Structure Checker Command Line Application

    structurechecker command-line

    Structure Checker is a chemical validation tool detecting and fixing common structural errors or special features that can be potential sources of problems. structurechecker is the command-line tool of Structure Checker .


    General options of structurechecker

     -h, --help this help page
     -hc, --help-checker-action help page of valid checker actions
     -hf, --help-fixer-action help page of valid fixer actions
     -m, --mode <operationmode> [check|fix]
     mode of the operation (default: check)
     check only check is executed, 
     does not modify molecules
     fix fix molecules containing structure errors 
     whenever possible
     -x fix mode (deprecated, use --mode fix)
    Input options:
     -c, --config <filepath|string> action string configuration
     actions separated by "..",
    Output options:
     -t, --output-type <output type> [single|separated|accepted|discarded]
     set output type(default: single) 
     single both accepted and discarded structures are
     written to the <output path>
     separated accepted structures are written to the
     <output path>, discarded structures are
     written to the <discarded path>
     accepted only accepted structures are 
     written to the <output path>
     discarded only discarded structures are 
     written to the <discarded path>
     -o, --output <output path> output file (default: standard output)
     -d, --discarded <discarded path> write molecules with structure error to 
     a separate file (default:standard output)
     -f, --format <format> output file format (default: smiles)
     -rf, --report-file <filepath> write report to a file
     -rp, --report-property write report to the property of the output
     -rt, --report-pattern <pattern> generate pattern based report file
     -re, --report-format <format> file format of the molecules in report
     -l, --log <filepath> write software-error log messages to file

    Avaliable checker actions: structurechecker -hc

    Valid checker actions (strings) are:
     3d detect atoms with 3D coordinates
     abbrevgroup detect all abbreviated groups
     :expanded=[true|false] detect expanded abbreviated groups
     :contracted=[true|false] detect contracted abbreviated groups
     :excluded=[...] exclude the following groups during check;
     set comma-separated list of group abbreviations,
     e.g., "abbrevgroup:excluded=[Ph,COOH,Val]"
     absentchiralflag detect absent chiral flag
     absolutestereoconfiguration detect molecules in which all asymmetric
     centers have absolute stereo configuration
     alias detect atoms with alias
     aromaticity (deprecated) use aromaticityerror
     aromaticityerror detect aromaticity errors with the given
     aromatization type (default: general)
     :basic basic aromaticity errors
     :loose loose aromaticity errors
     :general general aromaticity errors
     atommap detect atoms with map number
     atomqueryproperty detect all or specified atom query properties
     :H=[true|false] hydrogen count
     :X=[true|false] connection count
     :D=[true|false] explicit connection count
     :R=[true|false] ring count
     :h=[true|false] implicit hydrogen count
     :r=[true|false] smallest ring count
     :a=[true|false] aromaticity
     :s=[true|false] substitution count
     :u=[true|false] unsaturation
     :rb=[true|false] ring bond count
     atomvalue detect atoms with atom value
     atropisomer detect atropisomers
     attacheddata detect atoms with attached data
     bondangle detect unpreferred bond angles in 2d
     bondlength detect bonds that are too long or too short
     chiralflagerror detect incorrectly set chiral flag
     circularrgroup (deprecated) use circularrgroupreference
     circularrgroupreference detect circular R-group references
     coordsystem detect invalid coordination systems
     covalentcounterion detect covalent counterions
     crosseddoublebond detect crossed double bonds
     empty detect items without atoms
     explicith detect all or specified explicit hydrogens
     :lonely=[true|false] lonely explicit hydrogens
     :mapped=[true|false] mapped explicit hydrogens
     :charged=[true|false] charged explicit hydrogens
     :isotopic=[true|false] isotopic explicit hydrogens
     :radical=[true|false] radical explicit hydrogens
     :wedged=[true|false] wedged explicit hydrogens
     :hconnected=[true|false] hydrogen connected to hydrogen atom
     :polymerendgroup=[true|false] hydrogen connected to a SRU S-group
     :sgroup=[true|false] hydrogen which is the only atom in an S-group
     :sgroupend=[true|false] hydrogen connected to a Superatom S-group
     :valenceerror=[true|false] hydrogen connected to an atom which has
     valence error
     :bridgehead=[true|false] hydrogen connected to a bridgehead atom
     explicitlp detect explicit lone pairs
     ezdoublebond detect if a double bond can be cis or trans
     isotope detect isotopes
     metallocene detect incorrect metallocene representations
     missingatommap detect atoms without map numbers
     missingrgroup (deprecated) use missingrgroupreference
     missingrgroupreference detect missing R-group definitions
     moleculecharge detect non-neutral molecules
     multicenter detect multicenters
     multicomponent detect molecules containing disconnected parts
     multiplestereocenter detect molecules with multiple stereocenters
     ocr detect drawings that originates from
     incorrect optical structure recognition
     overlappingAtoms detect atoms that are too close to each other
     overlappingBonds detect bonds that are too close to each other
     pseudoatom detect pseudo atoms
     queryatom detect query atoms
     querybond detect query bonds
     racemate detect asymmetric tetrahedral atoms without
     specific stereo configuration
     radical detect radical atoms
     rare (deprecated) use rareelement
     rareelement detect rare elements
     ratom detect specified type of R-atoms
     :all=[true|false] all type of R-atoms
     :disconnected=[true|false] disconnected type of R-atoms
     :generic=[true|false] generic type of R-atoms
     :linker=[true|false] linker type of R-atoms
     :nested=[true|false] nested type of R-atoms
     reactionmap (deprecated) use reactionmaperror
     reactionmaperror detect reactions with invalid atom mapping
     relativestereo detect multiple stereogenic center groups
     rgroupattachmenterror detect all R-group attachment errors
     rgroupreferenceerror detect errors in R-group definitions
     DEPRECATED checker, please use
     "missingrgroup", "unusedrgroup",
     "circularrgroup" instead.
     :missingratom=[true|false] missing R-atom definition
     :missingrgroup=[true|false] missing R-group definition
     :selfreference=[true|false] self reference errors in R-group definitions
     ringstrainerror detect small rings with trans or cumulative
     double bonds, or triple bond
     solvent detect common solvents appearing
     by a main component
     staratom detect star atoms
     stereocarebox detect stereo search markers on double bonds
     straightdoublebond detect undefined double bond stereo layout
     substructure:[smarts] detect the given SMARTS structure
     as a substructure in the original molecule
     unbalancedreaction detect reactions with orphan atoms
     unusedrgroup (deprecated) use unusedrgroupreference
     unusedrgroupreference detect unused R-group definitions
     valence (deprecated) use valenceerror
     valenceerror detect valence errors
     valenceproperty detect atoms with all or specified
     valence properties
     :defaultvalence=[true|false] default valence properties
     :nondefaultvalence=[true|false] non-default valence properties
     wedge (deprecated) use wedgeerror
     wedgeerror detect incorrect wedge bonds
     wigglybond detect wiggly bonds on chiral centers
     wigglydoublebond detect non_stereo double bonds with wiggly
     representation connected to a double bond

