This section describes which of the functions that are used in JChem Base queries are available in Marvin JS.
For more information about JChem Base queries, see Query Guide.
JCB Query Feature | Representation in Marvin JS ( |
Atom list | |
Atom not list | |
Any atom (A) | |
Hetero atom (Q) | |
Hetero atom or hydrogen (QH) | |
Metal (M) | |
Metal or hydrogen (MH) | |
Halogen (X) | |
Halogen or hydrogen (XH) | |
Member of group (Gn) | |
*Star atom ()** | |
Aromatic (a) | |
Aliphatic (A) | |
D<n>1 | |
Total hydrogens (H<n>) | |
Implicit hydrogens (h<n>) | |
Rings (R<n>) | |
Smallest ring size (r<n>) | |
Ring membership (R) | |
Valance (v<n>) | |
Connections (X<n>) | |
Substitution count (s<n>) | |
*Substitution as drawn (s)** | |
Ring bond count (rb<n>) | |
*Ring bond count as drawn (rb)** | |
Unsaturated atom (u) | |
Isotopes | |
Charges | |
Radicals | |
Link nodes (link atoms)2 | |
Repeating units | |
Undefined R-atoms | |
SMARTS atoms | |
Pseudo atoms | |
Homology groups | |
Any bond | |
Single or double | |
Single or aromatic | |
Double or aromatic | |
Ring bond attribute | |
Chain bond attribute | |
SMARTS bonds | |
Coordinate bonds | |
Multicenter coordinate bonds | |
Position variation bonds | |
Ordered and unordered mixtures | |
Explicit hydrogens | |
Chemical terms | |
Attached data | |
Up | |
Down | |
Up or down | |
Cis or trans | |
C/T or unspecified | |
Absolute stereo | |
MDL's Enhanced Stereo Representation | |
R-groups | |
R-group definitions | |
R-logic | |
Atom maps | |
Reacting center on bonds | |
Reacting center stereo query feature | |
Monomers | |
SRU polymers | |
Co polymers3 |
1 Equivalent to s<n>. In Marvin JS, only s<n> is supported.
2 Flip (f) cannot be represented in JS.
3 Only the unspecified (co) subtype is available.