Compliance Checker - Software
December 5, 2024: Compliance Platinum.2
Software version: Platinum.2
Build date: 2024-12-04
JChem version: 24.4.2-18161 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: Platinum.2 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
Sept 14, 2024: Compliance Checker Platinum.1
Platinum.1 has been released based on the Frequent Release 24.3.0.
Software version: 24.3.0
Build date: 2024-09-13
JChem version: 24.3.0-15417 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 24.3.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
Aug 6, 2024: Compliance Checker 24.3.0
Software version: 24.3.0
Build date: 2024-08-05
JChem version: 24.3.0-15417 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 24.3.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
New feature:
- Chemaxon Compound Registration integration: integrating the Compliance Checker with Chemaxon Compound Registration enables the direct use of registration IDs as inputs in Compliance Checker for single and file checks, as well as API calls, without the need to manually or programmatically translate them into other known chemical formats such as SMILES. This version supports integration only with on-premise deployments. Please find more details on this page.
July 19, 2024: Compliance Checker 24.1.3
Software version: 24.1.3
Build date: 2024-07-18
JChem version: 24.1.3-15016 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 24.1.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
May 31, 2024: Compliance Checker 24.1.2
Software version: 24.1.2
Build date: 2024-05-30
JChem version: 24.1.2-13069 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 24.1.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Reject preset by a newly introduced config option (check.structure.knownInvalidInputStrings) input strings (For more information see the File check settings)
- In some cases an "Ambiguous" column was added to the report when input was name.
- ID was not returned in the report if the molecule structure could not be imported.
May 6, 2024: Compliance Checker 24.1.1
Software version: 24.1.1
Build date: 2024-05-06
JChem version: 24.1.0-12141 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 24.1.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Close button has been replaced with a collapse link in the File Check report details.
- The handling of large input files has been improved.
- Security fixes.
March 13, 2024: Compliance Checker 24.1.0
Software version: 24.1.0
Build date: 2024-03-12
JChem version: 24.1.0-12141 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 24.1.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Improved error screens are introduced for better understanding and quicker resolution.
- Security fixes.
February 27, 2024: Compliance Checker 23.17.0
Software version: 23.17.0
Build date: 2024-02-26
JChem version: 23.17.0-11507 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 23.16.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Security fixes.
- One category can be applied at a time in CC KB editor
- cc-eureka Docker image did not run in AWS.
- On hosted sites, in some cases after changing roles 403 error was thrown.
December 18, 2023: Compliance Checker 23.16.0
Software version: 23.16.0
Build date: 2023-12-15
JChem version: 3.16.0-10790 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 23.16.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Security fixes.
- New feature - custom category(ies) defining user-defined rules can be created/edited/deleted (For more information see User defined category editor )
- The admin role is enabled to delete single checks from history.
- Report containing non-controlled substances could not be generated without similar/highly similar hits.
October 27, 2023: Compliance Checker 23.14.0
Software version: 23.14.0
Build date: 2023-10-25
JChem version: 23.14.0-9749 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 23.14.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
No changes.
October 19, 2023: Compliance Checker 23.12.1
Software version: 23.12.1
Build date: 2023-10-19
JChem version: 23.12.0-8477 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 23.12.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Fixed report generation for single checks
October 12, 2023: Compliance Checker 23.12.0
Software version: 23.12.0
Build date: 2023-10-10
JChem version: 23.12.0-8477 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 23.12.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- From this version Java 17 runtime environment is needed.
- From this version Compliance Checker does no longer work with MongoDB earlier than 3.6. We recommend to use more recent versions, at least MongoDB 5.
- New API endpoint has been introduced for CC admin/CC content manager rules to export/import user-defines categories in JSON format. Also, in such cases cHemTS API responds with an error code instead of an empty result.
- GUI: Administration/Exit administration buttons has been converted to a normal Admin menu point.
- GUI: The Hystrix dashboard has been removed from the System monitor administration page.
- Security fixes.
- CC filecheck reports could not be downloaded by admin user when 'eureka-off' profile was active
- MarvinJS did not get updated when a new structure was pasted.
- The cc-bigdata service could produce excessive logs under Windows during file uploads.
Known issue:
- Report generation fails for single checks.
July 20, 2023: Compliance Checker 23.8.0
Software version: 23.8.0
Build date: 2023-07-20
JChem version: 23.8.0-7223 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 23.8.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
June 19, 2023: Compliance Checker 23.7.1
Software version: 23.7.1
Build date: 2023-06-15
JChem version: 23.7.0-6914 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 23.5.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- When previously a user opened the Match details window, some of the non-embeddable pages and documents were previously shown as broken. This is now fixed and the page recommends the user to open such a link in a separate tab or browser instead.
May 23, 2023: Compliance Checker 23.7.0
Software version: 23.7.0
Build date: 2023-05-23
JChem version: 23.7.0-6914 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 23.5.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Various vulnerabilities reported by Sonar and Mend have been eliminated.
- A few changes on the user interface have been introduced involving the "Update the regulation" page and the main menu.
- Empty xlsx report was generated when large molecules were checked.
April 17, 2023: Compliance Checker 23.5.0
Software version: 23.5.0
Build date: 2023-04-14
JChem version: 23.5.0-6518 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 23.5.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Various vulnerabilities reported by Sonar and Mend have been eliminated.
- A few minor changes on the user interface have been introduced.
March 23, 2023: Compliance Checker 23.3.0
Software version: 23.3.0
Build date: 2023-03-23
JChem version: 23.3.0-5807 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 22.19.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
The new release makes some MongoDB optimizations by leveraging particular indices. This might cause some latency on UI or in API responses if you have large database with old MongoDB (older than 4.2) when the the new version is first used.
Compliance Checker now requires at least MongoDB 5.0 but recommends to use latest MongoDB 6 version.
Compliance Checker is now compatible with Java 17 runtime. The minimum required Java version is still at lest Java 11 so upgrading to Java 17 is not needed.
- An improved standarization method have been implemented for similarity calculations.
- The flickering during report generation has been eliminated.
- A better alignment of table cells on file check UI has been introduced.
- Various vulnerabilities reported by Sonar and Mend have been eliminated.
- In some cases incorrect report start date was displayed for long-lasting report generation.
