Integration API

    This API is the public interface of ChemAxon's ComplianceChecker.

    Details of the ComplianceChecker REST API can be found at <host>:<port>/cc-api/swagger-ui.html (by default port is set to 8066)

    The demo (limited content!) is available at

    Controller Method Endpoint Description
    category-controller GET /categories/ Returns all categories
    category-group-controller GET /category-groups/ Returns all category groups
    GET /category-groups/countries/ Returns all countries
    GET /category-groups/international-regulations/ Returns all international regulations
    check-controller GET /check/ Checks a single molecule. The molecule and the date are passed as Get variables
    POST /check/ Checks a single molecule. The request is passed as a Post message
    GET /check/{molecule}/ Checks a single molecule. The molecule is passed as a path variable
    GET /check/{molecule}/{dateOfRegulations}/ Checks a single molecule. The molecule is passed as a path variable
    check-list-controller POST /check-list/ Checks a list of molecules
    POST /check-with-id/ Checks a list of structures with ids and returns substance ids and category codes of the hits
    file-check-controller GET /filecheck/ Returns all file checks and their reports
    POST /filecheck/ Places a file to begin the processing of the containing molecules
    DELETE /filecheck/{jobId}/ Deletes an existing file check and its reports
    GET /filecheck/{jobId}/ Service method to get the status and reports of jobs
    POST /filecheck/{jobId}/report/ Service method to submit a report generation request
    knowledge-base-update-controller POST /update-from-file/ Updates all services with the provided knowledge base file
    POST /update-to-latest/ Updates all services with the latest knowledge base file from the configured 'common.autoUpdateUrl' site
    report-template-controller GET /report-template/ Returns all report templates
    POST /report-template/ Adds or modifies a report template
    DELETE /report-template/{id}/ Deletes an existing report template
    substance-controller GET /substances/ Returns all substances from the knowledge base. (WARNING! Calling this endpoint from the swagger UI can kill the browser because the response JSON is too large to parse!)
    POST /substances/grouped/ Returns all segment ids belonging to the given category group id-s grouped by category codes
    system-info-controller GET /system-info/ Returns system information
    user-defined-category-group-controller GET /user-defined-category-groups/ Returns all user-defined category groups
    POST /user-defined-category-groups/ Saves a user-defined category group
    DELETE /user-defined-category-groups/{id}/ Deletes a user-defined category group