Cleaning options

    One can use cleaning options in various cases, for example:

    2D options

    Option Description
    e Keep verbose either flagIf the 'e' parameter is given and it is not possible to decide whether the double bond is CIS or TRANS, the double bond either flag (crossed double bond) is kept. Otherwise, it the 'e' option is not given the double bond either flag is removed and converted to double bond with a wiggly bond.
    E Error output:0 - no output (default), 1 - error output to standard error
    d show debugging info
    2 try to keep actual 2D alignment
    p ignore parity settingdo not set wedges, the parity information is lost.
    H add HydrogensAdd Hydrogen atoms to chiral centers having no terminal atoms, and not being part of an Sgroup.
    w wedge cleanDo not try to keep the actual wedge arrangement, but rearrange the wedges also.
    W stereo cleanOnly rearrange the wedges of the molecule, but keep the original coordinates untouched.
    s shorten explicit H bond lengthsUse 1.0 Angstrom explicit Hydrogen bond length. All other bonds will remain 1.54 Angstrom long.
    tX set overall time limit to X msmaximum time spent cleaning the whole molecule (all fragments). The default value is 2000ms. If X=0, no time limit is used.
    tsX set per-fragment time limit to X msmaximum time spent cleaning one fragment. The default value is: 1000ms. If X=0, no time limit is used.
    T{filename} ring system template file nameUse the template file during ring system cleaning together with the system template file definition (chemaxon/marvin/templates/bicycles.t, chemaxon/marvin/templates/crown_ethers.t, chemaxon/marvin/templates/heterocycles.t, chemaxon/marvin/templates/cleantemplate.cxsmi, chemaxon/marvin/templates/fullerenes.t, chemaxon/marvin/templates/bridged_polycycles.t, chemaxon/marvin/templates/cleancage.cxsmi) and the local template file definition (which is located at the users home directory .chemaxon/cleantemplates.t).
    Toff Turn off system template file definition usage during template based cleaning (only local template file definition is used).
    Tf Force template based cleaning during clean process. Try to use templates for ring system which contains only on ring.

    3D options

    Option Description
    S{fine} Find low energy conformer. Leave failed fragments intact.
    S{fast} Fast clean, if failed, perform fine clean, accept any generated structure (default)
    ? Print the complete list of options to System.err. The same list can be printed by invoking the MolConverter with the -H3Doption.
    S{nofaulty} Same as S{fast}, but leave failed fragments intact.
    S{conformers} Generate conformers, store the calculated conformer coordinates and energies in PropertyObjects.
    E Store calculated Dreiding energy in SDF property string. The Dreiding energy for each fragment will be calculated in the last step. Their sum will be stored in the sdf property called "Energy".

    Notes: null always specifies the default value. O0 and OD are deprecated. They use the default value.