By turning on the e-mail notifications option the user can get feedback about his/her activity (bulk upload and individual registration as well) from the sender's address.
Upon assigning a submission to a user, an e-mail is sent to inform the new assignee.
{primary} Before the e-mail settings configuration please visit the Users page and set up an e-mail address for the user(s) who are about to receive the notification after the actions.
E-mail templates are available for:
The following variables can be used in the template after attemptSummary:
library: It is e.g LIBRARY_1, LIBRARY_2. This is an identifier for a bulk uploaded file. It can be seen in the Upload page and Submission page.
startDate: Start date of the upload.
endDate: End date of the upload.
successCount: Number of successfully registered compounds.
failedCount: Number of failed/ready for registration compounds. Label of this can be modified in the e-mail template:
<TD>Failed/Ready for Registration</TD>
{info} Counts above may sometimes not indicate the correct number, because of asynchronous registrations. The bulk upload summary page will always show accurate counts.
{info} Since version 20.8.0 a new variable is available to be used in the bulk upload notification email template: \${attemptSummary.uploadId}. Please find more information below.
{primary} If you change ${attemptSummary.attemptId} to http:// ...server address.... /client/${attemptSummary.uploadId} there will be a link to the submission in the e-mail notification: Registration attempt (link to the submission) finished.
The following variables can be used in the template:
pcn: PCN - Parent Compound Number
cn: CN - Compound Number
lnbref: LnbRef -Acronym for (Electronic) Laboratory NoteBook (LNB) Reference
lotid: A number representing the lot
status: Submission status (e.g Invalid LnbRef)
message: Message in case of failed registration. e.g LnbRef is not valid according to the regular expressions.
userid: The user who initiated the registration
creatorid: The submitter of the compound
source: e.g Registrar
created: Date when the registration was initiated
submissiontype = e.g. AutoRegister, AdvancedRegister
The following variables can be used in the template:
actor: Who did the assignment.
assignedOn: When the assignment happened.
submissionId: Link to the submission. e.g.baseUrl+/client/index.html#/submission?submissionId=66
{info} Since version 20.8.0 you can use the variable {id} to create your own link to the submission. You can change: ${submissionId} to this: http:// ...server link..../client/index.html#/submission?submissionId=${id} to get link to the submission.
previousAssignee: Previous assignee.
createdBy: Created by this user.
createdOn: When the submission has been created.
modifiedBy: Modified by this user.
modifiedOn: When the submission was modified.
{info} If the "Automatically assign failed submissions to submitter" switcher is turned ON on Administration/General settings page the system will not send e-mail about the auto-assignment to the submitter.
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E-mail settings - E-mail notifications |
The correct settings of the SMTP server are essential for e-mail forwarding, but in order to be able to verify the settings, you must always save the changes first. Since version 22.13.0 you can configure which SSL protocols are supported by the application from the list of 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3.
{info} Please keep in mind you have to run on StartTLS to use these configurations, otherwise, emails use a plaintext channel.
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E-mail settings - SMTP Server Settings |
Submissions that are left in the staging area for a long time are considered abandoned submissions. If the setting is on the user will be notified periodically about these submissions.
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Abandoned submissions |