Instant JChem Startup Options

    Operation of Instant JChem can be customised using a number of startup options. These can normally be set in the jnlp descriptor file for the Java Web Start version or as command line arguments for the traditional installer/launcher. These can also be set as default_options in $IJC/etc/instantjchem.conf file.

    Option Description Java Web Start Command line
    chemaxon.license.url URL of license file to use. Allows central provision of licenses. <application-desc main-class="">  <argument>-J-Dchemaxon.license.url=http: //yourserver/license.cxl</argument> </application-desc> instantjchem -J-Dchemaxon.license.url=http://yourserver/license.cxl
    --openUrl Open a shared project configuration. <application-desc main-class=""> <argument>--openUrl</argument> <argument>http: //yourserver/location/config.xml</argument> </application-desc> instantjchem --openUrlhttp://yourserver/location/config.xml
    --filterDatatree Show only a specific data tree. The schema ID and the data tree ID need to be specified as arguments. <application-desc main-class=""> <argument>--filterDatatree</argument> <argument>D64F1E7BCCFFBF60114519B055CD2708</argument> <argument>CAEB222FEF48FAB348FF83A73365E72A</argument> </application-desc> instantjchem --filterDatatree <schema_id> <datatree1_id>
    ijc.startup.window Open a startup window. Possible values: FEDERATED_SEARCH - simple federated search window DASHBOARD - dashboard screen * NONE - neither FEDERATED_SEARCH nor DASHBOARD are shown <application-desc main-class=""> <argument>-J-Dijc.startup.window=FEDERATED_SEARCH</argument> </application-desc>  instantjchem -J-Dijc.startup.window=FEDERATED_SEARCH
    ijc.maximize.window Maximize the startup window. This must be applied together with ijc.startup.window property in order to take effect. True or false is possible. <application-desc main-class=""> <argument>-J-Dijc.maximize.window=true</argument> </application-desc> instantjchem -J-Dijc.maximize.window=true
    --dashboardURL Define a custom html page which will be displayed in the dashboard. <application-desc main-class=""> <argument>--dashboardURL</argument> <argument>http: //</argument> </application-desc> instantjchem --dashboardURL
    ijc.navigationLockedToMainTable This option ensures that row navigation buttons (first, previous, next, last) in the toolbar and main menu always navigate within the main table in the form, even if a child table exists and is currently selected. Otherwise, navigation will apply to that selected child table. <application-desc main-class=""> <argument>-J-Dijc.navigationLockedToMainTable=true</argument> </application-desc> instantjchem -J-Dijc.navigationLockedToMainTable=true
    ijc.skipInitialDataLoad Turn off initial data loading when a data tree is first used. Instead of the initial hit list being retrieved from the database no results are seen and you must run a query to see data. This option might be useful if you are working with very large data sets, or databases that are on slow network connection. This option also prevents the determination of the row count of each table as this can also be a slow operation. The row count is displayed as ??? instead of the actual value. Note: This option will be replaced with an approach that is more configurable. <application-desc main-class=""> <argument>-J-Dijc.skipInitialDataLoad=true</argument> </application-desc> instantjchem -J-Dijc.skipInitialDataLoad=true This option works together with shared projects feature. If this option is set to true only projects from last deployed shared configuration are opened in Projects view. <application-desc main-class=""> <argument></argument> </application-desc> instantjchem
    ijc.disable.restoring.project Disable re-opening of shared projects that have been manually closed <application-desc main-class=""> <argument>-J-Dijc.disable.restoring.project=true</argument> </application-desc> instantjchem -J-Dijc.disable.restoring.project=true
    ijc.proxy.pac This option allows a proxy file location to be specified as a startup argument avoiding the need for users to set this manually. <application-desc main-class=""> <argument>-J-Dijc.proxy.pac=http: //</argument> </application-desc> instantjchem -J-Dijc.proxy.pac=""
    --useHexToRaw hextoraw() functions will be used for storing data into Oracle RAW columns. <application-desc main-class=""> <argument>--useHexToRaw</argument> </application-desc> instantjchem --useHexToRaw
    ijc.molecule-editor Switch for choice of default structure editor with possible values as ChemDraw or MarvinSketch. <application-desc main-class=""> <argument>-J-Dijc.molecule-editor=Chemdraw</argument <!--or-->  <argument>-J-Dijc.molecule-editor=MarvinSketch</argument> </application-desc> instantjchem -J-Dijc.molecule-editor=Chemdraw or -J-Dijc.molecule-editor=MarvinSketch
    ijc.encryptDbUrl Switch for choice to encrypt database connection URL > {primary} Please note that this switch does NOT toggle encryption of the connection to the database itself. It only toggles encryption of the connection URL string in the .ijs file <application-desc main-class=""> <argument>-J-Dijc.encryptDbUrl=true> </application-desc> instantjchem -J-Dijc.encryptDbUrl=true
    ijc.encryptDbSchemaName Switch for choice to encrypt the db schema name <application-desc main-class=""> <argument>-J-Dijc.encryptDbSchemaName=true> </application-desc> instantjchem -J-Dijc.encryptDbSchemaName=true
    .level This option allows to specify logging level. Only warning and more serious messages will be written to the log file. <application-desc main-class=""> <argument>-J-D.level=WARNING</argument> </application-desc> instantjchem -J-D.level=WARNING
    --marvinServices This option allows to specify a Marvin service xml configuration file. This is particularly useful for loading the services automatically in JWS distribution. <application-desc main-class=""> <argument>--marvinServices</argument <argument>http: //</argument> </application-desc> instantjchem --marvinServices
    ijc.lobs.maxSize This option allows to specify maximum number of bytes which can be retrieved from CLOB/BLOB columns. By default it is set to 1 048 576 bytes (1MB). <application-desc main-class=""> <argument>-J-D.ijc.lobs.maxSize=10000000</argument> </application-desc> instantjchem -J-D.ijc.lobs.maxSize=10000000
    --userdir This optopn is to move your Instant Jchem settings directory to a different than default path (which is %appdata%/.instantjchem or ~/.instantjchem depending on your platform) <application-desc main-class=""> <argument>--userdir</argument> <argument>C: \path o\new\\.instantjchem</argument> </application-desc> instantjchem --userdir /users/jdoe/.instantjchem
    db.connection.activation.optimized This option controls how IJC activates and deactivates database connections.When set to 'true' IJC will try to reduce the amount of activation and deactivation calls made on each database connection. The database connection activation script will only be called when the user using this connection has changed from the use who used this connection last time. The database connection deactivation script will never be called.When set to 'false' or not set at all IJC will always call the database connection activation and deactivation script on every database connection every time it is being used. This is the default behaviour. <application-desc main-class=""> <argument>-J-Ddb.connection.activation.optimized=true</argument> </application-desc> instantjchem -J-Ddb.connection.activation.optimized=true