Supported Versions

    The table below lists the supported versions of JChem for Office and JChem for Excel. Windows 10 and Windows 11 are both supported since 21.15.101 frequent released version and 21.15.2 long term supported (Iodine.2) version.

    Office 2016 Office 2019 Office 2021 Microsoft 365
    Office 32-bit
    Office 64-bit

    Please, note that Office 2016, Office 2019 and Office 2021 are supported when installed with O365, but O365 (Office Online) itself is not supported.

    Currently, the brand new laptops with preinstalled MS Office by the vendors are also not supported!

    Microsoft Office 365 Online and Microsoft Office Desktop Apps from Windows Store are not supported. These versions are mostly available on Windows 10 in S mode, which is also not yet supported. See more details about Windows 10 S here.

    Installation of JChem for Office to Windows Server 2016 or higher is now allowed but the functionalities are not tested on these environments. By installing JChem for Office to Windows Server you might face issues due to compatibility.

    32-bit and 64-bit versions of Microsoft Office are both supported. For more information regarding the bit-versions, see How to Check the Bit-version of MS Office.

    Here you can find the list of fully supported Microsoft Office products:

    Microsoft Office 2016

    Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016

    Microsoft Office Standard 2016

    Microsoft Office 2019

    Microsoft Office 2019

    Microsoft Office 2021

    Microsoft Office 2021

    .Net Framework version

    minimum supported version is 4.6.2