Create Graphical User Interface for Checker Options

    Create Graphical User Interface for Checker Options

    To support checker configuration from GUI, an editor is required. We are going to create a simple editor with three radio buttons to set the preferred behavior. The options will be "Reactant Side", "Product Side", and "Both Sides" respectively. The class is placed to the same package as the checker class is.

    Create an editor class

    Extend the DefaultCheckerEditor class, create a JPanel with some JRadioButton instances, and bind the radio buttons to the Checker instance.

    Overriding getCustomComponent method will add the JPanel to the editor, while getEditorComponent sets up the editor to represent the passed Checker’s state. Changing the radio buttons will alter the state of the Checker.

    Download the example and find "".

       public class DuplicateAtomMapCheckerEditor extends DefaultCheckerEditor {
            /** the main component */
            private JPanel mainPanel = null;
            /** radio button for reactant only */
            private JRadioButton reactantRadio = null;
            /** radio button for product only */
            private JRadioButton productRadio = null;
            /** radio button for both */
            private JRadioButton bothRadio = null;
            /** the checker instance being edited */
            private DuplicateAtomMapChecker checker = null;
            /** * Constructs an editor component for duplicate atom map checker. */
            public DuplicateAtomMapCheckerEditor() {
                ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
            protected Component getCustomComponent() {
                if (mainPanel == null) {
                    // create a panel and set up a layout
                    mainPanel = new JPanel();
                    mainPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(mainPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
                    // add control components
                    // set up some design
                return mainPanel;
            public JComponent getEditorComponent(StructureChecker checker) {
                if (checker instanceof DuplicateAtomMapChecker) {
                    this.checker = (DuplicateAtomMapChecker) checker;
                    switch (this.checker.getReactionSide()) {
                    case REACTANT:
                    case PRODUCT:
                    case BOTH:
                } else {
                    this.checker = null;
                return super.getEditorComponent(this.checker);
            /** * Initializes and returns the radio button for reactant only selection. * * @return the radio button for reactant only selection */
            private JRadioButton getReactantRadio() {
                if (reactantRadio == null) {
                    reactantRadio = new JRadioButton("Search in reactants");
                    reactantRadio.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                            if (reactantRadio.isSelected()) {
                return reactantRadio;
            /** * Initializes and returns the radio button for product only selection. * * @return the radio button for product only selection */
            private JRadioButton getProductRadio() {
                if (productRadio == null) {
                    productRadio = new JRadioButton("Search in products");
                    productRadio.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                            if (productRadio.isSelected()) {
                return productRadio;
            /** * Initializes and returns the radio button for both selection. * * @return the radio button for both selection */
            private JRadioButton getBothRadio() {
                if (bothRadio == null) {
                    bothRadio = new JRadioButton("Search in reactants and products");
                    bothRadio.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                            if (bothRadio.isSelected()) {
                return bothRadio;

    Bind the editor to the checker

    The new editor can be attached to the checker by adding a new option to the @CheckerInfo annotation in DuplicateAtomMapChecker class.

                name = "Duplicate Atom Map Checker",
                description = "Checks for mapping duplicates in a reaction.",
                editorClassName = "custom.checkers.DuplicateAtomMapCheckerEditor",
                noErrorMessage = "No duplicate mappings found",
                moreErrorMessage = "duplicate mappings found",
                actionStringToken = "duplicateatommap")

    Create a new JAR file, and export both DuplicateAtomMapChecker and DuplicateAtomMapCheckerEditor classes. Replace the previously generated JAR file with this one. Overwrite the duplicateatommapchecker.jar in home/MyCustomCheckers folder.

    Ready to edit

    The new editor is available and works in all Structure Checker related ChemAxon products.