Logging and monitoring


    By default, the log files of all the modules are separately stored in jws/logs/ folder. The place of log files and the logging level can be modified in the application.properties file of each service.

    Health status

    /actuator/health endpoint on the gateway reports the health status of the whole microservices system. It reports Status 2xx if all services are alive and work well.

    The individual health status of the modules can be seen on the <module_name>/actuator/health endpoint.

    When the discovery service is used, detailed health information about all running services can be requested by adding the following line into jws-config/common-config/application.properties or any of <module_name>/config/application.properties:


    The checked modules can be set in the jws-config/common-config/application.properties file like this (include only the used modules):

    com.chemaxon.jwsmodules=structure-manipulation, jwsio, jwsdb, jws-calculations, jws-markush, jws-checker-fixer, jws-reactor