Compound Registration system can be configured in a way to use project based access when registering or when retrieving registered compounds. By default, this functionality is turned off, and accordingly, the project field can be used to store data, but no data filtering or data access will be controlled based on the user and the project info.
In the Administration/Access control/Projects menu Settings tab the Project based access can be enabled. Once enabled, the access of the registered compounds can be controlled based on the project info and the relation between user and project.
Project information is stored on the Preparation level (e.g. see bottom left node on the pictures below). By changing the Project Level Access you can control which part of the compound-tree is visible to the project member.
{info} Between versions 20.19.0 and 20.19.3 when adding a new Project from the Administration page the Project list is cached for 5 min since last access, thus reducing network traffic especially during bulk registration. Since version 20.19.4 the changes in Projects are immediately reflected on the user interface, without a caching mechanism.
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Project settings |
If project based access control is set, registration, amendment and search actions can be performed based on projects considering the user permission(s).
E.g project "A16" is created having two users as members:
"reg1" user having read/write to all permission (1) and
"chemist4" having read own permission (5).
Logged in as "chemist4", the user cannot register lots within project A16. As for user "reg1" registrations are allowed within project "A16": a lot having "reg1" as submitter and another lot having "chemist4" as submitter are registered under the same PCN. Then, as "chemist4" on the Browse page and Search pages only one lot of the tree should be visible where previously two lots were registered. The reason for this is that user "chemist4" has only "read own permission" within the project and only the second registered lot has "chemist4" as the submitter.
As for "chemist4" (who belongs to "Registrar" group) on the Browse page, the amendment of the owned lot should not be possible since the "chemist4" is having only read own permission. As for reg1 (who belongs to "Registrar" group) it is possible to amend both lots since the user is having all the roles (register, amend etc.) and is having also the permission (write) to do it within the project.
{info} Regardless of the settings, all the submissions that have no Project info will be visible.