Running the Biomolecule Toolkit Container

    The examples for running the Biomolecule Toolkit container are shown here.

    • Running with MySQL on localhost:3306 having database with name bioreg, with local license file *
    docker run \
        --name=bmt \
        -p 8080:8080 \
        -v /path/to/license_dir:/data/bioreg-home \
        -e CHEMAXON_LICENSE_URL=/data/bioreg-home/license.cxl \
        -d \ 
    • Running with MySQL on remote host with license file on a file server *
    docker run \
        --name=bmt \
        -p 8080:8080 \
        -e CHEMAXON_LICENSE_URL=http://my.license.server/bmt/license.cxl \
        -e DB_URL=jdbc:mysql://
        -e DB_USERNAME=bmt_db_user
        -e DB_PASSWORD=bmt_db_user_password
        -d \
    • Running with HTTPS *
    docker run \
        --name=biotoolkit \
        -p 8443:8443 \
        -v /path/to/license_dir:/data/bioreg-home \
        -e CHEMAXON_LICENSE_URL=/data/bioreg-home/license.cxl \
        -e spring_profiles_active=enforce-https \
        -v /path/to/keystore_dir:/data/keystore_dir \
        -e SERVER_SSL_KEYSTORE=/data/keystore_dir/.keystore \
        -e SERVER_SSL_KEYSTOREPASSWORD=my_ssl_keystore_password
        -d \