You can access the processed data view functionalities by clicking on the Processed data tab.
There are two fundamentally different views; the aggregated processed data view offers an overview of what processed data is present in the processed data database in an aggregated form. The Drill-down views offer an overview on data linked to a particular aggregated data point.
The aggregated processed data table is displayed as you click on the Processed data tab and you have already uploaded data that needs to be aggregated. Right of the aggregated processed data table there is a placeholder for the drill-down table. You may resize the aggregated processed data table as needed.
The aggregated processed data table contains the entities in rows with the entity description in the first column (Row header) and the types of aggregated processed data in columns with the type description in the first row (Column header). The aggregated processed data are displayed in the cells of the table as defined by the row and the column context.
The entities (rows) are sorted in alphabetic order. All entities are listed, whether they are present in the Entity registration database, or not. At the moment this difference is not visualized.
The types of data (columns) are sorted in alphabetic order. As columns are named using the combination of unique abbreviations defined for the experimental procedure, analysis procedure and parameter type respectively, these definitions will ultimately drive the default order of the columns.
The aggregated processed data are displayed in the cells of the table as defined by the row and the column context. When the value is aggregated using arithmetic mean +/- standard deviation, the standard deviation is displayed in the same cell as the arithmetic mean. An aggregation sign is displayed in the cell, if there are more than two items present for the particular data.
At the moment the aggregated processed data table cannot be sorted, filtered or pivoted.
The drill-down table is accessed by clicking any cell of the aggregated processed data table which contains uploaded data whether it is valid or invalid. The drill-down table is launched right of the aggregated processed data table. You may resize the two tables as needed.
A drill-down table always belongs to a combination of particular entity and a particular experimental setup, e.g. the drill-down table contains all data captured for a particular entity in a particular experiment. Thus you can typically access many different drill-down tables from the aggregated processed data table. This also means that you can launch the same drill-down table by clicking on various cells representing different types of data captured in the same type of experimental and analysis procedure.
The column header (first row) contains the name of the type of data displayed in the rows. The column subheader (second row) contains the aggregated values, when an aggregation rule is defined for a particular data type.
The third and subsequent rows contain the individual values that are captured within the tasks. The rows are sorted in reverse chronological order.
The columns are sorted in a custom order. The first set of data are project-related (meta)data such as the Task Title, Project Title, (last modification) Date, the user (who last edited the data) are shown. The next set of data are procedure-related (meta)data such as the Experimental Procedure and the Analysis procedure. The next set of cells define the validity status for the forthcoming data. Finally, the captured data are listed for all parameter types relevant for the procedures in an alphabetical order. Also note that data that is captured but for which no aggregation rule is defined can be accessed here.
At the moment the drill-down tables cannot be (custom) sorted, filtered or pivoted.
A data may be valid (taken into account during aggregation) or invalid (omitted from the aggregation).
The administrator may mark data populated in a particular task as invalid, and may reset the status to valid. Note that the entire data set for the task and entity will be invalidated. For this, set the Validity switch to invalid (only accessible for the administrator).
Any number of tasks can be set to valid or invalid. The aggregated values will update in real time.
Click on the Discard button to terminate the validation/invalidation process. The validity status of the data will not change.
Click on the Save changes button to confirm the changes in the validity status. The processed data will be recalculated to suit the changes. Invalid data points will not be aggregated. In the drill-down table these values will be shown greyed out.