{info} Starting with version 23.11.0, Plexus Connect requires Java 17, and Tomcat 10 or Jetty 9 to run.
Exporting SDF containing two structure fields fixed.
CVE-2024-38816 - fix spring-webmvc vulnerability is fixed.
Support for interactive Python charting has been introduced.
Labels support html and images and it's combination.
Font widget settings from IJC is now sustained in Plexus Connect. Except for the font size.
Structures have better resolution.
CVE-2023-44487 & CVE-2023-46589 vulnerability fixed.
Feature set equals to: 24.1.0
Duplication of Canvas widget title in the Form editor fixed.
Problem with some Python libraries, when used in Connect Python scripting fixed.
Fixed vulnerability CVE-2023-34053.
Title option for Canvas in the Form editor has been removed.
Fix of problems with filenames of prints and exports using non-Latin alphabets (e.g. Japanese characters).
Fixed vulnerability CVE-2023-48631.
Customized widget settings now maintain consistency more effectively from IJC to PC.
Update to the latest version should fix the problem
Fixed vulnerability CVE-2023-4586
Fixed issue with using API keys in Python scripting.
Fixed setting title of Canvas widget in the Form editor.
Fixed vulnerability CVE-2023-6378.
Fixed vulnerability CVE-2023-6378.
Fixed vulnerability CVE-2023-34053.
Vulnerability CVE-2023-4586 fixed.
Vulnerability CVE-2023-34062 fixed.
Vulnerability CVE-2023-6378 fixed.
Problems with filenames of prints and exports using non-Latin alphabets (e.g. Japanese characters) fixed.
Vulnerability CVE-2023-1370 in json-smart fixed.
Vulnerability CVE-2022-46751 in ivy fixed.
Vulnerability CVE-2023-34034 in spring-security-config fixed.
Vulnerability CVE-2023-4586 fixed.
Added support to child entity count operators in Filtering.
Saving query when structure is selected via quick selection button fixed.
Enhanced Python scripting capabilities. Python script for View can be added by it's owner directly in the UI and it is persisted in the schema.
Implemented Content-Security-Policy for frontend.
Problem with Saving filter while using FullFragment structure search gas been fixed.
Synchronization of features of Python and JavaScript scripting.
Vulnerability CVE-2023-34062.
Added Python scripting error reporting and logging. Optimized usage of Python scripts.
Fixed issue with using API keys in Python scripting.
Fixed setting title of Canvas widget in the Form editor.
Fixed saving query, when structure is selected via quick selection button.
Fixed CVE-2023-34034 in spring-security-config.
Fixed CVE-2022-46751 in ivy.
Fixed CVE-2023-1370 in json-smart.
Grid cells alignment upon freezing has been fixed.
Fixed CVE-2023-34034 in spring-security-config
Fixed CVE-2023-1370 in json-smart
Fixed CVE-2022-46751 in ivy
Fixed vulnerability CVE-2022-44729.
Vulnerability CVE-2022-44729 fixed.
Vulnerability CVE-2023-24998 fixed.
Vulnerability CVE-2023-1370 fixed.
Vulnerability CVE-2016-1000027 fixed.
Vulnerability CVE-2022-21449 fixed.
Warning to chart widgets newly created in the form editor regarding incomplete data added.
Introduced JChem PostgreSQL cartridge support. This support is still in early preview state.
An example of Python script for how to create Chart for Canvas widget added.
Vulnerability CVE-2022-25857 fixed.
Selection in scatterplot chart has been changed. Clicking on a data point selects only that specific point. Clicks with control (windows, linux) or command key (mac) now behave like the original selection (add/remove selection).
Printing of tables fixed.
Vulnerability CVE-2023-20860 removed.
Vulnerability CVE-2023-20862 removed.
Vulnerabilities CVE-2022-28366 & CVE-2022-29546 have been fixed.
CVE-2023-20873 - spring-boot-actuator-autoconfigure library vulnerability fixed.
Form editor widgets sorted according to popularity.
Printing of tables fixed.
Vulnerability CVE-2023-20860 fixed.
Vulnerability CVE-2023-20862 fixed.