February 7, 2023: Compliance Checker 23.1.0
Software version: 22.22.0
Build date: 2023-02-07
JChem version: 23.1.0-5138 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 22.19.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Various vulnerabilities reported by Sonar and Mend have been eliminated.
- Configuration of Active Directory authentication has been improved by making it possible to configure a custom LDAP filter string that can be used to search for the user being authenticated.
- "CC" is added to the report file names.
- "Copy to clipboard" and "Clear structure" icons has been added for the input to the clipboard on the single check page.
- The molecule is saved between CC and cHemTS single check pages.
- Manual update of CC KB files failed.
January 20, 2023: Compliance Checker 22.22.1
Software version: 22.22.0
Build date: 2023-01-20
JChem version: 22.22.0-4677 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 22.19.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
Known issue:
- Manual update of CC KB files fails.
- Various vulnerabilities reported by Sonar have been eliminated.
- Report generation time has been decreased.
- Color legend has been added to similarity reports.
January 11, 2023: Compliance Checker 22.22.0
Software version: 22.22.0
Build date: 2023-01-10
JChem version: 22.22.0-4677 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 22.19.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
Known issue:
- Manual update of CC KB files fails.
- CC input standardization in case of potassium and sodium salts has been improved.
- The checked structure is always displayed on single check page.
- In case of similarity, link is added to the Regulation field of the reports.
- Various vulnerabilities reported by Mend have been eliminated.
The top of the date selector was not visible on the KB History date field above 125% zoom.
October 5, 2022: Compliance Checker 22.16.0
Software version: 22.16.0
Build date: 2022-10-04
JChem version: 22.16.0-2826 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 22.16.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Various vulnerabilities reported by Mend have been eliminated.
- Similarity check can be executed on radicals.
September 22, 2022: Compliance Checker 22.14.0
Software version: 22.14.0
Build date: 2022-09-21
JChem version: 22.14.0-2223 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 22.14.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- For the USA Controlled Substances Act a two-tier similarity check ("Highly similars" and "Similars and highly similars") has been added to controlled substances in Schedule I and II both on the GUI and to API endpoints. This new feature needs the knowledge base or later.
- Various vulnerabilities reported by WhiteSource/Mend have been eliminated.
Known issue:
- In case of the USA, molecules containing radicals are not checked, a conversion error is thrown. Fixed in 22.16.0.
- Authorization for cc-api delete file check and GET /filecheck/{jobId} endpoint were fixed.
- Invoking the cc-api DELETE /filecheck/delete/ endpoint deleted the hts file checks as well.
July 5, 2022: Compliance Checker 22.11.1
Software version: 22.11.1
Build date: 2022-07-05
JChem version: 22.11.0-748 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 22.11.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- The known issues that had been introduced in 22.11.0, have now been fixed.
June 21, 2022: Compliance Checker 22.11.0
Software version: 22.11.0
Build date: 2022-06-21
JChem version: 22.11.0-748 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 22.11.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Various vulnerabilities reported by WhiteSource/Mend have been eliminated.
Known issue:
- cc-api integration endpoints '/cc-api/history/file-check' and '/cc-api/history/single-check' return error code 415 when invoked.
- invoking cc-api endpoints from the swagger-ui might fail if https protocol is used.
Workaround: add entry 'server.forward-headers-strategy=framework' to cc-api service's file
April 6, 2022: Compliance Checker 22.9.0
Software version: 22.9.0
Build date: 2022-04-06
JChem version: 22.9.0-13886 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 22.9.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- The vulnerability reported by WhiteSource has been eliminated.
March 23, 2022: Compliance Checker 22.6.0
Software version: 22.6.0
Build date: 2022-03-23
JChem version: 22.6.0-13845 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 22.6.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
No changes.
March 11, 2021: Compliance Checker 22.1.0
Software version: 22.1.0
Build date: 2022-03-01
JChem version: 22.1.0-13789 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 22.1.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- The increasing thread/memory usage of cc-bigdata was fixed.
- PDF report generation failed when there were one or more input data fields with no value.
- The loading speed of MarvinJS has been improved.
- In Excel reports multiple links belonging to the same hit are shown in brackets.
December 20, 2021: Compliance Checker 21.19.0
Software version: 21.19.0
Build date: 2021-12-16
JChem version: 21.19.0-13698 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 21.19.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Last digit of the software version was not shown.
- The log4j2 library has been upgraded to the latest version, although the Log4Shell vulnerability did not impact Compliance Checker and cHemTS software since a different logging is leveraged.
December 6, 2021: Compliance Checker 21.18.0
Software version: 21.18.0
Build date: 2021-11-03
JChem version: 21.18.0-13669 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 21.18.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Special characters were not displayed properly in the .pdf reports.
- Java requirements have changed, Compliance Checker now requires Java 11.
We recommend you use an Adoptium distribution, please find the best fit on
September 28, 2021: Compliance Checker 21.15
Software version: 21.15
Build date: 2021-09-21
JChem version: 21.14.0-13536 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 21.15.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
No changes.
August 18, 2021: Compliance Checker 21.14
Software version: 21.14
Build date: 2021-08-13
JChem version: 21.14.0-13469 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 21.14.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
No changes.
August 3, 2021: Compliance Checker 21.13
Software version: 21.13
Build date: 2021-07-27
JChem version: 21.12.0-13445 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 21.13.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- The search involving queries as Markush structures has been improved.
July 16, 2021: Compliance Checker 21.12
Software version: 21.12
Build date: 2021-07-14
JChem version: 21.12.0-13357 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 21.11.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- When the link pointing to two different regulations was the same one regulation was omitted from the File Check report.
June 23, 2021: Compliance Checker 21.11
Software version: 21.11
Build date: 2021-06-18
JChem version: 21.11.0-13320 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 21.11.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
No changes.
May 27, 2021: Compliance Checker 21.10
Software version: 21.10
Build date: 2021-05-25
JChem version: 21.04.0-13245 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 21.10.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- It possible to configure cc-web or cc-api to use anonymous authentication while authentication is enabled for all other services.
- If knowledge base update failed on the cc-backend side. The result of the update showed as successfully finished on the UI.
