Click images/download/thumbnails/20423907/checkleveleditor_icon.png to open the Category group editor page.

    This page lists the Available category groups in three groups:

    • Countries

    • International regulations

    • User-defined category groups

    These Countries and User-defined category groups will be displayed on the Compliance Checker User Interface in the Regulation categories section as ' Available countries' and as ' Available category groups' .


    Default categories


    The displayed 'Countries' are in accordance with your license file.

    Here you can check which regulations are included in the individual countries.

    You can clone the available countries and the created clone will become a new User-defined level.

    Editing or deleting 'Countries' is not available.

    International regulations

    The displayed 'International regulations' are in accordance with your license file.

    Here you can check which regulations are included in each individual group.

    You can clone the available 'International regulations'. The created clone will be a new User-defined category group.

    Editing or deleting 'International regulations' is not available.

    Category group editor

    Category groups can be edited only by users with Administrator and/or ContentManager ROLES.

    User-defined category groups can be created by clicking on the Create new category group button on the top of the page.

    Clicking on an existing user-defined category group opens a dropdown with the Edit and Delete buttons:

    • Edit: opens the Edit category group page displaying the actual content of the selected 'User-defined category group' and makes possible to make changes.

    • Delete : displays a confirmation popup where clicking 'Yes' will delete the selected 'User-defined category group'.

    Creating a new category group

    The Create new category group button on the top of the Available category groups page opens the Create new category group page.

    To narrow the search in the Available categories you can use the Countries and international regulations dropdown and/or the Quick search filter.

    Name : enter the name of the new level

    ID : unique identifier (added automatically)

    Roles: select different user groups who will have access to this user-defined Category group ( Administrator and ContentManager roles will have access to all)

    Available categories : By default all categories are listed here. Two filters are provided to help to select the needed rules for the new level. The set values of these two filters are combined and taken into account with AND logic.

    Countries and international regulations : a country or an international regulation can be selected from the dropdown.

    Quick Search : an input box for a free text filter.

    Select all : this button moves all pre-filtered categories to the Selected categories panel on the right.

    Selected categories : lists the already selected categories.

    Clear : moves all selected categories to the Available categories panel on the left.

    Save : button that saves the new user-defined category group.

    Cancel : cancels the creation of the user-defined category group.


    In the above example the new category's name is " New_user-defined_category_UK_Misuse-Temp-Class ", the ID is added automatically (but can be edited), the access is allowed for all user Roles , Available categories are filtered from User-defined categories by the "temp" Quick search filter and the " New_user-defined_category_UK_Misuse-Temp-Class " is in the Selected categories.

    Editing a category group

    When you click on an existing user-defined category group you can check which categories are included in this definition.


    There are 3 available options: Close, Edit and Delete this user-defined category group.

    Close : Closes this user-defined category group's drop-down

    Edit : Opens the Edit category group page displaying the actual content of the selected user-defined category group and makes possible to make changes in the selected categories.

    After the changes you have to click on the Save button to save these changes. Clicking on the Cancel button or opening another page results in discarding the changes.

    Deleting a category group

    To delete the selected user-defined category group the 'Yes' button should be clicked on the confirmation popup: