Abbreviated Group Context Menu

    Context: Right-clicking on an expanded/contracted abbreviated group or a selected abbreviated group.

    Context menu item Description
    Expand Displays the whole structure of the chemical group on the canvas.
    Contract Displays the abbreviation of a chemical group.
    Ungroup The abbreviated group status is removed from the group.
    Edit Opens S-group dialog. Not available for abbreviated groups.
    Attached Data... Opens Attached Data Dialog window. Not available for abbreviated groups.
    Expand and Clean Shows the whole structure of the chemical group on the canvas after partial clean.
    Ungroup and Clean Removes the abbreviated group status from the group and cleans it in 2D.
    Duplicate Takes a copy from the group in context.
    + R-group attachment Gives an R-group attachment to the first attachment atom of the abbreviated group.
    - R-group attachment Removes an R-group attachment from the group.
    Atom Properties Opens the Atom properties dialog window.
    Absolute stereo (chiral) Sets the Absolute chiral flag on the entire structure, indicating that the molecule represents a single, well-defined stereoisomer.
    R-logic Opens the R-logic dialog. (Only active, when R-group definition is on the canvas.)
    Paste Adds structure from clipboard to canvas.

    {info} The Absolute stereo flag is displayed only when the chiral flag visibility is turned on in View Settings dialog.