Convert Double Bonds

    This action converts the representation of unspecified CIS/TRANS double bond stereo information to wiggly or crossed type. Specify one of the following representation types:

    • Convert to wiggly representation: double bonds with unspecified CIS/TRANS stereo information will be converted to wiggly representation. (convertdoublebonds:wiggly)

    • Convert to crossed representation: double bonds with unspecified CIS/TRANS stereo information will be converted to crossed representation. (convertdoublebonds:crossed) (default)

      Example :

      Action Input Output
      Convert Double Bonds (convertdoublebonds:wiggly) images/download/attachments/20417611/convertdoublebonds_in.png convert double bonds input images/download/attachments/20417611/convertdoublebonds_out.png convert double bonds output
      Convert Double Bonds (convertdoublebonds:crossed) images/download/attachments/20417611/convertdoublebonds_in.png convert double bonds input images/download/attachments/20417611/convertdoublebonds2_out.png convert double bonds output

      Note : If input molecules have no 2D coordinates (e.g., SMILES input), then also 2D clean is performed before converting the double bond representation.