Vulnerabilities CVE-2022-28366 & CVE-2022-29546 fixed.
Fixed missing data for some fields in export.
Fixed vulnerabilities CVE-2022-40152, CVE-2022-40153.
Fixed printing of tables.
Fixed UI of histogram widget slider.
Vulnerabilities CVE-2022-28366 & CVE-2022-29546 have been fixed.
Structure is by default selected in Scatter plot.
Mol matrix widget setup in the form editor has been fixed.
CVE-2023-20873 - fixed spring-boot-actuator-autoconfigure library vulnerability.
CVE-2022-45688 - fixed json library vulnerability.
CVE-2023-20883 - fixed spring-boot-autoconfigure library vulnerability.
Vulnerability CVE-2023-20860 removed.
Repeating values in pivot tables resolved.
Vulnerability CVE-2023-1370 removed.
Vulnerability CVE-2023-20860 removed.
Vulnerability CVE-2023-24998 removed.
Vulnerabilities CVE-2022-28366 & CVE-2022-29546 fixed.
Vulnerability CVE-2023-20862 removed.
Form editor widgets sorted according to popularity.
Vulnerability CVE-2023-20862 removed.
Upgrade to React 18.
Similarity extension field can be now used.
Spotfire Bridge artifacts are available for download. Supported versions are 10 and 12.
Upgraded to Material UI 5
Updated to Groovy 4.0.8.
Upgraded to React 17.
Python scripting is enabled in Connect Docker containers.
More examples for Python scripting added. Mainly for canvas widgets usability and for Jupyter notebook.
Behavior of copy view functionality modified.
Vulnerabilities CVE-2022-40152 and CVE-2022-40153 fixed.
Default sort set on entity is now respected.
Option to share Saved lists and Filters among users added.
Option to share export templates among users added.
Warning for copying Form views improved.
Canvas widget support was added to the Form editor.
Dashboard loading glitch fixed.
Fixed missing data for some fields in export.
Fixed vulnerabilities CVE-2022-40152, CVE-2022-40153.
Modifications of an original entity (add/update/delete row) invoke recalculation of Pivot entity data.
Fixed vulnerability CVE-2022-46175.
Fixed vulnerability CVE-2022-25927
Fixed random chart jumps in boxplot when using mouse.
Fixed missing data for some fields in export.
Added Histogram Widget as new option to Form editor.
RadarChart widget fixed, added to the Form editor.
BoxPlot widget fixed, added to Form editor.
Fixed CVE-2022-46175 vulnerability.
Histogram is now respecting selected category field to color up bars properly.
Vulnerability CVE-2022-38900 has been removed.
CVE-2022-4065 vulnerability fixed.
Vulnerability CVE-2022-38900 has been removed.
CVE-2022-4065 vulnerability fixed.
Fixed CVE-2022-46175 vulnerability.
Fixes CVE-2022-40146 and CVE-2022-34169
Chart widgets in views do not cause printing failure anymore.
Fixed printing of labels and titles.
CVE-2022-31692 & CVE-2022-31690 fixed vulnerabilities.
CVE-2022-42004 & CVE-2022-42003 fixed vulnerabilities.
CVE-2022-40146 and CVE-2022-34169 fixed vulnerabilities.
Chart widgets in views do not cause printing failure anymore.
Fixed printing of labels and titles.
In list query doesn't work, when ID's contains spaces is fixed.
In list query doesn't work, when ID's contains spaces is fixed.
Chart widgets in views do not cause printing failure anymore.
CVE-2022-42004 & CVE-2022-42003 fixed.
CVE-2022-31692 & CVE-2022-31690 - fixed vulnerabilities.
CVE-2022-41853 - fixed vulnerability.
Added more customization options to the form editor.
CVE-2021-44906 fixed.
WS-2022-0322 fixed.
CVE-2022-42004 & CVE-2022-42003 fixed.
Added capability to add new rows to single entity grid views.
Added data edit functionality to Grids.
Added functionality to delete rows from Grids.
In export, all excel options are always the first choice for export format.
Japanese characters in export PDF fixed.
Sorting performance bottleneck resolved.
vunerability (CVE-2022-22968) fixed
CVE-2022-22970 and CVE-2022-22978 are fixed.
Conditional Formatting between IJC and Plexus causing, that views were unable to open is fixed.
Sorting performance bottleneck resolved.
Vulnerability (CVE-2022-22968) fixed.
Vulnerability (CVE-2020-36518) fixed.
CVE-2020-36518 is fixed.
CVE-2022-22968 is fixed.
Sorting performance bottleneck resolved.
Japanese characters in export PDF fixed.
Fixed multi selection on Grid views created from child entities.
Fixed export selection "plus" button in forms with unbound fields.
More Javascript custom scripting capabilities added.
Add structure to filter context menu has been removed from Table widget and Grid view.
Cookies meet all security requirements.
Better displaying of panel title.
All visible fields of a Form or Grid view can be selected for export by one click.
Columns are exported in the same ordering as they are displayed in the grid view.
In export format selection dropdown, all Excel options display always as the first options.
A new button has been implemented for selecting all visible fields of a Form or Grid view for export.
Default operator for fields set in schema are being respected.
Add structure to filter context menu has been removed from Table widget and Grid view.
Added more Javascript custom scripting capabilities.
Error page improvement.
Fixed multi selection on Grid views created from child entities.
Fixed export selection plus button in forms with unbound fields
It is possible to open synchronized view from the view header
Added more Javascript custom scripting capabilities.
Add structure to filter context menu has been removed from Table widget and Grid view.
Better displaying of panel title
Only maximum of 200 fields are displayed in all field selectors.
New button for selecting all visible fields
Better displaying of panel title
New button for selecting all visible fields
Chart wizard allows selection of fields by click selector.
An empty structure filter is now possible
Better positioning of spinners
Role resolution for Oauth Open Id Connect has been adjusted.
Global progress indicator fixed.
New global progress indicator has been implemented. Also new progress indicators on Dashboard are shown per each column, when the column is loading data.
Fixed multi-thread access to XML parser, which randomly caused problems when loading Saved lists and Saved queries.
Views can now be copied from dashboard or from opened view.
New IJC experimental Extension field for data retrieval is supported by Connect
R-Group coloring settings persistence fixed.
Fixed support of LONG and URL operators in facelifted Connect.
IJC now uses API keys as a mean for login to Connect to perform Schema refresh.
Scripting in Python now uses newly implemented API keys security.
Connect now respects the filtering datatrees and views by roles (https://docs.chemaxon.com/display/docs/instant-jchem_filtering-items.md).
API of Connect can now additionally be used by using API key instead of standard login.
New global progress indicator has been implemented. Also new progress indicators on Dashboard are shown per each column, when the column is loading data.
New global progress indicator has been implemented. Also new progress indicators on Dashboard are shown per each column, when the column is loading data. (PC-2126)
Fixed support of LONG and URL operators in facelifted Connect. (PC-2113)
Fixed multi-thread access to XML parser, which randomly caused problems when loading Saved lists and Saved queries. (PC-2122)
Connect now respects the filtering datatrees and views by roles (https://docs.chemaxon.com/display/docs/instant-jchem_filtering-items.md). (PC-1726)
API of Connect can now additionally be used by using API key instead of standard login. (PC-1773)
IJC now uses API keys as a mean for login to Connect to perform Schema refresh. (PC-2057)
Schema refresh deserialization issues fixed. (PC-2077)
R-Group coloring settings persistence fixed. (PC-2071)
Selection in R-group decomposition now works properly. (PC-2025)
Error caused by combination of filtering and unbound widget has been fixed. Handling of unbound widgets has been improved. (PC-2009)
Set attribute HttpOnly for Cookies to be more secure. (PC-1984)
Added new security warning, if the application is not running via HTTPS protocol, but just HTTP. The warning can be disabled by setting the new feature flag HTTP_WARNING_IS_DISABLED to true. (PC-1914)
Fixed issue with adding r-group decomposition without list/search open (PC-1903)
Creating radarcharts with some data missing is now possible. (PC-1845)
Radarchart doesn't cause application crash, when there are missing data. (PC-1837)
Color selection next to the cell value field is now visible when trying to modify already created r-group decomposition parameters. (PC-1791)
No changes.
