Plexus Connect - Extension field and WebService Entity

    After setting up Extension field (with or without WebService Entity) in the IJC you should take JAR file with all your Java handlers and use it according to walk-trough below.
    Extension field handlers documentation here.
    WebService Entity handlers documentation here.
    How to set it up in IJC? Look here.

    Extension field only without WebService Entity

    • Put the JAR file in the Connect WAR file, specifically to WEB-INF/lib directory. Or add it to the classpath in any different way.
    • Have some project (schema) already set up in IJC with usage of those ExtensionFields and setup Connect to use that project.
    • Run Connect in Tomcat.

    WebService Entity (So technically, the Extension field will use WebServiceEntity)

    • Put the JAR file in the Connect WAR file, specifically to WEB-INF/lib directory. Or add it to the classpath in any different way.
    • Have some project (schema) already set up in IJC with usage of those ExtensionFields and its WebServiceEntity and setup Connect to use that project.
    • Have the webservice specified in the configuration of the WebService project running and available for Connect to invoke.
    • Run Connect in Tomcat.