History of changes
September 9th, 2024: Marvin 24.3.13
Security vulnerabilities have been fixed.
September 5th, 2024: Marvin 24.3.12
- The Search bar feature has been implemented, enabling a quick access to chemical elements, query atoms, abbreviated functional groups, templates and homology groups.
- It is now possible to generate IUPAC names for molecules.
- The visibility settings of the software can now be stored in the local storage of the browser.
- A new, improved atom numbering method has been implemented.
- The font types, font size from the top toolbar, the left sub toolbars and the wrapped top toolbar can now be accessed and navigated through by keyboard as part of the accessibility feature set.
- The Context menu and the Dialog windows can be opened and navigated through using the keyboard as part of the accessibility feature set.
- The Template library tool has been introduced that lists an extended set of predrawn structures organized in multiple structural categories.
- Commonly used scientific journal styles with predefined settings are available now from Style settings dialog.
- It is now possible to create and save Custom journal styles.
- When a conflict between document style settings occurs during import a dialog pops up enabling manual resolution.
- Adjusting the Fixed length in the Style settings now affects graphical objects proportionally.
- Peptide representation in the application has been implemented.
- S-group brackets can now be resized and relocated manually.
- Solid and dashed bond styles has been introduced for the display of Coordinate bonds.
- The arrow types have been extended by the Rearrangement arrow.
- New shapes such as Rounded rectangle, Triangle, Star,Arc and Spehere are added.
- Solid, hashed and dashed bond styles has been introduced to display Coordinate bonds.
- It is now possible to add Shadow to certain shapes.
- It is now possible to assign Atom query properties in multiselection.
- The Formula & Molweight box is automatically extended if applied on a full structure.
- It is now possible to export images in TIFF format.
- The Cut feature has been implemented.
- Shortcuts have been implemented for rotation and faster movement on the drawing area.
- Horizontal and vertical constraint movement is implemented.
- Distribution guidelines now appear on manual movement of structures and graphical objects.
- It is now possible to use atom shortcuts and abbreviated groups in multiselection.
- All radical types are now available from the Main and Context menu.
- Chemical elements can be accessed from the abbreviated groups library.
- The Single and Double electron flow arrows can now be exported into CXON files.
- Validation of S-group types has been extended and refined.
- The aromatic ring now inherits the kekule structure’s color after inviting aromatize service.
- The direction of single bonds placed by shortcuts have been refined.
- The typing of two-letter atom shortcuts has been refined.
- Behavior of the Reaction clean up has been improved.
- The screen reader compatibility of the Homology groups dialog, toolbars and the drawing area has been improved.
- Responsivity of the preview structure in the Style settings dialog has been improved.
- The display of the Homology groups on the canvas has been refined.
- New shortcuts have been implemented, including quick access to webservices, tools and dialogs.
- The placement of the calculation boxes has been improved.
April 5th, 2024: Marvin Pro 24.1.1
New features
- Brackets can now be used to represent S-groups on chemical structures such as repeating units, multiple groups, SRU polymers, link nodes and custom groups.
- Coordinate bond and Dative bond are now available from the Bond toolbar.
- It is now possible to Attach data to chemical structures.
- It is now possible to represent salts on the canvas using the Merge components action.
- Single and double electron flow arrows can now be drawn to represent electron movements.
- Multiple attachment point abbreviated groups can now be placed on the canvas including amino acids.
- The document style settings options are extended with Margin width and Fixed length.
- It is now possible to set from API a confirmation dialog, when the change of stereochemical labels would cause stereochemical data loss.
- The content of the pinned Formula & Molweight data box now dinamically follows structural changes.
- Lone pairs can now be relocated manually.
- It is now possible to Clean up reactions from the Context menu.
- Selected objects can now be Distributed on the canvas in even distances.
- The location and display of unique atom numbers can now be customized.
- The dropdown menus can now be scrolled if they do not fit into the browser window.
- New accessibility features have been added, including accessing and navigating through chemical structures by keyboard.
- The font size of atom labels and atom/bond properties can be set globally.
- Single curly brackets can now be placed on the canvas.
- Supported chemical file formats are extended with SDF, RDF and RXN.
- The TAB key can now be used to put the focus on dropdown menus.
- Standalone carbon atoms placed on the canvas are represented with their implicit hydrogen atoms.
- Lone pair placement has been refined.
- The placement of certain elements having the same labels as abbreviated groups has been fixed.
- The display of arrow heads has been refined.
Februray 2nd, 2024: Marvin Pro 23.17.1
New features
- The publication quality display of the fittings of single, bold and wedge bonds has been implemented.