April 27, 2021: Compliance Checker 21.9
Software version: 21.9
Build date: 2021-05-05
JChem version: 21.04.0-13207 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 21.09.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- 'All' option was removed from the report format, the report template on the File check page and
from the output fields on the Single check page.
Compliance Checker - Software
April 27, 2021: Compliance Checker 21.8
Software version: 21.8
Build date: 2021-04-23
JChem version: 21.04.0-13167 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 21.08.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Security vulnerabilities in JChem Webservices were eliminated.
April 17, 2021: Compliance Checker 21.7
Software version: 21.7
Build date: 2021-04-01
JChem version: 21.04.0-13120 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 21.05.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Compliance Checker deb and rpm installers in case of an upgrade overwrote the existing <cc-service>.service files on the system.
- Incorrect total number for check and db update history was shown on History page.
March 23, 2021: Compliance Checker 21.4
Software version: 21.4
Build date: 2021-03-22
JChem version: 21.04.0-12978 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 21.04.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
Known issue:
- Compliance Checker deb and rpm installers in case of an upgrade overwrite the existing <cc-service>.service files on the system.
In case manual changes have been applied on these files, they need to be repeated again after upgrading.
- cc-api endpoint authorization strategy has been changed.
February 23, 2021: Compliance Checker 21.3
Software version: 21.3
Build date: 2021-02-17
JChem version: 21.03.0-12862 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 21.03.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Compliance Checker update did not work using the UI.
- Without HTS license the About dialog on the UI did not show any information.
February 1, 2021: Compliance Checker 21.2
Software version: 21.2
Build date: 2021-01-28
JChem version: 21.01.0-12802 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 21.02.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
Known issue:
- Manual Knowledge Base update involving file upload from the Admin page using The Update to selected file button doesn't work.
- The update can be performed from the API or it is possible to update to the latest Knowledge Base version using the Download and update to the latest version from the Admin page.
- There is no version information shown in the About dialog unless there is cHemTS license.
January 21, 2021: Compliance Checker 21.1
Software version: 21.1
Build date: 2021-01-05
JChem version: 21.01.0-12716 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 21.01.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- gtinNumbers, pubChemNumbers and allLegislativeLinksfileds have been added to all check integration endpoints.
December 3, 2020: Compliance Checker 20.21
Software version: 20.21
Build date: 2020-12-01
JChem version: 20.21.0-12565 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 20.21.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Graphical user interface has been revisited.
- If no report format was selected for file check, the user setting did not get saved.
October 29, 2020: Compliance Checker 20.20
Software version: 20.20
Build date: 2020-10-26
JChem version: 20.20.0-12435 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 20.20.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Graphical user interface has been revisited.
- No error message was thrown when an invalid file was uploaded during KB update.
- groupSearcholdBase & groupSearchFilter was ignored in config 'common.ldapConfig'.
September 17, 2020: Compliance Checker 20.19
Software version: 20.19
Build date: 2020-09-15
JChem version: 20.18.0-12335 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 20.19.0 - [History of changes](marvin-js-history-of-changes. .md)
Knowledge base version:
No changes.
September 2, 2020: Compliance Checker 20.18
Software version: 20.18
Build date: 2020-08-24
JChem version: 20.18.0-12267 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 20.18.0 - [History of changes](marvin-js-history-of-changes. .md)
Knowledge base version:
No changes.
August 12, 2020: Compliance Checker 20.17
Software version: 20.17
Build date: 2020-07-29
JChem version: 20.17.0-12209 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 20.17.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
No changes.
July 20, 2020: Compliance Checker 20.16
Software version:20.16
Build date: 2020-07-10
JChem version: 20.16.0-12094 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 20.16.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Selected report formats were reset to default after report formats panel had been collapsed.
June 30, 2020: Compliance Checker 20.15
Software version: 20.15
Build date: 2020-06-24
JChem version: 20.15.0-12003 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 20.15.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- From the user drop-down pane, the Administration option has been removed.
June 18, 2020: Compliance Checker 20.14
Software version: 20.14
Build date: 2020-06-09
JChem version: 20.14.0-11808 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 20.14.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- User defined category groups could not be retrieved from cc-api using anonymous authentication.
- CC KNIME node did not work when anonymous authentication was used.
May 22, 2020: Compliance Checker 20.13
Software version: 20.13
Build date: 2020-05-14
JChem version: 20.12.0-11637 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 20.13.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
No changes.
May 4, 2020: Compliance Checker 20.12Software version: 20.12
Build date: 2020-04-27
JChem version: 20.12.0-11513 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 20.12.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- A new knowledge base update without downtime has been introduced.
- The number of compounds in XLSX report containing images has been limited to avoid high memory usage.
- Time out error was thrown upon checking highly symmetrical molecules.
- If a file upload had been initiated, but the fragmentation was not started, the file check didn't start.
April 16, 2020: Compliance Checker 20.11
Software version: 20.11
Build date: 2020-04-06
JChem version: 20.11.0-11448 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 20.11.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Improvements:
KNIME node is compatible with version 4.0 and later.
Report template generation has been revised.
April 10, 2020: Compliance Checker 20.10
Software version: 20.10
Build date: 2020-03-26
JChem version: 20.10.0-11406 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 20.10.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
No changes.
March 23, 2020: Compliance Checker 20.9
Software version: 20.9
Build date: 2020-03-18
JChem version: 20.8.0-11370- History of changes
Marvin JS version: 20.9.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Compliance Checker KNIME node has been refactored, now it uses cc_api endpoint . Connection settings might need to be reset.
- Docker image for cc-backend has been changed to cc-webservice.
March 13, 2020: Compliance Checker 20.8
Software version: 20.8
Build date: 2020-03-10
JChem version: 20.8.0-11337- History of changes
Marvin JS version: 20.8,0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- A backslash followed by "n" in a SMILES inside a CSV file resulted in invalid molecule error.
- New API endpoint has been added which deletes the checks up to a specified date.
March 3, 2020: Compliance Checker 20.7
Software version: 20.7
Build date: 2020-02-29
JChem version: 20.7.0-11306- History of changes
Marvin JS version: 20.7,0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Query molecules were not properly sized in Match details popup window ( bug introduced in version 20.5).
- Installation: docker image is available from the download page.
