
    The chemaxon.struc.MolBond class is used to represent chemical bond. To create a MolBond object, one of these constructor methods can be used:

    • MolBond(MolAtom a1, MolAtom a2, int f)

    • MolBond(MolAtom a1, MolAtom a2)

    • MolBond(MolBond b)

    The two MolAtom objects in the constructors defines between which atoms is the bond defined. The int f constant defines the type of the bond. The value can be:

    • 1 - single bond

    • 2 - double bond

    • 3 - triple bond

    • MolBond.AROMATIC- aromatic bond

    • MolBond.SINGLE_OR_DOUBLE- bond, that can be both single and double

    • MolBond.SINGLE_OR_AROMATIC- bond, that can be both single and aromatic

    • MolBond.DOUBLE_OR_AROMATIC- bond, that can be both double and aromatic

    • MolBond.CONJUGATED- conjugated bond

    • MolBond.COORDINATE- coordinated bond

    • MolBond.UP- single bond up

    • MolBond.DOWN- single bond down

    • MolBond.WAVY- single bond up or down

    • MolBond.STEREO1_MASK- single bond stereo mask. It is the same as UP | DOWN

    • MolBond.STEREO2_CARE- Cis/trans info of this bond is taken care of during the SSS process, used only for query bonds

    • MolBond.STEREO_MASK- Single and double bond stereo mask. It is the same as STEREO1_MASK | CTUMASK | STEREO2_CARE

    • MolBond.ANY- any bond

    If this constant is omitted, single bond object will be created.

    Similarly to the MolAtom the constructed MolBond object should be added to the molecule it belongs to.

    Code examples

    Build water molecule using MolAtom and MolBond objects

    package chemaxon.examples.strucrep
    import chemaxon.struc.*;
     * Example class for structure manipulation. Creates water.
    public class BuildMoleculeWater {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // create an empty Molecule
            Molecule m = new Molecule();
            // create the Carbon atom
            MolAtom a1 = new MolAtom(8);
            // and add it to the molecule 
            // create the Hydrogen atom
            MolAtom a2 = new MolAtom(1);
            // and add it to the molecule
            // create the Hydrogen atom
            MolAtom a3 = new MolAtom(1);
            // and add it to the molecule
            // this prints [H+].[H+].O as no bond has been defined yet 
            // create a bond between atoms, bond order 
            MolBond b1 = new MolBond(a1, a2, 1);
            MolBond b2 = new MolBond(a1, a3, 1);
            // this prints water 

    Accessing atoms and bonds of the molecule

    import chemaxon.formats.MolFormatException; 
    import chemaxon.formats.MolImporter; 
    import chemaxon.struc.Molecule; 
    import chemaxon.struc.MolAtom; 
    import chemaxon.struc.MolBond; 
     * Example class to demonstrate how to access atoms and bonds  of the molecule.
    public class MoleculeAtoms { 
        public static void main(String[] args) { 
            String filename = args[0]; 
            try { 
                // create a molecule importer for the given file 
                MolImporter mi = new MolImporter(filename);          
                // read the first molecule from the file 
                Molecule m =;              
                while (m != null) {                 
                    // read the next molecule from the input file 
                    m =;             
            catch (MolFormatException e) {             
               System.err.println("Molecule format not recognised.");         
            catch (IOException e) {             
                System.err.println("I/O error:" + e);
        private static void printAtoms( Molecule m ) {     
               System.out.println("Atoms in the molecule\natomic number charge  hybridisation");
               for (int i = 0; i < m.getAtomCount(); i++) { 
                  MolAtom a = m.getAtom(i);             
                  System.out.println( i + "th atom: " + a.getAtno() + "     " 
                                      + a.getCharge() + "   "
                                      + a.getHybridizationState()); 
        private static void printBonds( Molecule m ) { 
            System.out.println("Bonds in the molecule\nbond order   coodinate"); 
            for (int i = 0; i < m.getBondCount(); i++) {  
              MolBond b = m.getBond(i);             
              System.out.println( b.getType() + "       " + b.isCoordinate() + " "
                    + m.indexOf( b.getAtom1()) + "-" + m.indexOf( b.getAtom2())); 

    The following table summarizes if the properties of the MolBond have setor getmethods.

    property set get note
    Index images/s/en_US/8100/6512c1e2a41cdf14570641b46bd2fe3eaeb38d03/_/images/icons/emoticons/error.svg images/s/en_US/8100/6512c1e2a41cdf14570641b46bd2fe3eaeb38d03/_/images/icons/emoticons/check.svg assigned automatically
    2 endpoints – 2 nodes images/s/en_US/8100/6512c1e2a41cdf14570641b46bd2fe3eaeb38d03/_/images/icons/emoticons/check.svg images/s/en_US/8100/6512c1e2a41cdf14570641b46bd2fe3eaeb38d03/_/images/icons/emoticons/check.svg
    Type images/s/en_US/8100/6512c1e2a41cdf14570641b46bd2fe3eaeb38d03/_/images/icons/emoticons/check.svg images/s/en_US/8100/6512c1e2a41cdf14570641b46bd2fe3eaeb38d03/_/images/icons/emoticons/check.svg
    Stereo information images/s/en_US/8100/6512c1e2a41cdf14570641b46bd2fe3eaeb38d03/_/images/icons/emoticons/check.svg images/s/en_US/8100/6512c1e2a41cdf14570641b46bd2fe3eaeb38d03/_/images/icons/emoticons/check.svg wedge / double bond stereo detailed in stereo chemistry