Excel Sheet Generation Using Marvin Beans

    The following example is a JSP page which generates an Excel Sheet with Marvin generated structure images and structure data.

    To run the examples, please follow the next steps:

    • Install MS Excel 2000 or higher version.

    • Install Tomcat. (of course the examples also run under other servlet servers.)

    • Copy all jar files (files with .jar extension) of the Marvin Beans or JChem package under Tomcat's lib directory.

    • Create the marvin directory under Tomcat's webapps/examples/jsp/marvin

    • Copy the generate_image.jsp file from the examples/image-generation directory and the molsheet.jsp file from the examples/excelsheet-generation directory of Marvin Beans to Tomcat's webapps/examples/jsp/marvin/ directory.

    • Start Tomcat

    • Open:

    Please also see: