A set of predefined groups are available immediately after the deployment, but certainly, new groups with different roles can also be defined. The set of roles is predefined, only the groups are configurable (with roles).
The default groups with the default roles are:
This group has the following roles included:
Registration page: register, register in "Advanced mode" (match list, structure checker, stereo analyzer available)
Staging area: list, view and modify submissions; register from the Submission page (Staging area); bulk register (Register all) from the Submission page (Staging area); assign and un-assign submissions in the Staging, delete submissions from the Staging area
Browse page:
view the page, view restricted structures
edit page: amend the structure on lot, version and parent level; delete structures (parent, version or lot); amend the molecular weight; rename the LnbRef; move a lot to another parent; amend restriction level; update the layout of the structure
Administration/Tools: undelete ID's, view the audit (history)
Search page: search for structures, export search results
Administration/Salt & Solvates: search salts and solvates
Administration/Dictionary Manager: modify the dictionaries
Profile: self-administration
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REGISTRAR group roles |
This group has the following roles included:
Upload page: bulk upload structures and salt/solvates
Staging area: list, view and modify submissions; assign and un-assign submissions in the Staging, delete submissions from the Staging area
Administration/Salt & Solvates: add salts/solvates
Administration/Tools: view the audit (history)
Administration/Salt & Solvates: search salts and solvates
Administration/Dictionary Manager: modify the dictionaries
Administration/Form and Fields: editing forms and fields
Profile: self-administration
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This group has the following roles included:
Registration page: register, register in "Advanced mode" (match list, structure checker, stereo analyzer available)
Staging area: list, view and modify submissions; register from the Submission page (Staging area); bulk register (Register all) from the Submission page (Staging area); assign and un-assign submissions in the Staging, delete submissions from the Staging area
Search page: search for structures, export search results
Profile: self-administration
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USER group roles |
This group has the following roles included:
Administration/Users and Groups: adding/removing users, add users to groups, create groups, add roles to groups
Administration/Projects: add projects, assign users with permission to projects
Profile: self-administration
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Name | Status | Description | Role_ID |
ACCEPT_MATCH | available | The role of having the "Accept" match action available in the Match list (when registering from Advanced Registration mode or from the Submission page or when amending a registered structure from the Browse page Edit mode). | 53 |
ADD_SALT_SOLVATE From version 19.20.0-1910071220 it has been renamed to MANAGE_SALT_SOLVATE | available | The role to add salts/solvates to the Salt & Solvates dictionary. This affects the Upload page where salts/solvates can be uploaded from an SDF file and also the Administration/Salt & Solvates page where salts/solvates can be added one by one. From version 19.20.0-1910071220 this role is also to delete unused salts/solvates on the Administration/Salt & Solvates page. | 6 |
ADVANCED_AUTOREGISTER | available | An option on the Registration page. Using this option, the source-specific Structure Checker and the Stereo Analyzer will be available that enable a real-time checking and analyzing of the structure. During the registration, a match list will be displayed if there are matches in the database. > {primary} The two-step registration option and the Register All function also appear on the Bulk Upload page if the user has only ADVANCED_AUTOREGISTER role. | 51 |
ALL | available | Includes all roles | 1 |
ALLOCATE_PCN | available | The role available only when using the Registry service (SOAP API). A certain PCN can be "reserved" without registering a compound. | 40 |
AMENDMENT_PAGE_READ | available | The role to view the Browse page with the Tree Browser, structure and all data are available for the specified ID (parent, version or lot ID) | 16 |
AMEND_ADDITIONAL_DATA | available | From version 20.8.0-2005111440: The role available on the Browse page, Edit mode to be able to change only additional data on any level (and not the structure). | 62 |
AMEND_LOT | available | The role available on the Browse page, Edit mode to be able to change the structure and data on the lot level. The role is included in the AMEND_STRUCTURE role.User can also retrieve search results using: http://<yourhost.com>/RegistryCxn/client/index.html#/search | 4 |
AMEND_MW | available | The role available on the Browse page, View/Edit mode to be able to change the molweight of the compound to a user-supplied one. | 27 |
AMEND_OWN_ADDITIONAL_DATA | available | From version 20.8.0-2005111440: The role available on the Browse page, Edit mode to be able to change only additional data on any level (and not the structure) only for my own registrations (creator or submitter). | 63 |
AMEND_OWN_STRUCTURE | available | From version 20.8.0-2005111440: The role available on the Browse page, Edit mode to be able to change structure and additional data on any level only for my own registrations (creator or submitter). | 64 |
AMEND_PARENT | available | The role available on the Browse page, Edit mode to be able to change the structure and data on the parent level. The role is included in the AMEND_STRUCTURE role.User can also retrieve search results using: http://<yourhost.com>/RegistryCxn/client/index.html#/search | 7 |
AMEND_RESTRICTION_LEVEL | available | The role available on the Browse page, View/Edit mode to be able to change the restriction level of a compound. | 11 |
AMEND_STRUCTURE | available | It includes the AMEND_PARENT, AMEND_VERSION, AMEND_LOT roles. The role available on the Browse page, Edit mode to be able to change the structure and data on any level. | 5 |
AMEND_VERSION | available | The role available on the Browse page, Edit mode to be able to change the structure and data on the version level. The role is included in the AMEND_STRUCTURE role.User can also retrieve search results using: http://<yourhost.com>/RegistryCxn/client/index.html#/search | 8 |
AUTOREGISTER | available | The registration page is available. User can also retrieve search results using: http://<yourhost.com>/RegistryCxn/client/index.html#/search > {primary} If the user has both AUTOREGISTER and ADVANCED_AUTOREGISTER role, the "Advanced" registration mode can be switchable and if the user has only one of these two roles the switch would be disabled and "Enable advanced mode by default" switch (Administration->Pages->Registration) would be ignored. | 9 |
BULKLOADER | available | The upload page is available. Compounds (and salts/solvates) can be uploaded from an SDF file. | 10 |
BULK_EDIT | available | From version 20.8.0-2005111440: The role to be able to edit (add, replace, delete) additional data for several compounds in the same time on search page. | 60 |
BULK_RESTRICTION_CHANGE | deprecated | - | 12 |
CHANGE_ID_IN_STAGING | available | The role to be able the change the LnbRef of a submission that is found in the Staging area/Submission page in order to register it. | 49 |
CLEAR_DB | deprecated | - | 13 |
DELETE_ADDITIONAL_DATA | available | The role to be able to successfully use the "Remove fields" option that might be available in the case of "Uncategorized Data" on the Browse page Edit view. | 55 |
DELETE_ID | available | The role to be able to delete a parent, version or lot. Available on the Browse page View or Edit modes on parent, version and lot level.From version 20.8.0-2005111440 the role to be able to delete registered structures also from the Upload page with “Delete all structures” action in “Delete” menu. DELETE_SUBMISSION role is also necessary to reach this menu. | 14 |
DELETE_SUBMISSION | available | The role to be able to delete submissions from the Staging area, "Bulk actions" menu using the "Delete selected items" action. The role to be able to delete submissions also from the Upload report page with “Delete all” action. From version 20.8.0-2005111440 this action is called "Delete all from staging" and can be found on the Upload report page "Delete" menu. | 33 |
DOWNSTREAM | deprecated | - | 17 |
EXPORT_SEARCH_RESULTS | available | The role to be able to download search results from the Search page. | 15 |
EXPORT_SUBMISSION | available | The role to be able to download submissions from the Staging area. | 47 |
IMPORT_SUBMISSION | available | The role to be able to import submissions to the Staging area. | 48 |
MANAGE_CST_DICTIONARY | deprecated | - | 39 |
MANUAL_VERSION_CORRECTION | deprecated | - | 28 |
MIGRATION | deprecated | - | 20 |
MODIFY_PARAMETERS | available | The role to be able to access the Administration/Forms and Fields menu in order to create/modify new or existing forms and/or fields. | 56 |
MOVE_LOT | available | The role to be able to move a lot to another version. The function is available on the Browse page in the More action menu on the lot level. From version 20.8.0-2005111440 this role is also to be able to bulk move lots to another parent. | 21 |
OVERRIDE_SWITCHERS | available | The role to be able to overwrite switchers on the Registration page Advanced mode or on the Staging area Submission page. If the role is not available, the user will see the available switchers list within the Registration options (located next to the Register button), but changing the settings will not be available. | 46 |
REGISTER_UNIQUE | available | The role of having the "Register as unique" match action available in the Match list (when registering from Advanced Registration mode or from the Submission page or when amending a registered structure from the Browse page Edit mode). | 52 |
REGISTER_WITH_SPECIFIED_ID | available | The role to be able to map an Id for the PCN (Parent Compound Number) field during the bulk upload process and to store that Id as a PCN instead of a generated one. | 45 |
RENAME_LNBREF | available | The role to be able to modify the LnbRef on the Browse page on lot level. | 22 |
REPLACE_MATCH | deprecated | - | 54 |
RESTORE_SUBMISSION | available | The role to be able to access on the Submission page the More actions/Restore page. There you can restore the submission to a previous state where e.g the structure or additional data was different. This feature was already part of the application for a while, but from version 19.20.0-1910071220 this new role is necessary to use it. | 59 |
ROLE_ACL_MODIFY_PROJECTDETAILS | available | The role to be able to add users with permission to projects available in the Administration/Projects menu. | 43 |
