File check history Single check history

    File check history

    Clicking on the HS History button on the left navigation bar opens the History page.

    Selecting the File check history tab the latest File checks are listed. Data of earlier File checks can be searched and their generated reports can be downloaded.

    The following filtering parameters can be set on the input panel to narrow the search:

    • User name

    • File name

    • Upload starting date (from-to dates)

    Below that a table of the latest results sorted by their Upload started date. Above the last column the actually displayed row numbers of total are shown.

    Clicking on a row the File check details popup is displayed from where the generated reports can be downloaded.

    Delete all data of an individual File check from the system

    The administrator can now delete all (e.g. confidential) data from the system of a user's File check by clicking on the Delete button - in the Action column - on the File check history page.

    Before the delete operation is started a confirmation dialog is displayed: This action is irreversible, so all data of an earlier File check is deleted.

    Delete the File check history periodically

    In the file the batch.cleanup.scheduler function can be configured to periodically delete the Batch check history, the reports and the uploaded files from the server.

    Settings of batch.cleanup.scheduler can be modified according to the following examples:

    # Enables to schedule the removal of all batch report related data from the database.
    # The value should be a cron-like expression, which extends the usual UN*X definition to include triggers
    # on the second as well as minute, hour, day of month, month and day of week.
    # Example patterns:
    #    "0 0 * * * *" = the top of every hour of every day.
    #    "*/10 * * * * *" = every ten seconds.
    #    "0 0 8-10 * * *" = 8, 9 and 10 o'clock of every day.
    #    "0 * 6,19 * * *" = 6:00 AM and 7:00 PM every day.
    #    "0 0/30 8-10 * * *" = 8:00, 8:30, 9:00, 9:30 and 10 o'clock every day.
    #    "0 0 9-17 * * MON-FRI" = on the hour nine-to-five weekdays
    #    "0 0 0 25 12 ?" = every Christmas Day at midnight
    # batch.cleanup.scheduler=0 0/30 15-17 * * *

    Single check history

    Clicking on the HS History button on the left navigation bar opens the HS History page. Selecting the Single check history tab the latest Single searches are listed.

    Data of earlier single assignments can be searched and their generated reports can be downloaded.

    The following filtering parameters can be set on the input panel to narrow the search:

    • User name

    • Check date (from-to dates)

    Clicking on a row the Single check details popup is displayed from which the generated reports can be downloaded.