Run Command Prompt as an administrator and enter:
setx -M BIOREG_HOME "C:\path o\any\directory"
{primary} Verify that the environment variable is set up correctly by using echo %BIOREG_HOME% in the command prompt. you should see the path which you defined above as output.
In Control Panel, open Edit the system environment variables menu, then click on System variables button. Here, you can create new system variables by adding the corresponding folder location.
{primary} In the above mentioned menu, you can set the JAVA_HOME environment variable if needed. In this case, add the jdk or jre folder location (e. g. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_191) before you proceed with the installation.
The following examples represent a convenient method for using and storing command lines in bash profile. To do so, run terminal and start by opening .bash_profile within e.g. the nano text editor:
nano ~/.bash_profile
Add the following line to the .bash_profile
export BIOREG_HOME=/Users/<USERNAME>/.chemaxon/bioreg/
Save the changes made to .bash_profile and exit nano.
In terminal, start by opening .bash_profile within the nano text editor:
nano ~/.bash_profile
Then set the environmental variable:
export BIOREG_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
Save the changes made to .bash_profile and exit nano.
{primary} If Tomcat was running while you created or edited the environment variable, a restart of Tomcat is required.