Selection Context Menu

    Context: There is an active selection on the canvas. (This structure can be atom, bond, group, etc.) Right-clicking on the selected structure.

    Context menu item Description
    Duplicate Duplicates the selected structure.
    Cut Puts the selected structure to the clipboard, and removes it from its original place on the canvas.
    Copy Creates a copy of the structure to the clipboard.
    Attached Data... Opens Attached Data Dialog window (only active, when the whole compound is selected).
    + R-group attachment Gives an R-group attachment to the atom.
    - R-group attachment Removes an R-group attachment from the atom.
    Atom properties Opens the Atom Properties Dialog window, where the properties of all the selected atoms can be changed.
    Bond properties Opens the Bond Properties Dialog window, where the properties of all the selected bonds can be changed.
    Mirror horizontally Mirrors a selected molecule or fragment horizontally.
    Mirror vertically Mirrors a selected molecule or fragment vertically.
    Flip horizontally Rotates the selected structural part with 180° around the horizontal axis in the plane of the drawing. Keeps the stereo configuration.
    Flip vertically Rotates the selected structural part with 180° around the vertical axis in the plane of the drawing. Keeps the stereo configuration.
    Absolute stereo (chiral) Sets the Absolute chiral flag on the entire structure, indicating that the molecule represents a single, well-defined stereoisomer.
    R-logic Opens R-logic Dialog. (Only active, when R-group definition is on the canvas.)

    {info} The Absolute stereo flag is displayed only when the chiral flag visibility is turned on in View Settings dialog.

    Special Contexts

    • There is a reaction on the canvas, more than one agent (components under and above the arrow) is selected. Right-clicking on the selected structure.

      Merge Agents: Groups the selected structures, therefore these will be handled as one compound during export.

    • There is a reaction on the canvas, the merged agent is part of the selection. Right-clicking on one atom or bond in the selected structure.

      Unmerge Agents: Ungroups all the groups of the selection, therefore these components will be handled as separate molecules during the export.