Template File Usage

    Assay is capable of fast uploading of Excel files of processed data. This feature currently resticts to a ChemAxon defined template.

    Please note that grey background cells are to be left as is. Fill only into white cells, if you're modifying a template example file then the red/green/blue colored cells.

    Sheets in the template file

    Template file should contain data in these sheets to induce semiauto or automatic upload: Task, Processed Data, Mapping. If your privileges allow to add new protocols or result types to the database, you can use the Protocols or Result Types sheet, respectively, to do so. Option sheet lists values that can be used in the corresponding sheets.

    Assay checks the template in following order:

    1. Protocols sheet: new protocols are added to the database. Protocols with an ID already present in the database are not overwritten, and file upload is cancelled (warning message appears). In this case delete or edit the protocol accordingly, and upload the file again.

    2. Result types: new result types are added to the database. Result types with an ID already present in the database are not overwritten, and file upload is cancelled (warning message appears). In this case delete or edit the result type accordingly, and upload the file again.

    3. Task: if all mandatory fields are filled in, semi-automatic upload is induced. If this sheet is missing completely, you are directed to manual upload.

    4. Processed data: upload only occurs if the first column contains data, else the sheet is considered empty and upload is cancelled.

    5. Mapping: mapping is checked against existing or newly added protocols and result types. If there's no match, uploaded task is saved as Draft and you need to edit it in order to save the task.

    Processed Data sheet

    Requirements: first row must be filled in as it is the header row. A1 cell is Entity ID header, following cells contain the title of the respective result type. A missing header will cause cancelling of the process. First column contains the entity IDs (if applicable use the lot number, abbreviated as LN), subsequential columns contain the data related to the specific entity.


    Required fields are: Project ID, Task ID, Task Title, Task Status.

    The Project ID is a the ID of a Synergy project that your team is associated with. Please ask your Synergy administrator if you encounter problems with the upload.

    Custom fields in Task

    You can add custom fields to the task via the template uploader. A set of 3 entry fields forms the custom field: the name of the field, the value, and the type of the data (text, number, date or url). If you add a custom field, all three cells have to be filled in.


    The data obtained in your repeated experiments may be aggregated. For this reason you have to map the columns where you collected the results. Each column has to be assigned a protocol and a result type. To avoid mistakes, copy the cell contents rather than typing them. The cell background colors help you to find the input values from the sheets.

    Column name: copy from Processed data sheet, first row (cell B1, B2, etc).

    Protocol (abbrev): use the abbreviation of a protocol from the Assay Setup→Protocols list or from the Protocols sheet in the template file if you introduce new ones.

    Result type (abbrev.): use the abbreviation of a result type from the Assay Setup→Result types list or from the Result types sheet in the template file if you introduce new ones.

    Result types

    Assay administrators and users have the right to add new result types to the Assay database. Use this sheet to add one or more result types at once.

    Required fields are: Name (m characters), Abbreviation (17 characters), Abbreviation logic, Description (4000 characters) and in case of number type, the format of the number and the limit of the decimal places.

    If you do not set a Type then the default type Number will be assigned to the result type. The Variable chooser is set by default to 'no', change it to yes to mark a result type as a variable.

    {info} After uploading only result types via the template, an error message is shown, indicating that other sheets have missing information. Despite this, the result types are uploaded to the Assay database.


    Administrators have the right to add new protocols to the Assay database. Use this sheet to add one or more protocols at once.

    Required fields are: Title (m characters), Abbreviation (17 characters), Description (4000 characters).

    {info} After uploading only protocols via the template, an error message is shown, indicating that other sheets have missing information. Despite this, the protocols are uploaded to the Assay database.

    Custom fields in Protocols

    You can add custom fields to the task via the template uploader. A set of 3 terms forms the custom field: the name of the field, the type (text, number, date or url), and the value of the data. The Column header should have the format: Custom field name {type}, and fill the cells below with the actual value.


    This table is summing up the sheets you are entitled to upload via a template depending on your access rights.

    User type Task Processed data Mapping Result type Protocol
    Administrator images/download/thumbnails/6229342/yes.png images/download/thumbnails/6229342/yes.png images/download/thumbnails/6229342/yes.png images/download/thumbnails/6229342/yes.png images/download/thumbnails/6229342/yes.png
    User images/download/thumbnails/6229342/yes.png images/download/thumbnails/6229342/yes.png images/download/thumbnails/6229342/yes.png images/download/thumbnails/6229342/yes.png images/download/thumbnails/6229342/no.png
    External (CRO) images/download/thumbnails/6229342/yes.png images/download/thumbnails/6229342/yes.png images/download/thumbnails/6229342/yes.png images/download/thumbnails/6229342/no.png images/download/thumbnails/6229342/no.png