- New two API endpoints were added: - one returns the initialization date of the Knowledge Base in yyyyMMdd format, while the other one returns the id and the name of all countries, international regulations and user defined category groups. For more information see the API.
February 26, 2020: Complianve Checker 20.6
Software version: 20.6
Build date: 2020-02-21
JChem version: 20.6.0-11281- History of changes
Marvin JS version: 20.6.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
No changes.
February 21, 2020: Compliance Checker 20.5
Software version: 20.5
Build date: 2020-02-18
JChem version: 20.5.0-11239 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 20.5.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
No changes.
February 7, 2020: Compliance Checker 20.4
Software version: 20.4
Build date: 2020-01-29
JChem version: 20.4.0-11187- History of changes
Marvin JS version: 20.4.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
No changes.
January 24, 2020: Compliance Checker 20.3
Software version: 20.3
Build date: 2020-01-21
JChem version: 20.3.0-11142- History of changes
Marvin JS version: 20.3.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
No changes.
January 21, 2020: Compliance Checker 20.2
Software version: 20.2
Build date: 2020-01-19
JChem version: 20.2.0-11121 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 20.2.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
No changes.
January 13, 2020: Compliance Checker 20.1
Software version: 20.1
Build date: 2020-01-09
JChem version: 20.1.0-11077 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 20.1.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
No changes.
December 19, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.27
Software version: 19.27
Build date: 2019-11-18
JChem version: 19.26.0-10963 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 19.27.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
No changes.
December 11, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.26
Software version: 19.26
Build date: 2019-11-10
JChem version: 19.26.0-10967 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 19.27.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
No changes.
November 29, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.25
Software version: 19.25
Build date: 2019-11-27
JChem version: 19.25.0-10930 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 19.25.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- On the Single check panel molecules from the input box were not loaded in MarvinJS when Mozilla Firefox was used.
November 15, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.24
Software version: 19.24
Build date: 2019-11-12
JChem version: 19.24.0-10859 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 19.24.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- Slow down due to the complex regulation of UK The Misuse of Drugs / Third Generation Synthetic Cannabinoids came into force on the 15th of November 2019 has been eliminated.
November 8, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.23
Software version: 19.23
Build date: 2019-11-05
JChem version: 19.23.0-10824 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 19.23.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- API check endpoint were executed against all category groups if a non existing "categoryGroupIds" parameter was supplied.
October 21, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.22
Software version: 19.22
Build date: 2019-10-10
JChem version: 19.21.0-10688 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 19.22.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
- File checking
- Input molecule format (SMILES/SMARTS/Peptide/Name) for CSV files can be specified beyond the default auto-recognition both on the GUI and in the file-integration endpoint.
- Knowledge base update
- Error message is thrown when the update fails.
October 7, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.21
Software version: 19.21
Build date: 2019-09-14
JChem version: 19.21.0-10571 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 19.21.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
No changes.
September 18, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.20
Software version: 19.20
Build date: 2019-09-14
JChem version: 19.20.0-10485 - History of changes
Marvin JS version: 19.20.0 - History of changes
Knowledge base version:
No changes.
September 2, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.19
Software version: 19.19
Build date: 2019-08-27
JChem version: 19.19.0-10374
Knowledge base version:
- New date picker has been implemented.
August 5, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.18
Software version: 19.18
Build date: 2019-07-30
JChem version: 19.18.0-10265
Knowledge base version:
No changes
July 16, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.17
Software version: 19.17
Build date: 2019-07-11
JChem version: 19.17.0-10207
Knowledge base version:
- It was not possible to upload files more then 256 MB large. Now, the new configuration parameter (instead of the old spring.http.multipart.maxFileSize=256MB, which should be removed )- Maximum file size ( spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size) - sets the maximum size of the file to be uploaded.
July 4, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.16
Software version: 19.16
Build date: 2019-06-28
JChem version: 19.15.0-10149
Knowledge base version:
No changes
June 27, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.15
Software version: 19.15
Build date: 2019-06-25
JChem version: 19.15.0-10130
Knowledge base version:
No changes
June 24, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.14
Software version: 19.14
Build date: 2019-06-20
JChem version: 19.14.0-10110
Knowledge base version:
- New features
- Markush analyzer search is set to default.
- Bugfixes
- Ms Edge and IE11 compatibility issues fixed on file check page.
- Multiple report cancellation caused reports to go to error state instead of cancelled.
- Added software version info to swagger api-docs
- Removed generic information for class IdentifiedMolecule from swagger api-docs
June 17, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.13
Software version: 19.13
Build date: 2019-06-03
JChem version: 19.13.0-10041
Knowledge base version:
No changes
June 3, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.12
Software version: 19.12
Build date: 2019-05-30
JChem version: 19.12.0-10026
Knowledge base version:
No changes
May 21, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.11
Software version: 19.11
Build date: 2019-05-21
JChem version: 19.11.0-9960
Knowledge base version:
New features
- Connection to a MongoDB cluster cloud (MongoDB Atlas, Amazon DocumentDB) can be configured.
- MarkushAnalyzer 's license issue has been fixed so the file check speed is increased when this function is enabled.
- Editing a user-defined category group its name could not be changed.
May 7, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.10
Software version: 19.10
Build date: 2019-05-02
JChem version: 19.10.0-9887
Knowledge base version: 19.04.09.
- 'Check finished' time is correctly set even if no report generation was set for the File check.
- PDF report generation failed if only input data fields was configured in the selected report template and the file did not have any.
April 8, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.9
Software version: 19.9
Build date: 2019-03-29
JChem version: 19.9.0-9764
Knowledge base version:
New features
- If the selected report template contains the ID field and the structure file contains properties then the user is forced to select a property as the ID. Without that the File check button is inactive. (Documentation)
- The Knowledge Base build process was improved: all of the links to the legislation sites are validated if available. If a legislation's link is not working then "Currently unavailable" flag is added to that link.
- Pardot tracking code has been introduced.
- Sometimes user settings were stored twice in mongo that corrupted the File check for this user.
- Erasing QueueNode and FragmentNode documents could be interrupted by Hystrix in some special cases.
- Some long History popups could not be scrolled down to their bottom.
March 18, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.8
Software version: 19.8
Build date: 2019-03-11
JChem version: 19.8.0-9663
Knowledge base version:
- "Check finished at" column has been added to the "Uploaded files" panel.
