This guide provides background information about the usage of Composite DB in JChem. It contains information about the special configuration issues for Composite DB.
How to use JChem with Composite DB JChem supports Composite DB in read-only mode. SQL DDL and DML commands (Table creation, modification, data insert, update, delete commands) are not applicable. Searching with JChem works with predefined JChem tables which are integrated into a Composite Virtual DB. Composite supports the following JChem supported database systems: Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, DB2, Microsoft Access.
Configuration of a Composite Virtual DB for JChem search Virtualization levels of a Composite DB:
Virtual DB
Catalog (if physical database supports it)
Every physical database table must be published into a Virtual DB. The table might be published directly under a Virtual DB, or under a catalog or schema. The _UL (update log), property and property_CR tables must be in the same virtual DB, catalog or schema.