When the structure was present on the clipboard in only MDLCT format, pasting it into MarvinSketch and MarvinSketch .NET was not possible.
A MarvinSketch .NET form resizing problem was fixed in ChemAxon .NET API. The issue has occurred in certain external applications.
In JChem for Word and Outlook only 6 records and its multiples have been imported with default, "All in one table" layout.
The lightweight version of JChem for Office, called " JChem for Office Lite " has been released.
ChemDraw 19 is fully supported as structure editor with 32 and 64-bit versions of JChem for Office.
A new "Molecule Structure Renderer" option has been introduced in JChem for Word, Powerpoint, and Outlook to select which type of structure rendering should be used: "Marvin" or "ChemDraw". "Autodetect" option has also been introduced for cases when the user has no information about the structure rendering, if this option is selected structure format is recognized automatically and the matching type of rendering is used.
In JChem for Office a warning message appears during editing when the selected structure object is coming from another type of chemical drawing application (eg. ISISDraw or ChemDraw), informing the user that specific features may be lost. Now this message doesn't appear if the editor and the renderer are the same (eg. editing a structure with ChemDraw when the renderer has been set to ChemDraw).
Now when editing JCStructure type structure cells a message informs the user that this kind of structure cannot be edited (only JCSYSStructure type.)
Now it is possible with other types of structure cells (eg. JCStructure, JCIDSYSStructure, etc.) to copy and paste multiple structures (with data) as table from JChem for Excel to JChem for Word, Powerpoint or Outlook with Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.
Now when copying a structure from ChemDraw and then editing in JChem for Word, Powerpoint or Outlook with Marvin .NET editor, a message informs the user that some information can be lost, if currently selected structure editor settings will be used.
Now it is possible to convert Insight for Excel files and worksheets to JChem for Excel files and worksheets with the standalone File Converter Tool and right-click menu item. (The "DotNetPPChemSDK_GAC.dll" needs to be available on the computer where the Insight for Excel conversion will be running.)
OLE related bug fixes
If Marvin OLE Server was not running as service, it could not start upon OLE edit/open/convert action.
The conversion of ISIS OLE objects to editable JChem for Office structure objects were not possible in case of special type of old, legacy objects in Word, Powerpoint, and Outlook.
Formatted tables related bug fixes
There was a structure handling error in formatted Excel tables.
Structure Filter with substructure search gave wrong results when running on a formatted table.
JChemExcelFunctions related bug fixes
In some rare cases, solubility at pH 7.4 was calculated instead of Intrinsic Solubility when using the LogS function.
If a workbook containing JChem for Excel functions was loaded, then closed, the VBA project explorer still listed it as an open workbook, and a new item appeared in the list for each open/close instance.
When doing structure filtering in Import from Database dialog, some functionalities eg. "Return Non-Hits" option have been working only when doing filtering the second time.
Import by IDs related bug fixes
When using "ID -> Structure" button, the result of a conversion was a wrong cell format and the switch between IDs and structures within the same cell was not possible.
The selected IDs could not be converted with "ID to Structure" ribbon button, if the referenced database table contained the "No structures" and/or corrupted structures in BLOB type fields in Oracle Cartridge, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
MarvinSketch related bug fixes
After an Office update editing a structure resulted in the increase of the structure size in JChem for Word, Powerpoint and Outlook.
The Marvin editor opened up multiple times when double-clicking on a structure object in PowerPoint/Word.
In some environments Marvin Sketch crashed in JChem for Office/Excel applications because of incorrect memory handling.
Error message appeared when changing from an editor which is not installed on the computer back to an installed one and double-clicking on an exiting structure object.
Structure Display related bug fixes
Structure display settings were not set back to default when user.config file was deleted from the user's home folder.
Structures without appropriate alternate information were not possible to edit.
In JChem for Word and Outlook "Display" and "Scale" buttons didn't work properly on structures with IDs.
In case of some display properties (eg. margin size) the value defined in the marvin.properties file has been read not the one from JChem for Office/Options.
Valence errors were not displayed on the structures.
Copy-Paste related bug fixes
When paste action with Ctrl+V was repeated accidentally, eg. by keeping Ctrl button pressed, at the second, third time not the structure but only its MRV content has been pasted in text format.
Copy-paste by Ctrl+C - Ctrl+V didn't work properly between JChem for Excel and JChem for Office when the selected range on the sheet was not continuous or the selected range contained hidden rows.
The first paste of a text containing MRV content inserted both the structure object and the MRV in text format in JChem for Outlook.
Ribbon Copy-Paste and Ctrl+C-Ctrl+V handled decimals different when copying tables from JChem for Excel to JChem for Office.
An error message appeared when non-chemical text has been pasted with ribbon Paste in JChem for Excel.
Removed Option