING true Enable/disable scripting functionality
    SHARE_VIEW true Display the icon for sharing views