- Unique numbers can now be assigned to atoms with the possibility of customized location and color.
- The Electron tool has been introduced including the Add radical and Add lone pair features.
- The query bonds are now fully complete with the implementation of the Double Cis/Trans or unspecified bond.
- The query tools are expanded with the introduction of Homology groups.
- The Style settings dialog has been equipped with an adaptive preview structure.
- The Font type and size of atom labels and atom/bond properties can be set globally.
- It is now possible to set the visibility of the Variable attachment highlight on the canvas.
- The Formula & molweight box can now be pinned to the canvas and the text content can be copied.
- It is now possible to colorize elements by switching to CPK color display of atoms in the main settings.
- The Mirror & rotate action is expanded with the Mirror group and Rotate group actions.
- The application’s top toolbar is now customizable from API.
- New accessibility features have been added, including navigation of the toolbars and dropdown menus with keyboard, hoverable tooltips and screen readers can now recognize the toolbars and the content of the dialogs.
- The performance of the application has been improved.
- The style of the stereodescriptors and bond topology labels are refined.
- The application can now handle molecules separately if they are imported together.
November 23rd, 2023: Marvin Pro 23.16.0
New features
- It is now possible to assign Molecule stereo label to structures and import/export the stereochemical information in CXON, MRV and Mol V3000 files.
- Switch icons are introduced to set the visibility of stereochemical flags and valence error.
- A Stereochemistry options dialog has been implemented that enables the customization of the visibility and name of the stereochemical flags.
- The Map reaction atoms tool has been implemented, enabling the creation of reaction mapping.
- Variable attachment bonds can be added from the Markush tools and the highlight can be set to colored or gray versions. Image export can be set to contain the variable attachment highlights or not.
- It is now possible to assign advanced Query properties and Custom valence values to atoms.
- Molecules can now be Mirrored and Rotated from the context menu.
- Crop image tool has been introduced.
- Document Style settings have been implemented to set the display properties of structures. Bond spacing, bond width, bold bond width and hash spacing can be changed.
- The editor’s left toolbar is now customizable from API.
- Brackets have been extended with the Round bracket graphical object.
- It is now possible to draw Retrosynthesis arrow.
- RGroup attachment ligand order is introduced.
- Imported reaction schemes are now automatically supplemented with Plus signs.
- It is now possible to draw regular sized shapes such as circles and squares by holding down the shift key.
- The performance of the editor has been significantly improved.
- 2D Clean now works with RGroup attachment points.
- Dashed line representation has been refined.
September 5th, 2023: Marvin Pro 23.12.32
New features
- It is now possible to draw query structures with Aromatic bond and Cis or trans bond through the left toolbar, main menu and context menu.
- RGroup attachment bond can now be placed on atoms from Markush tools in the left toolbar.
- Natural and custom Isotopes can be added through the main menu and the context menu.
- Valence checker is now introduced to give feedback about valence errors and its visibility can be disabled manually from the main menu settings.
- Mono- and diradicals can now be added to atoms through the main menu and the context menu.
- It is now possible to draw Equilibrium and Unbalanced equilibrium arrow.
- Bold bond is added to the tools and now it is possible to bold double bonds as well.
- Query properties for bonds such as topology and reacting center now can be added through the main menu and the context menu.
- Aromatize/Dearomatize tool now works with nitrogen containing heterocycles.
- Image export now works on selections as well.
- It is now possible to place Molecule stereo labels Absolute and Racemic on structures.
- It is now possible to customize the available structure templates of the left toolbar from API.
- New API option is introduced to place imported structures in the middle of the canvas.
- CXON file format introduced some breaking changes that may affect older CXON files.
- It is now possible to import/export enhanced stereochemical properties in MRV files.
- Enhanced stereo labels and visibility now can be set from the atom context menu.
- Absolute configuration is automatically detected.
- The properties of multiselected bonds now can be changed.
- Mixed atom and bond properties are visible in the context menu when multiselecting atoms and bonds.
- The default positioning and graphical representation of the enhanced stereo labels have been refined.
- Representation of charges can be changed through the main menu.
- Custom positions of charges and labels are now stored in CXON files.
- Curved and circular arrow properties are now stored in CXON files.
- Templates have been reorganized.
- The design and positioning of the icons on the toolbar and in the context menu have been improved.
- In the context menu a checkmark is now showing the type of the selected bond.
- When a new bond overlaps with an existing structure they are now automatically merged together.
- Query atom tooltips have been renamed to make them more easy to understand.
- Square brackets representation has been refined.