- In case the KNIME node's http request fails, the error message contains not only the http status code but the reason too.
- KNIME node has been fixed to work even when configuration 'category.definition.file=separated_category.def' is set for Compliance Checker.
March 8, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.7
Software version: 19.7
Build date: 2019-03-05
JChem version: 19.7.0-9650
Knowledge base version:
- Shorter system startup time by improved training process.
- Report icons changed for even better.
- Design modified for the 'About ' popup.
- In Single check results the 'More ' popup now displays " Link can be opened only in a new tab/window " if the link is embedding-restricted.
- Input data columns were mixed when the " Do not repeat input data " option was selected in the report template.
- SDF and MRV reports could not be generated after Extended check of files containing empty structure(s).
February 28, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.6
Software version: 19.6
Build date: 2019-02-
JChem version: 19.6.0-9589
Knowledge base version:
New features
- Checking files containing records without molecule structure are sent to error with the "Empty molecule source" warning message.
- Time related terms were standardized in the GUI and in the reports.
- Timestamps were standardized and their GMT time-zone values are added (in brackets) in the HTML, XLSX and PDF reports and the File-check Summary.
- User-defined category groups cannot be saved with the same name
- Corrected error message for Single check of Asx.
- The cc-api file-check-controller /filecheck/ POST request returned invalid URL.
Not released: (Compliance Checker 19.5)
Skipped version.
February 13, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.4
Software version: 19.4
Build date: 2019-02-11
JChem version: 19.4.0-9515
Knowledge base version:
New features
- New roles: EXPERT_USER and CONTENT_MANAGER roles have been introduced with different privileges.
( Documentation: Other settings in '')
- Roles can be assigned directly to special users.
- Category group access can be controlled according to ROLES.
- For the check-with-id endpoint the Hystrix timeout is automatically set to the double of the searchEngine.check.timeLimit setting, so a proper JSON response is returned.
February 4, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.3
Software version: 19.3
Build date: 2019-01-25
JChem version: 19.3.0-9426
Knowledge base version:
New features
- When the file check result requests timeout a proper error message is displayed.
- Hiperlinks were added to the the About popup to the History of changes of the SW and the KB.
- New report icons.
- In case of big data load (generation of big reports and checking big files) CC became unresponsive because of health check failure.
January 23, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.2
Software version: 19.2
Build date: 2019-01-18
JChem version: 19.2.0-9405
Knowledge base version:
- After install or system restart sometimes the first few single checks failed due to timeout.
- PDF, XLSX, HTML reports could not be generated if the Input data fields were not included in the report template.
- Fixed a missing cell border in Firefox browser.
January 11, 2019: Compliance Checker 19.1
Software version: 19.1
Build date: 2019-01-07
JChem version: 19.1.0-9355
Knowledge base version:
- Improved security for downloading other user's reports by cc-api endpoints.
- Memory consumption has been reduced on generation of enormously big XLSX reports.
- Columns in CSV reports were mixed.
December 14, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.30
Software version: 18.30
Build date: 2018-12-13
JChem version: 18.30.0-9278
Knowledge base version:
New feature
- Service cc-api is displayed on the System monitor page
- "CAS Registry Number" references were changed in the GUI, API and documentation.
- CSV report was an empty file when no data (hit/error/passed) was exported.
December 4, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.29
Software version: 18.29
Build date: 2018-12-04
JChem version: 18.29.0-9227
Knowledge base version:
- CSV report did not contain 'Input data fields'.
November 28, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.28
Software version: 18.28
Build date: 2018-11-23
JChem version: 18.28.0-9189
Knowledge base version:
- CAS Registry Number related references had to be removed:
E.g. the failing CAS## import - in Single check - results in "The identifier you entered could not be converted to a structure and not found in the examples either." message.
- Endpoint Check-with-id did not check invalid structures (too big or containing query feature) properly.
- The"Controlled" column's "Not controlled" field was colored in XLSX report s even with not-colored report templates.
November 14, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.27
Software version: 18.27
Build date: 2018-11-12
JChem version: 18.27.0-9142
Knowledge base version:
New feature
- Integration service was introduced at .../cc-api.
The official API is also available at this service (instead of bigdata).
November 12, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.26
Software version: 18.26
Build date: 2018-11-09
JChem version: 18.26.0-9112
Knowledge base version:
- Default setting for MarkushAnalyzer was set to 'switched off'.
- Check speed for a list of molecules has been increased for the integration check/list endpoint.
October 31, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.25
Software version: 18.25
Build date: 2018-10-29
JChem version: 18.25.0-9102
Knowledge base version:
- Same** hits are merged** to a single one in Single check summary results.
- Hits in Single check summary** are sorted alphabetically** on their country codes so the regulations of a category group (country) are listed together.
- If a hit of a Single check has more references of the same regulation then these references are listed in the same 'Regulation' field.
- File check/Single check/DB update history popups were not closed properly clicking out of the popup or clicking "x" or the "Close" button or pressing the Esc key.
- Not configured columns appeared in Single check reports when 'Input data fields' was configured in the report template.
- New user-defined category group could not be saved.
- 'Show regulations' (in File check list dropdown) listed all categories of a user-defined category , even those that were not selected.
October 9, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.24
Software version: 18.24
Build date: 2018-10-03
JChem version: 18.24.0-8998
Knowledge base version:
New features
- Reports can be generated in CSV format. (Without Summary.)
- Report templates can be configured to show empty input data cells for the same molecule by selecting the Do not repeat input data checkbox.
- Colored report template can be configured to show differently colored Input fields (blue) and Output fields - Not controlled (green) and Error (rose) in XLSX , HTML and PDF reports.
- Long text became wrapped and vertically centered in the Excel reports.
- Search time for large structures was reduced to avoid timeouts. ( MarkushAnalyzer )
- Some SDF and MOL files - with different linebreak encoding - were not recognized correctly.
September 24, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.23
Software version: 18.23
Build date: 2018-09-11
JChem version: 18.23.0-8885
Knowledge base version:
New feature
- Input Molecule format setting can be defined in the ComplianceChecker KNIME node.
- In the reports only the Controlled field contained the error messages (e.g. timeout, query feature, maxAtomCount).
