Basic changes

    Moving Toolbars

    To move a toolbar, drag it by its separator bar, which is located at the left edge of horizontal toolbars or at the top of vertical toolbars.

    {info} Depending on the Look&Feel you currently use, the separator bar might be harder to notice and drag.

    While dragging the toolbar, you can see a colored border around it, indicating the place and direction of movement.

    Depending on the current Look&Feel the colors of the border are different.

    For example, using JGoodies SkyBluer Look&Feel theme, light-blue border means that the toolbar will float, while dark-blue shows that the toolbar will be docked. If you set a toolbar to be floating, you can dock it back by closing it.

    Hide/Show Toolbars

    You can change the visibility of toolbars in the View > Toolbars menu.

    Hide/Show Menu Bar

    To hide the Menubar, choose View > Menubar. To show it, press F11 after clicking on the canvas.

    Hide/Show Status Bar

    View > Status Bar turns the Status Bar on or off.