Events Fired by the JavaBean

    To handle the property change events of MViewPane, the java.beans.PropertyChangeListener interface must be implemented.

    Property name Type Meaning
    "mols#" Molecule[] Molecule(s) changed in the specified cell (# = 0, ..., n-1).
    "implicitH" String Implicit Hydrogen display style changed.
    "explicitH" Boolean Explicit Hydrogen display style changed. true: show explicit H atoms: hide explicit H atoms
    "navmode" String Drag action changed. translate: Translate, zoom: Zoom, rotZ: Rotate, rot3d: Rotate in 3D
    "tabScale" Double Magnification for molecule cells changed.
    "winScale" Double Zoom window magnification changed.
    "colorScheme" String Color scheme changed.
    "rendering" String Rendering style changed.
    "wireThickness" Double Wire thickness changed.
    "stickThickness" Double Sticks diameter changed.
    "ballRadius" Double Ball radius changed.
    "grinv" Boolean Graph invariants displayed/not displayed.
    "downWedge" String Down wedge bond orientation changed.
    "animFPS" Double Animation frame rate changed.
    "animDelay" Double Animation repeat delay Animation repeat delay changed.
    "animSync" Double Animation synchronization changed.
    "invisibleSets" Long Visibility of atom sets changed.
    "atomNumbersVisible" Deprecated
    "atomNumberingType" Integer Visibility of atom numbers changed.
    "valencePropertyVisible" Boolean Visibility of valence properties changed.
    "ligandErrorVisible" Boolean Visibility of ligand error changed.
    "atomMappingVisible" Boolean Visibility of atom mapping changed.
    "popupMenusEnabled" Boolean Popup menus are enabled/disabled.
    "detachable" Boolean Detachability of viewer is changed.
    "selectedIndex" Integer The selected cell is changed.
    "atomMarked" String An atom is selected on one of the canvases. The value contains the cell index and the atom index separated with a comma.
    "draggable" Boolean The draggable property is changed.
    "windowOpened" String A new MarvinView or MarvinSketch window is opened from the viewer. If a sketcher is opened the value contains sketchInView#cellindex#, when a viewer is opened, the value contains viewframe#cellindex, where #cellindex is the index of the opened cell in the viewer firing the event.
    "windowClosed" Boolean An MarvinView or MarvinSketch window that was opened from the viewer is being closed. If a sketcher was opened the value contains sketchInView#cellindex#, when a viewer wass opened, the value contains viewframe#cellindex, where #cellindex is the index of the opened cell in the viewer firing the event.
    "sketchInView" MSketchPane This event is being fired when a sketcher gets opened from the viewer, or such a sketcher is closing. At open the newValue contains a reference for the opening sketcher, when closing, the newValue is null, and the oldValue contains the reference for the sketcher

    Since the behavior of buttons and checkboxes in molecule cells are similar to javax.swing.AbstractButton objects, they can fire java.awt.event.ActionEvent s and java.awt.event.ItemEvent s.