Documentation for installing license files issued for versions prior to 5.0 can be found here.
Note: Documentation for installing license keys can be found here.
The possible ways of installing license files on a server (web applications e.g. JSP pages, Pipeline Pilot):
Using system variables (recommended):
The location of the license file can be set with:
environment variable (help on setting environment variables)
Java system property
From version 5.3.2 it is possible to define multiple license files of arbitrary locations. The separator character is ";
In case license files are set this way, the license files will be read from all locations defined by the environment variable, the Java system property and from the user's home directory.
Example: -Dchemaxon.license.url="C:\Chemaxon\license2009.cxl;C:\Chemaxon\license2010.cxl"
Automatic install:
The license file is automatically recognized when stored in the .chemaxon
(Unix) or chemaxon
(Windows) sub-directory under the home directory of the user running the application. The following locations are accepted:
(file name is fixed)
( from version 5.3.2 only - the license file can have arbitrary name, the extension is fixed)
Command line install:
Launch the license
shell script (Unix) or license.bat
batch file (Windows) available in the Marvin Beans and JChem downloadable packages.
Type license -h
for the list of available options.
Using Java API:
If the licenses are installed later, when a web application is already running, it is not necessary to restart the web server (e.g. Tomcat), the License Manager will automatically and repeatedly check if a license file was installed in the meanwhile. Please note that Marvin JS license installation is different, the installation guide will be sent to you together with the license.
In some cases it can happen if a Chemaxon product is run as a service by the System Profile, than despite all effort no Environment Variable is visible for the product. In this case our license check falls back to search the license in C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\chemaxon\
folder, which is the user home of the System Profile. In this folder you can place a license.cxl
file or create a licenses folder and copy all your .cxl
files here, as described in the 2. point above.
In Kubernetes adminsitrators have the option to use the secrets
API to add license files and mount these as volumes. Chemaxon products use $CHEMAXON_HOME
to store temporary files, not just license files, so using a secret mount can cause read only file system errors.
It is recommended that adminstrators use a combination of secret
volumes and the environment variable $CHEMAXON_LICENSE_URL
# An example podspec that assumes that a license file was added as
# kubectl create secret generic licensefile --from-file=license.cxl
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: mypod
- name: mypod
image: chemaxon-application
# The full path depends on the file added as a secret
value: "/run/secrets/license/license.cxl"
- name: licensefile
mountPath: "/run/secrets/license/"
readOnly: true
- name: licensefile
secretName: licensefile