Import File-Progress Tab

    After clicking Import, the Progress tab becomes active automatically, the import process starts. If any error occurs during the process, error messages will be displayed on this tab.


    If the import process has been completed without errors, the Import File dialog closes automatically. The imported structures with their properties will be displayed on the specified document.

    There are some special cases, when confirmation is necessary from the user to finish the import process properly. In cases when the chemical file format (eg. SMILES, CXSMILES) does not contain coordinates for the atoms, bonds, etc. and 2D cleaning is necessary during the import process. "2D Cleaning Confirmation" dialog is coming up in these cases, where the user can decide if the cleaning algorithm can eliminate special stereo information. This can be done on by one or in bulk mode.


    Clicking the Yes or the No button will have affect only on the current molecule, pressing the Yes to All or the Not to All button will work for all later structures in one step.