Now the What is controlled? and Regulation fields show them, too.
- If the checked structure has several hits but all fields of the report are the same then these fields are merged into a single row.
- Input data fields' were mixed up in XLSX, PDF and
September 7, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.22
Software version: 18.22
Build date: 2018-09-05
JChem version: 18.22.0-8840
Knowledge base version:
- Improved recognition whether a substance contains any query or Markush features.
- Max atom count is listed in Single check summary.
- Sometimes file check results were not saved properly to mongo and because of that reports could not be generated for them.
- Correct error message is added to the Input molecule source field of the report when the input cannot be converted to the selected molecule format.
- Bad links generated by Eureka were removed from the Eureka page.
August 29, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.21
Software version: 18.21
Build date: 2018-08-24
JChem version: 18.21.0-8772
Knowledge base version:
- Batch check term has been changed to "File check "
Admin features
- In System monitor > Settings the ribbon.ReadTimeout value is displayed.
- Molecules that couldn't be exported to MRV format caused file processing to stop without finishing.
- The Knowledge Base update history popup did not display query structures for some substance IDs.
August 21, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.20
Software version: 18.20
Build date: 2018-08-13
JChem version: 18.20.0-8693
Knowledge base version:
Admin features
- Max atom count setting is saved for each Single/Batch check and it can be retrieved from the Single/Batch check history details and displayed in the Batch check list summary.
August 10, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.19
Software version: 18.19
Build date: 2018-08-08
JChem version: 18.19.0-8653
Knowledge base version:
- Report templates could be created with the same name. Now the Report template name has to be unique.
- Administration > System monitor > System status > Reload settings from config file button did not work.
July 27, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.18
Software version: 18.18
Build date: 2018-07-31
JChem version: 18.18.0-8603
Knowledge base version:
No changes
July 24, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.17
Software version: 18.17
Build date: 2018-07-16
JChem version: 18.17.0-8520
Knowledge base version:
Data model has been modified!
After this update all stored fragments will be deleted from mongo and fragments will not be stored anymore.
Of course the results (and reports) of earlier single/batch checks are not deleted and remain available.
Storage of these fragments increased the size of the database and slowed down the checking process, so their deletion
Benefits of deleting the fragments:
- Smaller database size,
- Faster checking process,
- Decreased memory usage.
The only problem can be if after this v18.17 update a previous version is installed, because versions before v18.11 were calculating the results solely from those stored fragments.
Therefore a mongo dump is highly recommended before updating the SW to this v18.17 for having a backup of the earlier data in the case of reverting to a SW version earlier than v18.11.
(In case of reverting and restoring the mongo to the backup - of course - the results of the new checks will be lost.)
Admin features
- Knowledge Base auto-updater is introduced to update the Knowledge Base automatically - if a newer KB version has been released - in configurable time periods: common.autoUpdateScheduler
- A configurable timeout has been introduced for the check of 1 molecule against all selected queries: searchEngine.check.timeLimit. (Default=60000 ms.).
Over this time the molecule lands in error.
- Structure column selection at CSV import was not displayed after selection.
- Text and CAS search did not return the category- and substance IDs for the hit.
- In case of any error a default "Error during report generation" message was sent.
Now the server's error message is displayed.
- Uploaded temporary files were not deleted from the TMP folder. (Ubuntu: root/tmp)
July 09, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.16
Software version: 18.16
Build date: 2018-07-02
JChem version: 18.16.0-8474
Knowledge base version:
No changes
June 28, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.15
Software version: 18.15
Build date: 2018-06-26
JChem version: 18.15.0-8463
Knowledge base version:
Admin features
- A configurable timeout has been introduced for the check of 1 molecule against 1 query: searchEngine.molSearch.timeLimit. (Default=10000 ms.).
Over this time the molecule lands in error.
- False report generation warnings were thrown on bigdata: "Ignoring unknown format: png"
- When the checked structure contains any query or Markush feature then an error is thrown.
June 22, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.14
Software version: 18.14
Build date: 2018-06-18
JChem version: 18.14.0-8432
Knowledge base version:
- Report status was corrected on file API in case of error or cancel.
- Error message was corrected for check.structure.maxAtomCount .
June 12, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.13
Software version: 18.13
Build date: 2018-06-06
JChem version: 18.13.0-8383
Knowledge base version:
Admin features
- New settings can be configured in Input molecule size limit .
This is the maximum number of explicit atoms in a molecule that should be checked.
Default value = 200 ( check.structure.maxAtomCount=200 )
- Reload settings from config file did not work In Administration > System monitor > Settings.
June 4, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.12
Software version: 18.12
Build date: 2018-05-25
JChem version: 18.12.0-8353
Knowledge base version:
No changes.
May 23, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.11
Software version: 18.11
Build date: 2018-05-18
JChem version: 18.11.0-8335
Knowledge base version:
Admin features
- New feature: User-defined category editor.
- Knowledge Base update history was not updated.
- In KB update history substances that were moved from one category to another got an "UPDATE" status.
Now they get "DELETED" (from the old) and "ADDED" (to the new category).
- Batch check failed at a molimporter error. Now the failing record is skipped and sent to the "error" group.
- Batch check sometimes ended with "N/A" and "Check finished" status and a wrong finish date was displayed.
April 13, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.10
Software version: 18.10
Build date: 2018-04-10
JChem version: 18.10.0-8214
Knowledge base version:
Known issues:
- Knowledge Base update history is not updated!
Admin features
- New service was implemented to get category codes and substance IDs for category group IDs.
- When 'Input data field' was in the report template then "ccImportOrderNumber" field appeared in the reports - with 'Input #' values.
March 28, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.9
Software version: 18.9
Build date: 2018-03-27
JChem version: 18.9.0-8165
Knowledge base version:
- Number of write operations to mongo was decreased during batch file upload.
- When backend was faster than writing the file into mongo, then the report generation could start and caused an error.
- Fixing standardized terms on 'Delete category group' popup.
March 14, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.8
Software version: 18.8
Build date: 2018-03-09
JChem version: 18.8.0-8101
Knowledge base version:
Admin features
- Admin can select which fields should be returned in the JSON report. (Documentation )
- The integration API page could not be opened in version 18.5 due to a Spring Boot upgrade.
