Structure Tab

    Name Description
    Highlight Valence Errors Highlights atoms having wrong valences with a red underline when it is checked.
    Automatic Lone Pair Calculation Calculates lone pairs automatically. Make sure View > Misc > Lone Pairs is checked to see the result.
    Automatic Plus Signs in Single Step Reactions Enables automatic reaction recognition.For more information, see Creating Reactions.
    Validate S-groups At Creation Disables the S-group types in the drop-down list which would not yield a chemically correct structure.For more information, see Substructure Groups in MarvinSketch.
    Highlight Valence Errors Highlights atoms having wrong valences with a red underline in MarvinView.
    General Settings
    Show Lone Pair as Line When checked, lone pairs on the canvas are shown as lines.
    Show Charge in Circle When checked, a circle is displayed around the charge.
    Carbon Labels
    Always images/download/thumbnails/1805757/26281162.png
    Never images/download/thumbnails/1805757/26281163.png
    At straight angles and implicit H atoms images/download/thumbnails/1805757/26281164.png
    Ligand Orders
    Always Always display the ligand order information for an R-group.
    Never Never display the ligand order information for an R-group.
    On R-groups with definitions Only display the ligand order information on R-groups with definitions.