Writing JavaScript Files for Custom Functionality

    Client scripts are executed in a separate thread as an HTML 5 Web Worker by executing the main function of the client scripts. The main function is called with a parameter describing the target form/row/field of the user action. This parameter object has the following properties:

    • selection: index of the row in context

    • fieldInfo: object describing the field in context

    • dataTreeId: the id of the data tree in context

    • masterEntityId: the id of the master entity

    • serverSchemaId: id of the schema in context

    • widgetId: id of the widget in context

    The fieldInfo property has, in turn, the following properties:

    • columnName : the name of the database table containing the field

    • entityId : the id of the entity containing the field

    • id : the id of the field

    • name : the name of the field

    An example object of the main function parameter:


    "selection": 45,

    "fieldInfo": {

    columnName: "CD_ID"

    entityId: "AE39A4AA6A593B9DCA16F370E56F3D28"

    id: "0CB25FF244881F41DE448577FB48C237"

    name: "CdId"


    "dataTreeId" : "65EE6049A5C39AF77E537940A9CC9FE0",

    "masterEntityId": "C15079B06FDA5FD35173EBD5E3BC9DB5",

    "serverSchemaId": "6C6F63616C6462",

    "widgetId": "B424E339BD213982194BA3B7C6336C25"


    Client scripts can obtain further information about the (broader) context, which can be obtained through functions of the global object called plexusAPI.

    Query functions:

    • /*** Gets an entity descriptor. schemaId and entityId specify the entity. callback will be called with the entity descriptor as its sole parameters.*/plexusAPI.getEntity(schemaId, entityId, callback)

    • /*** Gets data for a field in a given row in a given entity.*/plexusAPI.getData = function(schemaId, entityId, rowId, fieldId, callback)

    • /*** Gets the structure definition in the given format (smiles, molfile, sdfile, etc...) at the specified field.*/plexusAPI.getStructure = function(schemaId, entityId, rowId, fieldId, format, callback)

    Control functions:

    • /*** Logs a message to the console.*/plexusAPI.log = function(data)

    • /*** Shows a message in an alert box.*/plexusAPI.showMessage = function(data)

    • /*** Opens a new browser window with the given URL.*/exports.openNewWindow = function(url)

    Sample script:

    function main(data){

    plexusAPI.log("Initial data:");


    plexusAPI.getEntity(data.serverSchemaId, data.masterEntityId, function(entity){



    plexusAPI.getData(data.serverSchemaId, data.fieldInfo.entityId, data.selection, data.fieldInfo.id, function(data){