Introduced feature flag OPEN_FILTER_BY_URL_IS_DISABLED, which when active, disables automatic opening of Filter sidebar while Url sharing. (PC-1854)
Font formatting for TableWidget and SheetWidget headers and value cells from IJC is being respected in Connect. (PC-1823)
Export templates functionality has been added. (PC-1635)
Sign out button is now customizable to redirect to custom URL instead of default action. (PC-1870)
Views link and Connect logo links are now customizable to set redirect to custom URLs. (PC-1869)
Filter history item name doesn't cross box edge. (PC-1860)
Radar chart does not cause application crash when there are missing data. (PC-1837)
All fields of a datatree are available for exporting and filtering in an opened view. (PC-1812)
An improved progress indicator has been introduced. (PC-1810)
When a user is logged into application, their favorite and recent views are migrated to a new storage. (PC-1807)
Lists/Filters can only be modified and deleted by their owner. (PC-1806)
The charting functionality has been extended. Now, it is possible to create a chart from two entities which are in 1:1 relationship. (PC-1805)
Additional filter parameters have been added to the URL for sharing. The currently loaded Saved list has been added to the URL for sharing. (PC-1802)
Schema refresh covers pick list functionality. Now, the newly created pick lists and the newly added pick list values are returned after schema refresh. (PC-1679)
Possibility to override the Plexus Connect logo and the Views links' target to a custom value has been added. The following additional nps.properties
option needs to be used: customConnectLinkUrl=http://your.url
has been introduced. When it is active, automatic opening of the Filter sidebar is disabled. (PC-1854)
Views link and Connect logo links are now customizable to set redirect to custom URLs. (PC-1869)
Logout (Signout button) is now customizable to redirect to custom URL instead of default action. (PC-1870)
Radar chart does not cause application crash when there are missing data. (PC-1837)
All fields of a datatree are available for exporting and filtering in an opened view. (PC-1812)
An improved progress indicator has been introduced. (PC-1810)
When a user is logged into application, their favorite and recent views are migrated to a new storage. (PC-1807)
Lists/Filters can only be modified and deleted by their owner. (PC-1806)
The charting functionality has been extended. Now, it is possible to create a chart from two entities which are in 1:1 relationship. (PC-1805)
Additional filter parameters have been added to the URL for sharing. The currently loaded Saved list has been added to the URL for sharing. (PC-1802)
Schema refresh covers pick list functionality. Now, the newly created pick lists and the newly added pick list values are returned after schema refresh. (PC-1679)
Frozen columns defined in IJC views (both in grid and table views) are persisted in the corresponding Plexus Connect views. (PC-1724)
Tomcat shut down is now cleaner. Logging in works properly after restarting Tomcat. (PC-1638)
A prototype for support of Windows SSO via Kerberos has been added. (PC-1609)
Groovy scripts for creating picklists and calculated fields are now supported by Plexus Connect. (Known limitation: This functionality works for shared views only. Otherwise, the calculated field appears as missing field/unbound widget.) (PC-1568)
The new Spotfire bridge, which is compatible with Spotfire version 10.X, has been released. It can be downloaded from the Additional Downloadables section of the IJC download page. (PC-1657)
The scripting functionality has been introduced. Python and JavaScript scripts can be used to achieve additional functionalities in Plexus Connect (e.g., can be used for displaying datasets from external sources, and for retrieving data from Plexus Connect and their further processing in external systems and applications). Examples and documentation are provided for both Python and JavaScript API. (PC-1637)
Similarity score values are displayed in structure cells when performing similarity search. (PC-1705)
The UI of the search panel has been improved by unifying margins. (PC-1703)
The R-group decomposition functionality can be enabled/disabled using PLEXUS_CHARTS
flag in the featureFlags.properties
file. (PC-1701)
The legend panel of the R-group decomposition chart has been improved. Now, it contains relevant items only. (PC-1699)
Inappropriate menu items in the dropdown menus of the R-group wizard were removed. (PC-1698)
Vertical grid lines are not displayed shifted anymore in table widgets. (PC-1677)
To make field selection simpler and easier when entering filter conditions, the Add new filter button was replaced by an edit box. (PC-1651)