- Uploading a file containing structure errors to the** file API** , after the import failure the endpoint 'GET /filecheck/job/{id}' returned status PENDING instead of FAILED.
- Swagger UI was fixed for cc-config.
February 27, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.5
Software version: 18.5
Build date: 2018-02-21
JChem version: 18.5.0-8030
Knowledge base version:
- Training has been started before Hystrix was properly initialized so training was executed with default hystrix configuration , causing OutOfMemoryError on large AWS instances.
- Check type (Batch/Extended) is saved and displayed in the Batch check list dropdown and in the check history pages .
February 12, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.4
Software version: 18.4
Build date: 2018-02-08
JChem version: 18.4.0-7973
Knowledge base version:
- Batch check of small files did not start during the upload of a big file .
- Changed some titles to use standardized terms throughout .the whole Compliance Checker system.
January 30, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.3
Software version: 18.3
Build date: 2018-01-26
JChem version: 18.3.0-7925
Knowledge base version:
- Minor bug- and GUI fixes.
January 18, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.2
Software version: 18.2
Build date: 2018-01-15
JChem version: 18.2.0-7855
Knowledge base version:
- System restart not needed after KB update to get valid single check results.
January 12, 2018: Compliance Checker 18.1
Software version: 18.1
Build date: 2018-01-12
JChem version: 18.1.0-7831
Knowledge base version:
User features
- "Extended search" option for batch check files with "single-line" records. (Still in development)
- Authentication modes were refactored to fix anonymous authentication.
- User got false single check results after clicking the "Reload settings from config file" button. System restart. was needed.
- Single check details did not show the query structures.
Known issues
- The system should be restarted after KB update!
December 7, 2017: Compliance Checker 17.29
Software version: 17.29
Build date: 2017-12-05
JChem version: 17.29.0-7699
Knowledge base version:
Admin features
- In Batch check history admin can delete all (confidential) batch check data from the system. (Documentation)
- Fixed error handling of invalid batch files.
- Batch history list failure on big dataset was fixed.
- Response for null categories request in integration controller was fixed.
- Swagger marked error on API integration pages.
Known issues
November 9, 2017: Compliance Checker 17.28
Software version: 17.28
Build date: 2017-11-07
JChem version: 17.28.0-7597
Knowledge base version:
Admin features
- Timezone synchronization issue with "Date of regulations" has been fixed in the API and in the KNIME and PP nodes.
- Number of MongoDb calls has been reduced during checking.
October 24, 2017: Compliance Checker 17.27
Software version: 17.27
Build date: 2017-10-24
JChem version: 17.27.0-7563
Knowledge base version:
Admin features
- Type of the Knowledge Base update process (Manual or Automatic to latest version ) is stored and it is displayed now on the Knowledge Base update history page.
October 19, 2017: Compliance Checker 17.26
Software version: 17.26
Build date: 2017-10-17
JChem version: 17.26.0-7549
Knowledge base version:
User features
- Starting date of Date of regulations and Update history was modified to Oct 22, 2014.
Admin features
- Single check and Batch check priority can be configured by setting the *.threadPriority key values between 1 (minimum) and 10 (maximum) priority. Default values are 5 for single and 3 for batch.
- Timezone synchronization issue disabled the checking if the date of user's machine was greater than the server's date.
Now the server's date is taken into account as the latest Date of regulations in this case .
October 12, 2017: Compliance Checker 17.25
Software version: 17.25
Build date: 2017-10-11
JChem version: 17.25.0-7536
Knowledge base version:
User features
- Report download was changed to streaming, so user can download big reports even with low bandwidth network connection.
Admin features
- Admin can add important (html-edited) information to be displayed on the Login page.
- Knowledge Base updates are stored and can be searched by the Update date.
The Update history table stores: Database version / History of changes / Update date / Update process.
Release notes is a link to the Documentation.
September 21, 2017: Compliance Checker 17.24
Software version: 17.24
Build date: 2017-09-21
JChem version: 17.24.0-7465
Knowledge base version:
User features
- Knowledge base version and Software version are displayed for the User in the** Batch check list** > Summary dropdown.
Admin features
- Besides the Date of regulations the Knowledge base version and the Software version are stored and these data are displayed for the admin in Batch check history > Batch check details popup.
- Login problem in IE11 : user was not redirected to application after successful login.
September 14, 2017: Compliance Checker 17.23
Software version: 17.23
Build date: 2017-09-11
JChem version: 17.22.0-7429
Knowledge base version:
User features
- PubChem# and GTIN# numbers can be included in the reports.
Admin features
- Admin can set the Input molecules source format in the Report templates editor. (Documentation)
- In the Report templates editor PubChem# and GTIN# numbers are available.
- Default report format can be set for batch checks in
. However the User can modify that and the User's last selection will be saved (for the User). (Documentation)
- Admin can select Available countries or Selected check levels to be displayed in Regulation categories in
. (Documentation)
- By setting the check.hideCountries key value to true (default is false ) Available countries will not be displayed at all. (Documentation)
- LDAP authentication caching can be switched on by setting the common.userchache property common.userchache property to
- PDF report of a Batch check contained rows with data shifted to the left when the input field (structure property) was missing.
August 31, 2017: Compliance Checker 17.22
Software version: 17.22
Build date: 2017-08-28
JChem version: 17.22.0-7355
Knowledge base version:
User features
- On the Batch check page the last Report format (s) used by the user are saved for the user.
- From version 17.22.0 Compliance Checker integration controller returns the original input molecule in case of hit and error. The data is in the "originalInput" filed, next to input molecule (which is in "input" field).
- If session expires CC redirects users to the login page.
August 17, 2017: Compliance Checker 17.21
Software version: 17.21
Build date: 2017-08-15
JChem version: 17.21.0-7295
Knowledge base version:
User features
- When batch check fails with** 'Error during structure import'** then clicking on the row shows a popup displaying the first error and it's cause.
Admin features
- Administrator can kill any user's running batch check or any running report generation from 'Batch check history'.
August 04, 2017: Compliance Checker 17.18
Software version: 17.18
Build date: 2017-08-01
JChem version: 17.18.0-7246
Knowledge base version:
User features
- Report generation can be canceled on the Batch check dropdown with the 'Kill report generation ' button.
