Atom Menu

    This menu contains all atom-related properties, for example, charge, atom radicals, maps, and many more.

    Menu item Icon Description
    Stereo > R/S > Off N/A Removes the absolute stereo configuration from a chiral atom along with the marking wedge bond.
    Stereo > R/S > R N/A Sets the absolute stereo configuration on a chiral atom to R, marking it with wedge bond.
    Stereo > R/S > S N/A Sets the absolute stereo configuration on a chiral atom to S, marking it with wedge bond.
    Stereo > Reaction > Off N/A Sets the stereo configuration of the atom not to be considered during the reaction.
    Stereo > Reaction > Inversion N/A Sets the stereo configuration of the atom to be inverted during the reaction.
    Stereo > Reaction > Retention N/A Sets the stereo configuration of the atom to be retained during the reaction.
    Stereo > Enhanced N/A See Stereochemistry for details.
    Charge N/A Allows you to change the charge of an atom between [-128, 128]. The number of implicit hydrogens will be adjusted if possible to accommodate the new charge. Valence errors will be highlighted in red.
    Valence N/A Allows you to change the valence of an atom between [0, 8].
    Radical > Off N/A Removes the radical designation from an atom.
    Radical > Monovalent N/A Sets Monovalent radical center.
    Radical > Divalent N/A Sets Divalent radical center.
    Radical > Divalent Singlet N/A Sets Divalent radical center with singlet electronic configuration.
    Radical > Divalent Triplet N/A Sets Divalent radical center with triplet electronic configuration.
    Radical > Trivalent N/A Sets Trivalent radical center.
    Radical > Trivalent Doublet N/A Sets Trivalent radical center with doublet electronic configuration.
    Radical > Trivalent Quartet N/A Sets Trivalent radical center with quartet electronic configuration.
    Isotope N/A Sets or changes the isotope number of the selected element, or resets the default atom (no isotope) when it is set to Off.
    Map N/A Sets map labels/identifiers on the selected atoms that do not change while altering the molecule. They are useful when dealing with reactions, and can be saved in SMILES and MDL formats.
    R-group N/A Changes the selected atom to an R-group label. R-groups symbolize alternative substituents.
    R-group Attachment N/A The selected atom becomes the attachment point for the substituent.
    R-group Attachment Order N/A Changes the order (numbering) of the attachment points.
    Link Node N/A Specifies query structures containing rings or chains of variable size.
    Periodic Table images/download/thumbnails/20424812/periodic_table24.png Shows Periodic Table and query/atom property drawing window.
    Edit Properties N/A Specifies the property of an atom.
    Add S-group attachment N/A Creates an attachment point on the selected atom of an S-group.
    Remove S-group attachment N/A Removes the highest-numbered attachment point from an atom of an S-group.
    Label Editor images/download/thumbnails/20424812/edit_label24.png Format the atom label and replaces/overwrites any atom/atom label in a structure with a (formatted) abbreviation group, list/not list, R group, alias, or pseudo atom. For more information, see Atom Label Editor.