    Avaliable fixer actions: structurechecker -hf

    Valid fixer actions (strings) are:
     addchiralflag add chiral flag to the molecule
     aliastoatom remove aliases from atoms
     aliastocarbon (deprecated) use converttocarbon
     aliastogroup convert atoms with aliases to abbreviated groups
     if the alias is recognized
     clean calculate 2D coordinates
     clearabsstereo (deprecated) use removeinvalidchiralflag
     contractgroup contract all abbreviated groups
     converttoelementalform convert isotopes into elemental atoms
     converttocarbon remove alias values from atoms and
     convert the atom to a carbon
     converttoionicform convert covalent counterions to ionic form
     converttometalloceneform convert non-standard metallocene representations
     converttosingle (deprecated) use converttosinglebond
     converttosinglebond convert faulty bonds to single bonds
     converttowigglydoublebond convert non-stereo double bond represented by
     crossed double bond to wiggly bond representation
     into coordinated multicenter representation
     crosseddoublebond convert non-stereo double bond represented by
     wiggly bond to crossed double bond representation
     crossedtowiggly (deprecated) use converttowigglydoublebond
     dearomatize convert aromatic rings into Kekule form
     expandgroup expand all abbreviated groups if it is possible
     fixmetallocene converts metallocenes to coordinative multicenter layout
     fixrgroupattachment add missing attachments points to members
     with single location
     fixunusedrgroups delete unreferenced R-group definitions
     fixvalence correct valence problem by removing hydrogens
     or setting charges
     mapmolecule add atom maps to each atom of the molecule
     mapreaction add atom maps to the reaction
     neutralize remove charges from the molecule
     partialclean recalculate parts of the atom coordinates for 2D layout
     pseudotogroup convert pseudo atoms to abbreviated groups
     if pseudo label is a known abbreviated group
     rearomatize dearomatize the molecule and aromatize it again
     removealias remove alias values from atoms
     removeatom remove the problematic atoms from the molecule
     removeatommap remove atom map numbers
     removeatomqueryproperty remove atom query properties
     removeatomvalue remove atom values
     removeattacheddata remove data attached to atoms
     removebond remove problematic bonds from the molecule
     removeexplicith remove explicit hydrogens
     removeinvalidchiralflag remove the chiral flag
     removeradical convert radicals to non_radical atoms
     removestereocarebox remove stereo search markers from double bonds
     removevalenceproperty remove valence properties from atoms
     removezcoordinate set the z-coordinates of atoms to zero
     ungroup ungroup all abbreviated groups
     wedgeclean recalculate the orientation of wedge bonds[](#src-5313383)


    structurechecker -c <config file> -m [mode] [<options>] [input list]

    The command line parameter -c or --config is mandatory. This parameter specifies the configuration file path or a simple action string.

    structurechecker -c config.xml


    structurechecker -c "atomqueryproperty"

    Parameter -m or --mode specifies the operation mode. The following operation modes are available:

    • check (default): searches for errors;

      structurechecker -c config.xml -m check
    • fix: fixes automatically fixable errors.

      structurechecker -c config.xml -m fix

      Note : When a molecule import/export error occurs, the program continues to run. The error is written to the console, and the molecule is discarded from the results (i.e., the resulting output file contains less molecules than the input file).

      Note : The syntax of commands can be different under various command line shells (bash, tcsh, zsh, etc.).


    structurechecker accepts most molecular file formats as input (Marvin Documents (MRV), MDL molfile, Sdfile, RXNfile, Rdfile, SMILES, etc.). The input can be specified as:

    • input file(s),

    • input string(s), or

    • SMILES (default).

      structurechecker -c config.xml -m check input.mrv

      Note : If neither the input file nor the input string is specified, the standard input (console) will be read.

    structurechecker -c config.xml -m check "OCC(O)C1OC(=O)C(O)=C1O"


    structurechecker's output contains the file(s) of the checked/fixed molecules and optionally a report of the results. The molecules are written to the output file(s). The format of the output file(s) can be specified by the -f or --format option (default format is: "smiles"). The type of output is defined by the -t or --output-type parameter. The possible values of the output type are the following:

    • single (default): all molecules are written to the file defined by the --output parameter. If --output parameter is omitted, the result is written in the standard output (console). (--discarded parameter is ignored in this case.)

    • separated : valid and invalid molecules are written to two different files. The --output parameter defines the output file of molecules with valid structures, and the --discarded parameter defines the output file of molecules with invalid structures (or in fix mode, those which cannot be fixed automatically).

      • If --discarded parameter is omitted, molecules with invalid structures are written to standard output;

      • If --output parameter is omitted, molecules with valid structures are written to standard output;

        Note : The indication of --output or --discarded parameter is mandatory. If none of these parameters are defined, the program stops.

    • accepted : only molecules with valid structures are written to file defined by the --output parameter. If --output parameter is omitted, molecules with valid structures are written to the standard output. (--discarded parameter is ignored in this case)

    • discarded : only molecules with invalid structures are written to the file defined by the --discarded parameter. If ?-discarded parameter is omitted, molecules with valid structures are written to the standard output. (--output parameter is ignored in this case.)

    The report of structure checking can be written either to a separate file, defined by the --report-file parameter, or to the output file(s) as additional molecule property. The name of the property can be defined by the --report-property parameter.

    Note : Not all molecules with structure errors are discarded. When fix mode is selected, molecules with automatically unfixable errors will be discarded only.

    Usage examples

    Below you can find the short descriptions of some examples.If you want to check, fix, or filter structures in evaluate or JChem Cartridge, find examples here.

    1. structurechecker -c "metallocene"

      Executes a check with configuration metallocene on the molecule(s) defined in the standard input, and writes the result to the standard output (console);

    2. structurechecker -c "bondLength" in.sdf

      Executes a check with configuration bondLength on the molecule(s) defined in the in.sdf file, and writes the result to the standard output (console);

    3. structurechecker -c "isotope->converttoelementalform" in.sdf Executes a check with configuration isotope->converttoelementalform on the molecule(s) defined in the in.sdf file, and writes the result to the standard output (console);

    4. structurechecker -c "aromaticity..valence" -m fix -f sdf -o out.sdf in.sdf

      Executes a fix with configuration aromaticity and valence on the molecule(s) defined in the in.sdf file, and writes the molecules with valid structures (including automatically fixed molecules) in sdf format to the out.sdf output file;

    5. structurechecker -c config.xml -t separated -o out.sdf -d discarded.sdf

      Executes a check with configuration contained by the config.xml, and writes the molecules with valid structures to out.sdf, and writes the molecules with invalid structures to discarded.sdf.

      Note : The format of both outputs is SMILES(!) as --format (-f) is not defined;

    6. structurechecker -c config.xml -m fix -t separated -d discarded.sdf

      Executes a fix with configuration contained by the config.xml, and writes the molecules with invalid structures todiscarded.sdf, and writes molecules with valid structures to the standard output (console);

    7. structurechecker -c config.xml -m fix -t discarded in.sdf

      Executes a fix with configuration contained by the config.xml, and writes the molecules with invalid structures todiscarded.sdf, and omits molecules with valid structures.