File check

    A set of substances can be checked via the File check where a single file containing all the substances is filtered for controlled substances.

    Click images/download/thumbnails/5318618/batchicon.png to open File check page. The Uploaded files panel lists all previous file checks of the logged in user.

    The details of the user's earlier file checks are displayed in the Summary drop-down when clicked on a row. Even a new report can be generated of that File check from this drop-down.


    Configuring a File check

    Choose file

    In order to upload the file to be checked, click on the Browse button. A regular file open window will be displayed.

    File check of chemical structure files

    A large selection of industrially acknowledged standard chemical file formats are supported e.g. SDF , MRV ,SMILES , MOL and even (IUPAC or traditional) names to name a few. The complete list of supported file formats can be found here.

    File check of CSV files

    CSV files containing chemical structures in one-row format (SMILES , SMARTS , names , CAS Registry Number® , InChI e.t.c.) can be file checked.

    The file needs to have CSV extension but can have either comma-, tab- or space-separated values.


    After selecting a CSV file the mandatory Specify structure column dropdown appears in a red box below the filename. The drop-down lists the first line items and the user must select the column that contains the structure. The Check button is inactive until the structure column is not selected.

    Below this drop-down there is the No header checkbox which needs to be checked if the first row contains a structure to be checked.

    Other columns of the CSV file will be available in the Report template together, as Input data fields.

    If the selected Report template contains the ID field and the file contains properties of the structures then the user is forced to select a property as the ID field.

    The Check button is inactive until the ID field is not selected.


    If the CSV file - especially the structure column - contains an error then the File check fails with the Error during structure import message.

    Regulation categories

    See the description here.

    Report format

    The file format(s) of the report can be selected here. Currently HTML , PDF , SDF , MRV and XLSX file formats are supported.

    The default Report format selection can be defined by the administrator but the last used Report format (s) are saved and reloaded for the User's next File check.

    Report content

    Report template

    The Report template can be selected from the drop-down. (These report templates are pre-defined by the Administrator.)

    If the selected Report template contains the ID field and the file contains properties of the structures then the user is forced to select a property as the ID field.

    The Check button is inactive until the ID field is not selected.


    Content scope

    For the content scope of the report(s) you can choose from the following possibilities:

    • All (includes all substances of the uploaded file) or

    select from:

    • Controlled substances

    • Non-controlled substances

    • Errors

    The default setting is Controlled structures and Errors.

    Notes (optional)

    Entering data in this field is optional. You can put here some details about the above uploaded file. This information will be displayed only in the Summary table.

    Date of regulations

    See the description here.

    Executing a File check


    Clicking on the Check button the file upload popup will be displayed. After the file upload is finished the popup is closed and the started File check will appear in the first row of the Uploaded files table. The check of the uploaded file will be started automatically and can be monitored in that row. The results of the ongoing check are displayed in the Input , Hit , Passed , Error cells and a progress bar (%).

    File check can be stopped by clicking the " Cancel this job " in the Actions cell.

    The progress of the ongoing file check can be monitored in the drop-down : Check execution time , Pending fragments and Finished fragments data show the progress and Input count , Hit count , Non-hit count and Error count show the interim results.


    When the check is finished the Check finished at cell will be filled and the Progress cell will change to Done - showing the time that was required for the checking process and the report generation process will be started.

    The Check finished at and the Progress cells will show Canceled when the File check was interrupted by the user - clicking the Cancel this job - and will show Error when the File check fails due to e.g. a structure import error.

    Clicking on a row of the Uploaded files table displays the Summary drop-down with the detailed results and the Generated reports table.

    History of all executed File checks - made by the logged in User - will be displayed in the Uploaded files table.

    Extended search

    If the first 10 lines of the uploaded file are not recognized as MRV, MOL, RXN., SDF, RDF, CML, SYBYL. MOL2, Gaussian Cube/Input or PDB format then the file is considered as a single-line file and the images/download/thumbnails/5318618/extendedsearchbutton.png button is displayed on the File check page.

    This Extended search runs a special search on these single-line files.

    Each line of the uploaded file will be the text input of this special check one by one.

    E.g. the file is considered as a single-line file if the first 10 lines are recognized as SMILES, SMARTS, CXSMILES, CXSMARTS, sequence (peptide, DNA,RNA), IUPAC- or traditional names ( CASRegistryNumber®) - or these cannot be recognized as chemical structures.

