Rectangle Selection |
Allows selection in rectangle mode on mouse drag. |
Lasso Selection |
Allows selection in lasso mode on mouse drag. |
Structure Selection |
Allows selection in structure selection mode on mouse drag. With this selection mode, only whole fragments can be selected. |
Erase |
Removes all structures upon selection. |
Undo |
Reverses the last command or the last entry you typed. |
Redo |
Reverses the action of the last undo command. |
Cut |
Removes and copies the selection to the clipboard. |
Copy |
Copies the selection to the clipboard. |
Paste |
Inserts the contents of the clipboard at the location of the cursor, without replacing selection. |
Check Structure |
Checks and corrects chemical structures. See Structure Checker User's Guide for more information. |
Zoom In |
Increases the magnification of the canvas. |
Zoom Out |
Decreases the magnification of the canvas. |
Zoom Tool |
Changes the magnification of the canvas to a specific value. It can also do autoscale using the following named values: All, Selection, Scaffold (only when an R-group is defined on the canvas), and R-group (only when an R-group is defined on the canvas) |
Help Contents |
Shows MarvinSketch User's Guide. |