- Auto-generated filename of the batch check report will have the 'OriginalFilename_jobID.ext ' format.
Admin features
- New installers for different platforms make easy the installation process.
- Some default Hystrix settings were changed in
- 'Input data fields ' can be selected in the report template editor. If selected then all Input data fields will be included - as separate columns - in HTML, XLSX and PDF reports.
(In sdf and mrv reports these are included by default.)
- A new field (molFormat ) can be set to request JSON on the /integration/check/list endpoint.
This accepts only a specified format, and gives an error (file format exception) if the input cannot be recognized in that format.
- ComplianceChecker services ( http://.../cc-backend/manage/health ) respond {"status":"DOWN"} until training is finished and {"status":"UP"} when finished.
- Batch check of a CSV file without a header row will check the structure in the first row.
May 10, 2017: Compliance Checker 17.8
Software version: 17.8
Build date: 2017-05-08
JChem version: 17.8.0-6842
Knowledge base version:
User features
- New versioning policy: year, sequential numbering, patch
- Batch check of CSV files is now supported. Files must have "csv" extension and first line is considered as header.
- Excel reports can contain structure images (according to the report template)
- New Help link to the Documentation
- Login URL was changed from ".../cc-web/login" to ".../cc-web/#/login".
If the user is logged in and e.g. clicks an old bookmark, then will get the "Requested page not found" error.
On this ".../cc-web/#/page-not-found" page clicking on the "Paragraph" icon navigates the user to the "Single check" page.
*Admin features
- New installer for Linux.
- Admin can create Report templates that contain input structure images and/or example structure images.
- Failed batch checks were shown as "pending" on the Batch check history page
- 'Kill this job ' did not work
- Homology group extension did not work on the prefilter queries
April 10, 2017: Compliance Checker 17.7
Software version:
Build date: 2017-03-28
JChem version:
Knowledge base version:
User features
- Endpoint in the API to return the earliest date of regulations that can be applied.
Admin features
- Single check history is now available where the admin can search and filter all Single check data by the User name and/or the Check date/time. Documentation
- Batch check history , Single check history and Database update history were converted to tabs of a single History page. Documentation
- The Batch check history popup (i.e. details) was improved: the selected legislation names are listed below the downloadable reports. This table is sorted on the Legislation name field. Documentation
- A combined Compliance Checker license now includes all necessary licenses which are needed.
- Batch.cleanup.scheduler was implemented for the possibility to periodically delete the Batch check history , the generated reports and the uploaded files from the server. It can be configured in the file. Documentation
January 27, 2017: Compliance Checker
Software version:
Build date: 2017-01-23
JChem version:
Knowledge base version:
User features
- User can select a Report template on the Report content dropdown for a new Batch check ,
and for generating a new report on an earlier Batch check.
Admin features
- System monitor page shows all information on the System status (Mongo DB, System user, Eureka services, Config service, Settings) and the Available services.
- Report template editor will be implemented. Admins can create and customize Report templates. Documentation
Bug fixes
- Batch check reports listed the records with different Input# for the same Input molecule.
January 16, 2017: Compliance Checker
Software version:
Build date: 2017-01-16
JChem version:
Knowledge base version:
User features
- A popup shows the progress of the file upload at Batch check.
December 16, 2016: Compliance Checker
Software version:
Build date: 2016-12-16
JChem version:
Knowledge base version:
Admin features
- Search in** Batch check history** has been implemented. Documentation
Bug fixes
- Reports created from SDF files containing a property having dot (.) in the property name could not be downloaded from the server.
November 10, 2016: Compliance Checker
Software version:
Build date: 2016-11-09
JChem version:
Knowledge base version:
October 20, 2016: Compliance Checker
Software version:
Build date: 2016-10-19
JChem version:
Knowledge base version:
User features
- Compliance data can be searched for a specific date and the check will be run against legislations published before that date. Documentation
- Single check report page has been improved (Documentation):
What is controlled field has been introduced, showing the relevant part of the legislation, the hit-highlighted input structure and the matched query structures.
Field titles have been renamed.
- Default report format was changed to HTML and its default content has been changed to Controlled structures and Errors. Documentation
Admin features
- Check level editor has been improved. Documentation
- Search in** Database update history** has been implemented. Documentation
- Automatic DB updater tool has been developed (Documentation):
After setting up an update server, users and admins get a warning message when a new DB version is available.
Admins can update automatically by clicking on Download and update to latest version button.
- Software and** Knowledge Base version number changes** have been applied according to Chemaxon's weekly release format. (YY.MM.DD.#)
- Batch check has been improved: sequential search order has been changed to parallel , so now smaller files are processed faster.
- Error handling has been improved for rest controllers.
- Connection to Mongo DB was improved for SSL Transport layer security.
Integration API
- Compliance Checker API (Documentation)
To check molecules listed in a file against regulations, Compliance Checker offers a File-api.
April 15, 2016: Compliance Checker 1.0
First released version
Build date: 2016-04-15
JChem version:
Knowledge base version:
User features
- Single Check
Enter structure using Text input field (names, CAS#, SMILES, InChI, or any text based structure file format, like MOL, MRV)
Automatic rendering of structure based on the Text input field
Draw a structure using Marvin JS
Select from predefined countries to check against (the default countries include the corresponding international regulations as well)
Select from level(s) to check against (defined by the administrator)
Selecting fields displayed in the report (dynamic on/off in the display)
- Generate report (PDF, HTML, XLSX, SDF, MRV)
- Batch check
- Upload files (any structure file format that Marvin can understand, like SDF, MRV, SMILES, names, CAS#s, InChI, etc.)
- Select countries to check against
- Select predefined level(s) to check against
- Result summary
- Generate reports (PDF, HTML, XLSX, SDF, MRV)
- History
Admin features
- Manual update , without the need of restarting the service (the old DB service runs for any call before the new DB becomes available after upload)
- Service monitor
- Check Level editor (to define new levels by adding categories, countries or other levels, or cloning countries or levels)
Authentication/authorization features:
- Multiple AD domains support
- Group mapping (external to internal)
Integration API
- GET and POST single structures and list of structures, optionally specifying countries/levels to check against.
- Batch check and reporting API (currently not public)