Converting implicit Hydrogens to explicit

    The following methods are available in chemaxon.calculations.Hydrogenizeclass to convert implicit hydrogen atoms to explicit ones:

    • Hydrogenize.convertImplicitHToExplicit(MoleculeGraph molecule, MolAtom[] atoms, int f)

    • Hydrogenize.convertImplicitHToExplicit(MoleculeGraph molecule)

    In the first method the coordinate refinement to avoid atom collisions can be skipped using the OMIT_POSTCLEAN option.

    You can convert implicit Hydrogens to explicit ones without additional cleaning:

    //import a simple chain
    Molecule mol = MolImporter.importMol("methylhexene.mol");
    Hydrogenize.convertImplicitHToExplicit(mol, null, MoleculeGraph.OMIT_POSTCLEAN);
    images/download/thumbnails/1806276/image071.png images/download/thumbnails/1806276/image072.png images/download/thumbnails/1806276/image073.png
    original methylhexene molecule with OMIT_POSTCLEAN option without OMIT_POSTCLEAN option

    Working example to add explicit H to chiral centers only

    import chemaxon.struc.Molecule; 
    import chemaxon.struc.MolAtom; 
    import chemaxon.formats.MolImporter; 
    import chemaxon.struc.StereoConstants; 
    public class ExplicitHToChiralCenter { 
         * Example to add Explicit H to Chiral centers only. 
         * @param args   command line arguments 
         * @throws  
         * @version 5.1 04/24/2008 
         * @since Marvin 5.1 
         * @author Andras Volford 
        // ODD and EVEN parity values 
        static int ODD = StereoConstants.PARITY_ODD;     
        static int EVEN = StereoConstants.PARITY_EVEN; 
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { 
            if (args.length < 1) {
                 System.err.println("Usage: java ExplicitHToChiralCenter 
            // create importer for the file argument 
            String s = (String) args[0]; 
            MolImporter molimp = new MolImporter(s); 
            // store the imported molecules in m 
            Molecule m = new Molecule(); 
            while ( {  // read molecules from the file 
                int ac = m.getAtomCount(); 
               // Atoms with odd or even parity 
                MolAtom[] t = new MolAtom[ac];
                 int n = 0;
                 for (int i = 0; i < ac; i++){
                     int p = m.getParity(i);
                     boolean add = p == ODD || p == EVEN; 
                    // if the atom has ODD or EVEN parity 
                    if (add) {
                         t[n++] = m.getAtom(i); 
                // reduce atom array 
                MolAtom[] a = new MolAtom[n];
                System.arraycopy(t, 0, a, 0, n); 
                // add explicit H 
                Hydrogenize.convertImplicitHToExplicit(m, a, 0);
                if (m.getDim() != 2)
                     m.clean(2, null);              
                // write the result 