    • If the text input can be converted to structure then a structure search is executed to each line.

    • If the text cannot be converted to a structure (and does not match the CAS Registry Number® regexp) then a text search runs on all of the text fields except the CAS# field (Name, Synonyms, DEA#, GTIN#, PubChem#).

    • If the text matches the CAS Registry Number®regexp then only the CAS# field is checked. This step is executed even if the CAS Registry Number®could be converted to structure.


    File check error

    Mixed structure types (e.g. name and SMILES ) are not allowed in a file and result in an error. If a CSV file's structure column was specified incorrectly then it also results in an error.

    In this case " Error " will be displayed in the Progress cell and only the file Upload started cell will be filled out, the previous 4 cells will show the reason of the error, e.g. " Error during structure import ".

    This " Error " row does not have a dropdown to show the Summary but moving the cursor over this row a tooltip is displayed with showing the line number of the first error.


    Clicking on this " Error " row will display a popup with the same contents as the tooltip.


    File check results

    Uploaded files table

    The Uploaded files table contains all file checking jobs the user has run. (15 rows per page are displayed.)


    Each row contains the following fields:

    Field name Explanation
    Uploaded file name name of the uploaded file
    Download last reports download links of the already generated reports
    Input count of input substances
    Hit count of controlled substances
    Passed count of non-controlled substances
    Error count of errors
    Upload started at date and time when the file upload was started
    Check finished at date and time when the file check was finished
    Progress % progress bar of the running job / Done (time of check) / Canceled / Error
    Actions the actually running job can be stopped if Cancel this job is visible here

    In the Download last report s column the icons of the already generated PDF, HTML, SDF, MRV, XLSX and/or CSV reports are displayed. Click the corresponding document icon to download the file.

    Clicking on a row displays the Summary table of the selected File check in a dropdown. (To close the dropdown click on the row again.)

    Summary dropdown

    The checking details of an uploaded file are displayed in the Summary dropdown which can be opened by clicking on a row in the Uploaded files table.


    In the top of the Summary table the Notes field is shown that was entered when the file to be checked was uploaded.

    Field name Explanation
    File file name of the uploaded file
    User logged in user's ID
    Check type "File" or "Extended"
    Upload started date and time when the file upload was started
    Max atom count filters out molecules having more heavy atoms than this
    Check finished date and time when the checking was finished
    Check execution time difference between Upload started and Check finished
    Pending fragments number of pending fragments
    Finished fragments number of finished fragments
    Dead fragments number of dead fragments
    Error count count of erroneous substances
    Input count count of input substances
    Hit count count of controlled substances
    Non-hit count count of non-controlled substances
    Against countries / category groups categories or category groups the check was run against
    Date of regulations selected date of regulations for the check
    Knowledge base version version of the knowledge base at the check
    Software version version of the software at the check

    File check reports

    Generating new reports

    New reports of an earlier finished File check can be generated from the Summary drop-down by selecting a Report template from the dropdown list and the report content by selecting the relevant checkboxes:

    • Controlled structures

    • Non-controlled structures

    • Errors

    Clicking on the Generate button the desired Report format can be selected from the drop-down: HTML , PDF , SDF , MRV , XLSX or CSV .

    After selection of the Report format the report generation will start and will be listed in the Generated reports table.

    The ongoing ( Waiting and/or Started ) report generation can be canceled by clicking the Kill report generaton button.

    Generated reports

    The Generated reports table lists all reports of the selected File check that were already generated and the process of the ongoing report generation.

    All previously generated reports are stored and can be downloaded later.

    Field name Explanation
    Generated filename the auto-generated filename will have the 'OriginalFilename_jobID.ext' format
    Contents content of the report (full, hit only, certificate only, error-only, summary only)
    Report generation started at date and time when the report generation was started
    Report generation finished at date and time when the report generation was finished

    The 'OriginalFilename' should have only the following valid characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, ., _, -

    Other characters (and spaces) will be replaced with "_" in the auto-generated filename.

    The Contents field shows the different selection of the Controlled structures / Non-controlled structures / Errors checkboxes:

    Contents Controlled structures Non-controlled structures Errors
    summary only o o o
    hit only X o o
    certificate only o X o
    error only o o X
    error and hit X o X
    result only X X o
    error and passed o X X
    full X X X