Integration API

    This API is the public interface of Chemaxon's Compliance Checker.

    Details of the Compliance Checker REST API can be found at <host>:<port>/cc-api/swagger-ui.html (by default port is set to 8066)

    The demo (limited content!) is available at

    Controller Method Endpoint Description
    category-controller GET /categories/ Returns all categories
    GET get /categories/{categoryCode}/ Returns a single category by category code
    category-group-controller GET /category-groups/ Returns all category groups
    GET /category-groups/countries/ Returns all countries
    GET /category-groups/international-regulations/ Returns all international regulations
    check-controller GET /check/ Checks a single molecule. The molecule and the date are passed as Get variables
    POST /check/ Checks a single molecule. The request is passed as a Post message
    GET /check/{molecule}/ Checks a single molecule. The molecule is passed as a path variable
    GET /check/{molecule}/{dateOfRegulations}/ Checks a single molecule. The molecule is passed as a path variable
    check-list-controller POST /check-list/ Checks a list of molecules
    POST /check-with-id/ Checks a list of structures with ids and returns substance ids and category codes of the hits
    file-check-controller GET /filecheck/ Returns all file checks and their reports
    POST /filecheck/ Places a file to begin the processing of the containing molecules
    DELETE /filecheck/{jobId}/ Deletes an existing file check and its reports
    GET /filecheck/{jobId}/ Service method to get the status and reports of jobs
    POST /filecheck/{jobId}/report/ Service method to submit a report generation request
    knowledge-base-update-controller POST /update-from-file/ Updates all services with the provided knowledge base file
    POST /update-to-latest/ Updates all services with the latest knowledge base file from the configured 'common.autoUpdateUrl' site
    refreshing-controller POST /refresh/all Refreshes all services' config settings which do not require a restart
    report-template-controller GET /report-template/ Returns all report templates
    POST /report-template/ Adds or modifies a report template
    DELETE /report-template/{id}/ Deletes an existing report template
    substance-controller GET /substances/ Returns all substances from the knowledge base. (WARNING! Calling this endpoint from the swagger UI can kill the browser because the response JSON is too large to parse!)
    POST /substances/grouped/ Returns all segment ids belonging to the given category group id-s grouped by category codes
    system-info-controller GET /system-info/ Returns system information
    user-defined-category-group-controller GET /user-defined-category-groups/ Returns all user-defined category groups
    POST /user-defined-category-groups/ Saves a user-defined category group
    DELETE /user-defined-category-groups/{id}/ Deletes a user-defined category group

    Cognito protected Integration API

    When Compliance Checker is hosted by Chemaxon in the AWS Cloud, we recommend the integration endpoints to be protected by Amazon Cognito. This makes integration a bit more complicated then using basic authentication but enhances security. To invoke enpoints:

    • Chemaxon provides a clinetId and a clientSecret
    • Access token should be retrieved from Cognito's token endpoint.
    • To invoke the CC integration endpoints the retrieved access token needs to be added to the request's Authorization Bearer header.