Since version 24.3.0 it is possible to bulk update (add, overwrite, delete) additional data of registered compounds by uploading a CSV file or you can paste as text. You can define the CSV delimiter in the Upload options. The value set there is valid for the bulk update file.
Upload options | CSV - field delimiter |
The bulk update operation can be performed only if the user has the appropriate role for it. For more info please check the Groups and roles - Bulk update.
Bulk update sheet |
The following bulk update actions are available:
You can use this function to add a value to additional data fields.
{info} Bulk updates of multi-value fields are not yet supported.
{info} Bulk updates of collections are not yet supported.
Example file
CXN1,,,,parent comment
,CXN1A,,,version comment
,,CXN1-001,,lot comment identified by LN
,,,A1234,lot comment identified by LnbRef
Bulk update process - records |
After the file has been selected, the user is allowed to navigate with the aid of arrows between the first records, while the accompanying data fields are displayed.
The update process can be started with the help of the Upload and Update button.
At the end of the process the Update summary page is visible.
Example file
Before 'Add value' | After 'Add value' |
It is also possible to add values to multi-line fields with line breaks. For this purpose please use quotation marks.
Example file
If you need a quoted line in the multi-line field with line breaks please use double quotation marks.
Example file
""quoted line""
{info} Since version 24.3.2 it is possible to bulk update (add, overwrite, delete) system fields (restricted and mol weight) of registered compounds.
The restricted value is a numeric value associated with a registered compound, which indicates the level of exclusivity or confidentiality of that compound. A compound with a Restriction Level of 0 is considered unrestricted, while any higher Restriction level (positive integer) makes the compound restricted. The ‘Add value’ feature can be used if the original value of the restricted field is 0. Restricted value can be specified for parent level only, it is automatically inherited by the whole tree.
Example file for restricted
The molecular mass of a compound can be supplied also by the user, referred also as specified MW. For parent level the ‘mwtParent’ and for version level the ‘mwtVersion’ field identifiers can be used and decimal numbers should be added as values. The ‘Add value’ feature can be used if the original value of the mwtParent/mwtVersion field is 0. The specified molecular MW of a parent structure is not inherited by the versions and lots of the corresponding parent. The specified molecular MW of a version structure is also displayed for its lots, but it is not set for the corresponding parent.
Example file for mol weight parent
Example file for mol weight version
Additional data and system field update can be performed in one transaction.
Example file
You can use this function to replace an existing additional data.
{info} In the case of “Overwrite value” please add a valid not empty value. For delete please use the “Delete value" option.
{info} Bulk updates of multi-value fields are not yet supported.
{info} Bulk updates of collections are not yet supported.
Example file
CXN1,,,,parent comment
,CXN1A,,,version comment
,,CXN1-001,,lot comment identified by LN
,,,A1234,lot comment identified by LnbRef
Bulk update process - records |
After the file has been selected, the user is allowed to navigate with the aid of arrows between the first records, while the accompanying data fields are displayed.
The update process can be started with the help of the Upload and Update button.
At the end of the process the Update summary page is visible.
Example file
Before 'Overwrite value' | After 'Overwrite value' |
It is also possible to overwrite values in multi-line fields with line breaks. For this purpose please use quotation marks.
Example file
If you need a quoted line in the multi-line field with line breaks please use double quotation marks.
Example file
""quoted line""
{info} Since version 24.3.2 it is possible to bulk update (add, overwrite, delete) system fields (restricted and mol weight) of registered compounds.
The restricted value is a numeric value associated with a registered compound, which indicates the level of exclusivity or confidentiality of that compound. A compound with a Restriction Level of 0 is considered unrestricted, while any higher Restriction level (positive integer) makes the compound restricted. Restricted value can be specified for parent level only, it is automatically inherited by the whole tree.
Example file for restricted
The molecular mass of a compound can be supplied also by the user, referred also as specified MW. For parent level the ‘mwtParent’ and for version level the ‘mwtVersion’ field identifiers can be used and decimal numbers should be added as values. The specified molecular MW of a parent structure is not inherited by the versions and lots of the corresponding parent. The specified molecular MW of a version structure is also displayed for its lots, but it is not set for the corresponding parent.
Example file for mol weight parent
Example file for mol weight version
Additional data and system field update can be performed in one transaction.
Example file
{info} Since version 24.3.3 it is possible to bulk overwrite LnbRef of registered compounds.
Example file
Example file
You can use this function to delete an existing additional data.
{info} Bulk updates of multi-value fields are not yet supported.
{info} Bulk updates of collections are not yet supported.
Example file
CXN1,,,,parent comment
,CXN1A,,,version comment
,,CXN1-001,,lot comment identified by LN
,,,A1234,lot comment identified by LnbRef
Bulk update process - records |
After the file has been selected, the user is allowed to navigate with the aid of arrows between the first records, while the accompanying data fields are displayed.
The update process can be started with the help of the Upload and Update button.
At the end of the process the Update summary page is visible.
Example file
Before 'Delete value' | After 'Delete value' |
It is also possible to delete values from multi-line fields with line breaks. For this purpose please use quotation marks.
Example file
If you need a quoted line in the multi-line field with line breaks please use double quotation marks.
Example file
""quoted line""
{info} Since version 24.3.2 it is possible to bulk update (add, overwrite, delete) system fields (restricted and mol weight) of registered compounds.
The restricted value is a numeric value associated with a registered compound, which indicates the level of exclusivity or confidentiality of that compound. A compound with a Restriction Level of 0 is considered unrestricted, while any higher Restriction level (positive integer) makes the compound restricted. If you use the ‘Delete value’ feature the value of the restricted field will be 0. Restricted value can be specified for parent level only, it is automatically inherited by the whole tree.
Example file for restricted
The molecular mass of a compound can be supplied also by the user, referred also as specified MW. For parent level the ‘mwtParent’ and for version level the ‘mwtVersion’ field identifiers can be used and decimal numbers should be added as values. If you use the ‘Delete value’ feature the value of the mwtParent/mwtVersion field will be 0. The specified molecular MW of a parent structure is not inherited by the versions and lots of the corresponding parent. The specified molecular MW of a version structure is also displayed for its lots, but it is not set for the corresponding parent.
Example file for mol weight parent
Example file for mol weight version
Additional data and system field update can be performed in one transaction.
Example file