Atom Context menu

    Context: Right-clicking on an atom.


    Duplicate: Takes a copy from the atom in context.

    + R-group attachment : gives an R-group attachment to the atom

    - R-group attachment : removes an R-group attachment from the atom

    Attached Data...: opens Attached Data dialog window.

    Atom properties: opens the Atom properties dialog window.

    *Absolute stereo (chiral) :** Sets the "Absolute" chiral flag on the entire structure, indicating that the molecule represents a single, well-defined stereoisomer.

    R-logic: opens the R-logic dialog.

    Paste: adds structure from clipboard to canvas

    ***** Absolute stereo flag is displayed only when the chiral flag visibility is turned on in View Settings dialog.

    Related pages

    Atom properties

    View settings

    R-group attachment button

    Atom drawing

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