Deploying the application

    {info} Read this before deploying the application

    Before deploying the application make sure your system fulfils the installation requirements and your database is properly configured.

    Deploying to Tomcat

    Follow these steps to deploy Compound Registration to Tomcat:

    1. Configure Tomcat connector as needed in the server.xml within the Tomcat conf folder.

      • When Tomcat 8.5 and Internet Explorer 11 or Edge web browsers are used, the following line should be added to the context.xml:

        <CookieProcessor className="org.apache.tomcat.util.http.LegacyCookieProcessor" alwaysAddExpires="true" />
    2. Make sure you copied the proper JDBC driver as described on this page.

    3. Copy JavaMail API library (e.g. mail-1.4.7.jar) to your $TOMCAT_HOME/lib folder.

    4. Firts of all, delete the build number from the downloaded .war file name, rename as RegistryCxn.war and then deploy it into the Tomcat webapps folder. In order to have the provided war file extracted in the webapps folder stop and start the Tomcat again- it will extract the war file automatically.

    5. After a successful deployment, the application can be started. By default you can access the application at the following URL: http://yourhost:8080/RegistryCxn/client/.If everything went well you'll see the Compound Registration Wizard, that helps you to upload your the license file, setup your database connection and create the first user of Compound Registration.

      Notes :

      • Update user defined checker configuration files in the $HOME/.chemaxon folder with the provided ones, if needed.

      • The application property file can be adjusted to the local needs. Using this property file you can configure the authentication modes, email server settings, LDAP, Active Directory, SAML SSO, downstream databases, etc.. An example property file is located at $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/RegistryCxn/WEB-INF/classes/

    Deploy and Install with Docker

    {info} Download docker image

    You can get our docker image from our products download page:

    Our image contains Compound Registration and its command line tool. During docker run , if you provide an argument, the command line tool will run it as a command, otherwise Compound Registration application will start.

    Follow these steps to install and run Compound Registration in docker container:

    1. Create an e nv.list file that contains database connection parameters: mysql_example_env.list

      RegDBValidationQuery=SELECT 1


      RegDBValidationQuery=SELECT 1 FROM DUAL
    2. Create the database schema for Compound Registration using the created env.list:

      docker run --rm --env-file {REPLACE_WITH_PATH_TO_ENV_LIST}{REPLACE_WITH_VERSION} install -migrateSchema
    3. Create an admin user:

      docker run --rm --env-file {REPLACE_WITH_PATH_TO_ENV_LIST}{REPLACE_WITH_VERSION}  create-user -name {REPLACE_WITH_USERNAME} -password {REPLACE_WITH_PASSWORD} -group SUPER
    4. Add the license URL to the env.list file. Please make sure that the given Chemaxon license is available via file server over HTTP/HTTPS. You can skip this and upload the license later from the Application UI on the Administration Page, but it is not recommended as it will be saved inside the container and you would have to re-upload it if the container is re-created. add to env.list

      CHEMAXON_LICENSE_URL={REPLACE_WITH_URL: eg. http://myserver.local/chemaxon/license.cxl}
    5. Run Compound Registration

      docker run -p {REPLACE_WITH_DESIRED_PORT}:8080 -d --restart=unless-stopped --env-file {REPLACE_WITH_PATH_TO_ENV_LIST}{REPLACE_WITH_VERSION} 

    With these steps you have Compound Registration running, you can skip the "Install through the Wizard" step from the deployment guide.