Compound Registration System Requirements

    Software requirements, server side

    • OS: OS-independent, tested on Linux, Windows 10 Professional and Windows Server 2012 R2

    • Required software for Docker distribution:

      • Docker Engine

      {info} You can find more information about Docker at:

    • Required software for WAR distribution:

      • Java: Select the compatible Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version for your registration system from the table below
      Compound Registration Java
      23.14.0 - latest 17
      21.20.0 - 23.14.0 11
      17.02.13 - 21.20.0 8

      {info} The recommended distribution for Java 11 and 17 is Adoptium as Chemaxon builds and tests the application with it. Visit for more information. For Java 8, Oracle is the recommended distribution. Visit the download page for more information.

      {primary} If you want to use encryption to encrypt the DB password, we recommend using JRE 1.8.0_161 and newer, or if you are using older versions you have to install the JCE Unlimited Strength extension from here: (the downloaded zip contains the readme and the installation instructions).

      • Apache Tomcat: Select a compatible Tomcat version for your registration system from the table below
      Compound Registration Tomcat
      23.14.0 - latest 10.1.+
      17.02.13 - 23.14.0 8.5.+

      {info} Follow the installation and configuration guide at:

    • PostgreSQL 15 or Oracle 19c, 21c, XE Database

      {info} Follow the installation guide for setting up the selected DBMS. Oracle: PostgreSQL:

    • Configured SMTP mail server for e-mail feedback on registration

    • JChem Oracle Cartridge is not needed

    Software requirements, client side

    Web browser: a recent version of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari.

    Information about older versions:

    • Java: JRE 1.6 - 1.8 for MarvinSketch applet (support until version 21.20.0) in all browsers, and for file uploads in Internet Explorer 11
    • Web browser: Internet Explorer 11 support until version 21.18.0
    • ChemDraw 14 (support until version 21.18.0) or above up to 18.x has to be installed with the ActiveX Browser component, when intending to use ChemDraw as a structure editor

    Hardware requirements, server side

    • Depends mainly on the database size
    • At least 2-4 cores are recommended
    • 4-8 GB RAM or more, at least 3 GB should be provided explicitly for the Tomcat JVM.
    • Cca 500 MB disk space for the application, additional 1 GB during deployment for temporary files; data storage disk space requirements highly depend on the number of structures, approximately 40 GB / 1 M structures

    Hardware requirements, client side

    • Standard office hardware that can run a modern browser with JavaScript support with a decent performance
    • At least 4 GB RAM suggested if large (> 10000 structures) SD files are processed during bulk upload
    • Recommended minimum display resolution 1366x768