ROLE_ACL_MODIFY_PROJECTS | available | The role to be able to add/modify projects available in the Administration/Projects menu. | 41 |
ROLE_ACL_READ_PROJECTDETAILS | available | The role to be able to read the list of projects available in the Administration/Projects menu. | 42 |
ROLE_DICTIONARY_MODIFY | available | The role to be able to modify the dictionaries available on the Administration/Dictionary Manager. | 44 |
SEARCH_DELETED_STRUCTURES | available | From version 20.8.0-2005111440: The role to be able to search for deleted records on Search page. | 61 |
SEARCH_SALT_SOLVATE | available | The role to be able to search for salts and solvates on the Administration/Salt & Solvates and on the Registration, Submission and Browse-Edit pages where the Salt and solvate panel is available within the structure editor. | 34 |
SEARCH_STRUCTURES | available | The role to have access to the Search page. | 23 |
SELF_ADMINISTRATION | available | The role to have access to the Profile page. | 30 |
SHOW_AUDIT | available | The role to be able to view the audit (history) available in the Administration/Tools menu. | 31 |
STAGING_ASSIGN | available | The role to assign a submission for the current user available on the Staging area, "Bulk actions" menu using the "Assign selected items to me" and on the Submission page, "More actions" menu using the "Assign to me". | 35 |
STAGING_ASSIGN_TO | available | The role to assign a submission for another user available on the Staging area, "Bulk actions" menu using the "Assign selected items to a specific user" and on the Submission page, "More actions" menu using the "Assign submission to user". | 37 |
STAGING_LIST_SUBMISSIONS | available | The role to be able to view selected submissions in the Staging area using:User can also retrieve search results using: http://<yourhost.com>/RegistryCxn/client/index.html#/staging?tab=allSubmissions | 32 |
STAGING_MODIFY_SUBMISSION | available | The role to have access to the Staging area: view selected submissions using:User can also retrieve search results using: http://<yourhost.com>/RegistryCxn/client/index.html#/staging?tab=allSubmissionsIncludes also the role to register from the Submission page (Staging area); bulk register (Register all) from the Submission page (Staging area); assign and un-assign submissions in the Staging, delete submissions from the Staging area. The submissions can be opened within the workspace on the Submission page. | 19 |
STAGING_REGISTER | available | The role to be able to register a submission from the Staging area after opening it on the Submission page. > {info} The role is needed to have the "Assign" button visible on the Suggestion list. User can also retrieve search results using: http://<yourhost.com>/RegistryCxn/client/index.html#/search | 2 |
STAGING_REGISTER_ALL | available | The role to be able to register multiple submissions at once from the Staging area after opening them on the Submission page. In the Staging area multiple submissions can be selected, then using the "Bulk actions", "Bulk register selected items" the submissions are opened on the Submission page, where (after making changes to the structures or applying checkers-fixers and/or switches) the Register All option can be used in order to register them at once.User can also retrieve search results using: http://<yourhost.com>/RegistryCxn/client/index.html#/search | 3 |
STAGING_UNASSIGN | available | The role to "Clear assignee" for submission available on the Staging area, Submission page. The "Clear assignee for selected items" is available in the Staging "Bulk actions" menu; the "Clear assignee" is available on the Submission page "More actions" menu.This action is relevant if a user is the assignee of a submission, but he/she will not deal with it. | 36 |
STAGING_VIEW_SUBMISSION | available | The role to be able to view selected submissions in the Staging area. The submissions can be opened within the workspace on the Submission page. | 18 |
SUPERVISE_UPLOAD | new | The role to be able to view uploads that were initiated by other users. | 57 |
SWAP_LNBREF | deprecated | - | 24 |
UNDELETE_ID | available | The role of being able to "undelete" an ID available on the Administration/Tools menu. | 25 |
UPDATE_LAYOUT | available | The role to be able to use the Update Layout functionality available on the Browse page parent level. This functionality should be used when the structure itself is not changed but the layout of it is (e.g. after performing a 2D clean). | 26 |
USER_ADMINISTRATION | available | The role to be able to add/remove users, add users to groups, create groups, add roles to groups available in the Administration/Users and Groups. | 29 |
USE_CST_DICTIONARY | available | The role to have the CSTs from the Dictionary Manager/Chem. Sig. Text within the "Chemically Significant Text" dropdown field available on the Registration, Submission and Browse pages. In the case when the user does not have this role, it will be possible to add any CST, but the CSTs present in the dictionary will not be available. | 38 |
VIEW_RESTRICTED_STRUCTURE | available | The role to be able to view "restricted" structures. Structures are considered to be "restricted" when a non-zero positive integer value is set for the Restriction field. | 50 |
VIEW_SUBMISSION_HISTORY | available | From version 19.20.0-1910071220: The role to be able to access the More actions/Show history on the Submission page. There you can see the changes of the given submission e.g. change in structure, assignment, used standardizer and structure checker actions. | 59 |