The Select field icon has been implemented to simplify field selection and enable setting of filter conditions by one click. A field can be added to the filter by clicking the widget header in a form view (respectively, the column header in a grid view). Moreover, a field and its value can also be set as filtering condition by a single click – they can be added to the filter by clicking the corresponding cell (value) both in form and grid views. (PC-1642)
To ensure better compatibility with IJC, data loading has been improved. (PC-1400)
When performing multi-selection, all child items are displayed, similarly as in IJC. (PC-1128)
The R-group decomposition functionality has been added. (PC-1647)
Full field values can be displayed by double-clicking the field. A tooltip-like window opens where the complete field value displays and can be easily copied. (PC-1639)
The charts wizard filters fields based on chart type. Depending on the selected chart type, the corresponding fields are only available for selection (e.g. numerical fields are only available for setting up a radar chart). (PC-1636)
In the case of scatter plots, the datapoints are shown in Connect when the scatter plot is set up in IJC without tooltip option. (PC-1622)
Sorting is reflected in the URL and can be shared via URL. Sorting of column values does not disappear when the page is reloaded. (PC-1602)
Tooltips are added to headers of all widgets. Now, full headers are displayed as tooltips for all widget types. (PC-1621)
When the Initial data retrieval option is turn off, an empty chart widget appears – the ‘loading data’ animation has not been shown anymore. (PC-1623)
Tooltips in charts have been resized to fit longer texts. As a result of this improvement, full field names and values can be displayed on a card. (PC-1626)
To improve the R-group decomposition functionality and the chart’s readability, the area used for the chart can be enlarged. (PC-1631)
A button for cancelling running queries has been added. As a result of this improvement, a running query can be stopped anytime. (PC-1565)
No changes.
Connect can be deployed outside of ROOT context. As a result of this functionality, the application is accessible by http://[host]/[context]. In the past, it was possible to deploy Connect as a root web application only by renaming the war file as ROOT.war before its deploying with Tomcat. (PC-1499)
Parallelly with 20.19.0 version of IJC, the IS VOID operator has also been implemented in Plexus Connect for querying of child entities. By following IS NULL OR NOT EXISTS logic, it returns fields with NULL value and missing (not existing) rows in the child table. (PC-1576)
A new set of operators has been introduced for filtering decimal numbers. It includes the “=” (equal to),”>=” (greater than or equal to), “<=” (less than or equal to) operators. (PC-1467)
Support for pick list functionality has been added. When a pick list field (a field predefined in IJC as a discrete set of values) is queried, only the list items can be used as search values. (PC-786)
UI for setting color scale for Scatter plot has been added. (PC-1518)
Fixed chart resize after opening filter sidebar. (PC-1504)
A new set of operators has been introduced for filtering of decimal numbers. It includes the “=” (equal to),”>=” (greater than or equal to), “<=” (less than or equal to) operators. (PC-1467)
When querying picklists, only operators relevant to the queried field are offered. (PC-1489)
URL links in grid/form views are now being opened in new tabs. (PC-1512)
In case of long field names, the full field name is displayed as a tooltip. (PC-1493)
View mode and rendering style options for structures are now being saved per view and user. (PC-1494)
Conditional formatting now supports any color defined in IJC and any set of conditions. To define a color, a color picker has been implemented. The color value can be easily copy-pasted and reused. Furthermore, the text color can also be defined. (PC-1476)
Displaying full field names as tooltips has been implemented. (PC-1493)
Support for pick list functionality has been added. When a pick list field (a field predefined in IJC as discrete set of values) is queried, the list items are only offered for using them as search values. (PC-786)
Improved support for conditional formatting. Now, conditional formatting can be set for all widgets containing text or numerical values. (PC-1485)
No changes.
Structure rendering styles have been added. Molecule visualization parameters can be set as wireframe, ball-and-stick or space-filling view, 2D or 3D view. (PC-851)
Support for switching color schemes for structures has been added, such as an option for displaying structures monochromatically. (PC-1393)