Installation Choral on Amazon Oracle RDS

    The same installation steps must be executed as described in the Installation steps section of the Installation and Administration guide. There are only a few things to be aware of:

    1. Install the Choral Server to an Amazon EC2 instance on the same subnet as the Amazon Oracle RDS instance.

    2. In the 3. Configure step provide the Amazon Oracle RDS instance internal IP address for choral.init.oracleUrl property in the config/ file.

    In the default setup the original indexed data is stored in the RDS server while the index data by the Choral server is stored on the file system of the Choral server. See the architecture of this system.

    In certain cases it may be useful to let the Choral server to write its data back to the RDS server. This way all the data resides in the RDS instance and back-up is easier. See the architecture of this system.


    • RDS running with a user that the Choral server can use to create its backend data. In this docs this user will be referred as <RDS user> and <RDS password>
    • Adjust the security group of the RDS instance so that the EC2 instance (Choral service) is allowed to access the database on its port.

    Setting up the choral server to use RDS as index data storage backend can be achieved in the following way:
    In the 3. Configure step of installation the following settings should be added or modified in choral.conf file:

    • Change the used backend engine:


    • Add the following properties to choral.conf file:

      com.chemaxon.jchem.psql.gcrdb.singleTableName=engine_data com.chemaxon.jchem.psql.gcrdb.sqlBuilderProvider=ORACLE
      com.chemaxon.jchem.psql.gcrdb.jdbcUrl=<RDS jdbc url> (in this form: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<RDS url>:<RDS port>:<RDS sid>)
      com.chemaxon.jchem.psql.gcrdb.user=<RDS user>
      com.chemaxon.jchem.psql.gcrdb.password=<RDS password>