Chemaxon provides a public repository at for our products and modules. It is designed for integrators and resellers but is available for any registered Chemaxon user as well. Chemaxon provides both web user interface and CLI access. How to acquire the required credentials in order to use this repository is described below.
If you do not already have a Chemaxon account, you may create it via filling the form at Your email address will serve as the username when setting up a repository.
API keys will be deprecated, therefore we will be using Identity tokens henceforth. To generate your Identity Token visit Please log in with your Chemaxon account credentials.
Navigate to the top right corner of your screen, select your user profile. Your Username will be displayed above your registered e-mail.
Select "Edit Profile".
You'll find the option to generate your Identity Token here.
Follow further instructions while generating your token from Artifactory.
Token = Identity_Token
User = user_email
export TOKEN=
export USER=
wget -qO - https://$USER:$ | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
Help is available on your user inteface with commands already parametered for the following repository types: Docker, Generic, Maven, Debian, npm, pypi, Rpm.
If you would like to use Gradle as your build tool, you can follow these instructions to access Chemaxon's Maven repository. Or you can use the quickstart project as an example.
In your Gradle project, create (or edit if already exists) a file and add these contents. You can also move this file outside your project, into user home
/.gradle directory.
chemaxonRepositoryPassword=<IDENTITY TOKEN>
In the build.gradle file, add our Maven repository in the repositories block. For example:
repositories {
maven {
url "${chemaxonRepositoryUrl}/libs-release"
credentials {
username = chemaxonRepositoryUser
password = chemaxonRepositoryPassword
After applying these settings, you can add Chemaxon modules as dependencies.
If you had a problem with resolving the ojdbc8 Oracle JDBC driver but you do not want to use Oracle then omitting the driver solves the problem. To omit ojdbc8 add this setting to the build.gradle file:
configurations.all {
exclude group: '', module: 'ojdbc8'
A simple, self-contained quickstart project example using Gradle:
A simple, self-contained quickstart project example using Apache Maven:
To integrate a product, you only need to add its top-level module as a dependency, all required modules will be downloaded transitively (with the exception of the module naming which also needs to be added separately).
Product | Top-level module name in the repository |
Marvin | marvin-app |
JChem | jchem-main |
An open-source API usage example for JKlustor, which uses Chemaxon's Maven Repository. It is available on GitHub: